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View Full Version : Signature wanted! Contest I guess?

10-16-2011, 07:55 PM
Hey guys, I made a sig for myself a while ago, but it took me a while to make since I'm a noob at photoshop/GIMP, and still it didn't look nearly as good as a lot of people's sigs do. So I was wondering if anyone could make me a sig? I really like the style of Apollo's and Woundedeagle's. They look fancy, and exciting, yet simple and neat at the same time. Go for whatever you think looks best and I'll like most:) I'll be sure to pay (will get more once demonic wand and bracer sell) So let your creativeness flow:p The amount of gold is undecided ATM, but I'll be sure to reward the "winner" for their hard work:)

Here's a little bit of stuff that may help you:

Preferred STS game: PL (I would like to have my sig based on PL, since I don't play SL much at all:))
Favorite class: Bear
IGN: Hotdream
Level: 61
Guild: Noobs for life
Screenshot of character: (Here (http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz133/therealdavid/afcce9da.jpg) & Here (http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz133/therealdavid/25c04b63.jpg))
Favorite color: dark/royal purple (but any color will do)

Tbh, I don't know exactly what I want, or even slightly what I want. I'm not sure if I want my character in the sig or not, since I see lots of people with signatures with and without their characters in it, and they both look awesome. I think I'd want my character in it, but idk:p I want a cool sig that isn't too crowded, but also looks fancy? Hard to explain. My apologies if I'm asking for too much, I just really want a nice looking sig (I'm jealous parth;)) Sorry if this is far from specific, if I think of something I'll add it, but I doubt I will tbh since I've been thinking for a while lol.



10-17-2011, 07:42 AM

I believe this meets all your requirements mon ami. ;)
Above and beyond!

10-17-2011, 07:58 AM

I believe this meets all your requirements mon ami. ;)
Above and beyond!


I would put that as my Sig just for the lolz. :D

10-17-2011, 08:21 AM

I believe this meets all your requirements mon ami. ;)
Above and beyond!

LMFAO. Chloe! You made me spill my Cinnamon Toast Crunch! :(

10-17-2011, 08:22 AM

I believe this meets all your requirements mon ami. ;)
Above and beyond!


The one that made my Sig is no longer playing or on forums.. :(

10-17-2011, 09:14 AM

The one that made my Sig is no longer playing or on forums.. :(

Was it FlowMan? I kinda miss him, lol. He could be really funny at times.

10-17-2011, 09:23 AM
Sure was! Hehe yea miss him to buddy.. very strong opinionated but in the long run a good guy.. and yup you said it one funny dude!

My Sig looks a little distorted after the Ribbon was added.. but is for the best of causes :)

10-17-2011, 05:07 PM
darn I need a sig 2