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View Full Version : Mob Leashes in current and future areas...

06-12-2017, 06:13 AM
As of now in time I've found that mob leashes in graveyard, and most other maps are simply too short for most parties and would like to suggest that they be lengthened more so that parties can get larger pulls in order to fully utilize all classes better in the current endgame maps. At the moment most pulls that you get without one half of the mobs simply resenting due to being pulled too far will hardly be enough to kill you as long as you're putting out adequate DPS, making tanks and mages a bit redundant currently. After running about 5k points worth of runs tonight with varying party combos, it was clear that 4 rogues was far better than any other combo simply because rogues can kill everything in the small groups of 2-10 mobs without worrying about pulling anything. But, assuming leashes were longer and pulls of 25+ mobs were possible, mages and tanks would be the way to go since rogues couldn't withstand that onslaught, plus it'd be more effectient and time effective as well.

While it may be too late for the current maps, looking forward and the upcoming expansion I'd like the STS team to take this into consideration when placing mobs and measuring leashes in general.

Thanks for reading :) Thoughts? Comments? Haiku?

06-12-2017, 11:04 AM
I find the leashes in Mausoleum to be just fine. Often enough a pug pulls too large a mob then dies leaving the pt vulnerable. Thumbs down for this idea.

06-12-2017, 11:26 AM
I find the leashes in Mausoleum to be just fine. Often enough a pug pulls too large a mob then dies leaving the pt vulnerable. Thumbs down for this idea.

Yea i HATE that to, those pugs do op pulls then they die instantly. Then they dont even ankh, very frustrating.

Eagle Eye229
06-12-2017, 12:29 PM
People dont know to meet half way :o just pull and pull with no understanding of the limits of their character :).

06-12-2017, 03:01 PM
Rogue is the most useless class in this expansion.

06-12-2017, 03:03 PM
Rogue is the most useless class in this expansion.

indeed mages are most op.

06-12-2017, 04:44 PM
get to m5-6 and you wont be complaining about low density of points ralpal, maybe they could add a hard version of graveyard with more points for people who want to run maps with a high density of mobs for future content and faster points in m5-6 but i see some exploits if this were to be implemented.

Once you get to m4 you will need at the very least one mage for fast runs. there is no meta class in this expansion, every class has its role, looking forward to running with you in m5-6 :P

I left out Maus (specifically 4-6) since they're 'elite' content and wouldn't be ran the same as GY/Maus 1-3 anyways. Also help me grind 35k points, thanks :3

06-13-2017, 01:55 AM
Rouges = glass cannons
Take drag dagg resulting in half dmg = replace cannon balls with Rubber balls
Full str build instead dex = Replace glass with fiber

Now I see child toys instead of glass cannons.

Now u r asking more mobs , lol not a good idea.. rouges already don't have any roughness left in them now it's better to make a tank rather then modifying rouges to no dmg str tanky..
It will lead to Rouge's extinction..
If anyone forgot what rouge means, take ur tanky rouge in PvP to compare n see what rouge really means.