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View Full Version : Something new for artifacts

06-21-2017, 10:01 PM
Hello STS and forumers I here to suggest something different for artifacts thanks for reading

In movies and shows ect, artifacts and relic type things usually makes the host or finder obtain powers usually not so simple which had me thinking that our version doesn't have to be either. We could set the route for artifacts like the other equipment and just stick stats on it but I would like to go differently. Instead of stats i propose artifacts with simple procs that would kinda be the powers. They would be simple such as simple chance to AOE stuns or pulls enemies to u or a simple shield, possibilities are endless and u can obviously make them better or worse depending on rarity.

Potential problems aka complaints other will have is that well they do not want to lose their hard earned arcane artifact which I get but I say at the same time really it's all optional. At this point we went most AL (unless you're new) without artifacts and most of us are rocking common and rare rarity so before we get used to it like belts I think we should turn the idea of a AL equipment item in it's head. Good way to fix this potential complaint is well procced things are usually legendary plus so there u go 2+ jewel slots 2+ awake depending on rarity so adding stats doesn't have to be a requirement.
Another potential problem will be the breaking of balance of classes. But if the price are simple and no different than what u will do in the future for the weapons coming up in the event and or expansion please (:p) then balance should remain.

The potential good things that comes with the new artifacts out weigh the risks. For instance maybe each make can have it's own themed power set if artifact, most likely not released all at once, but offer competitive procs that add a Little more individualism not to mention strategy that Al could use more of. So more farming and of old maps to increase longevity of the attention of Alorians..check. a more unique experience for new players and old...check. pro strats... check. And uh am I the only one who gets really good stats from Awakening but can't sell because people only want stats AND gold loot?? Well stats will sell this...check...no? NO? Ok..

Well pointless humor aside I think my message is somewhere in there let me know what u guys think and if u thought of this I in no way claim to make this idea mine and first I'm just furthering the cause.l and start if this is in the works I'm not peeking in your files.. some would call this a disclaimer. Thanks for reading and if tldr sorry lol