View Full Version : Hmmm any suggestions !!

06-25-2017, 09:23 AM

I am wondering,i just return back to game after 1 year of not playing...

Started all over, so i see some new cool pets..
Even things like heroic...

Lets say my balance is 5m gold, and am a rogue...

Am willing to give whole profit for good one...

But am not in circle what is good atm...

My thinkings was on SnS or Arc Deary?!?!

Hope u can help me introduce new pets, and best options,, THANK YOU 😀😀

06-25-2017, 10:19 PM
Sns is way better than arc deary.
I say don't invest into heroics till you adjusted more to the game from your hiatus.
Some pets that definitely are still welly used are glowstick and nekro, good solid pets that most people in general use. For things such as pet slotting people often use arc pet samel as the base pet!

No pro myself but hopei helped! If i can answer any questions hmu ign:crossways