View Full Version : Homecoming player needs tips!

06-11-2017, 08:43 AM
Heey, I am planning on playing AL again after several years, but I am kinda lost. I need a looooot of info and tips currentsystem in AL. What is the best level to farm? Where? How? Endgame worth it? What class is the best for PvE? What about the new gear? What is worth to buy? All kind of information would be appreciated :adoration::adoration:

06-11-2017, 02:51 PM
Welcome back to the game :)
1) Don't open eggs, u can slot any pet's(egg) ability in any pet u already own and then resell sell if u don't want it anymore.
2) Do daily xp quests from shyual norder kraken n dead city for xp to level up fast .

Level 61 is best to farm . Yes end game worth more then any other level.
Mausoleum is awesome if u r seeking gold farming.
Mages rules mausoleum farming, just buy Hex staff preferred with 80-140% gold loot awakening.

There are lots of amazing things like artifacts, and awakenings

New Expansion is coming in few weeks so it would be better to have at least one end game character.
Good luck !

U can pm me in game if need support .
Ign: Majinvinit