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View Full Version : Are the number of ppl playing PL dropping?

10-17-2011, 03:09 AM
I've noticed that it is harder and harder to sell or find enough players in instances to play together. Many on my friends list have not logged on for weeks now. Do you think the number of players are slowly dropping too?

10-17-2011, 05:28 AM
PL is dieing slowly, focus went to SL, nuri not fun, potions all over add that up and ppl dissapear like myself.

10-17-2011, 05:32 AM
Getting hard to get back in PL.
I guess I am being sucked up in SL like a black hole does.
I still need to reach 61 :(

Ill probably log on when halloween comes. Still need spending my dusting plat anyway.

10-17-2011, 05:52 AM
people always move on at some point. As far as i can see, STS doesnt have some extensive or ingenious advertising activity, so im guessing a lot of their registrations come from market/app store browsing (typically the word "MMO", "multiplayer", and "rpg" in there somewhere lol).
well, now PL has competitor games, unlike before. O&C as one, there is a minecraft for android phones, upcoming games like WoMidgard, etc...

and since i am probably wrong (mostly opinion/reasoning up there) i'll leave you with this: maybe people are moving on, but people are also joining up. you however usually only notice the ones you know and play with leaving. :)

10-17-2011, 06:32 AM
Sure people come and go, but I wonder if the new comers offset the number of people leaving PL?

Of the 5 of us that started playing PL at roughly the same time, I'm the only one left that still play on a consistent basis. I try to get them to play PL again by helping them leveling up and promising to give them my level 50/55/60 gear when they get there, but even this isn't enough to entice them back into playing PL again.

I asked them whey they aren't playing anymore, and the answer is that as they level up, they need to spend longer and longer grinding the same maps, and it's just too tedious/boring/monotonous for them to continue playing PL...

Anyway, I agree with the OP: it feels like the number of players is slowing dropping off.

10-17-2011, 06:36 AM
PL is so much fun. I love the game and will always play. SL is just a new refreshing thing that is just as much fun to play. Different environment and enemies, different skills, different way to play...

10-17-2011, 06:38 AM
If it makes ya feel any better I play & enjoy PL and ill always prefer it over SL. I can't get into SL. :/ I love PL, lol.

10-17-2011, 06:58 AM
I still love PL. And people will come back when Halloween comes!

10-17-2011, 07:54 AM
I will never give up PL :triumphant: The number of people certainly waxes and wanes but I doubt there will ever be 0 people :victorious:

10-17-2011, 10:20 AM
I can't even see many of the Guardians of Alterra. They got contributor shields and now they left. Some guardians are still 55 or 56. lol. It's time for STS to retrieve the shields and redistribute to the new active members.

10-17-2011, 10:39 AM
Yes they are and moving a big update back didnt help. The three people i play with the most quit after finding out mt fang is going to be pushed back till prolly next year

10-17-2011, 10:50 AM
I can't even see many of the Guardians of Alterra. They got contributor shields and now they left. Some guardians are still 55 or 56. lol. It's time for STS to retrieve the shields and redistribute to the new active members.

Not all GOA have their shields equiped in game, and it doesnt matter that level they are, Im sure you dont gotta be max level to be able to be a GOA, and just because they are not active in game doesnt mean they arnt on the forums. Thats no reason for them to lose their position.

As for number of ppl playing dropping i dont think this is ture. I'm very sure more new players come each day than player leave for good or for a long period of time. And even so when an event or new level comes out everyone rushes back.

PL is sure to get a lot more players once it hits PC to.

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Tapatalk

10-17-2011, 10:58 AM
I can't even see many of the Guardians of Alterra. They got contributor shields and now they left. Some guardians are still 55 or 56. lol. It's time for STS to retrieve the shields and redistribute to the new active members.

I'm not sure you understand what a GoA is.
Allow me to 'splain.
GoAs are HELPFUL members of the pl/sl community. GoAs answer peoples questions; being a goa has nothing to do with leveling; some GoAs have lives, also; meaning they can't devote their whole lives to helping people, and levelling their characters. GoAs did what they had to do, all the shield is for is to show sts's appreciation. Get it?

Oh, and there are MANY goas who still help. I'm friends with a few, and they're usually online. :)

10-17-2011, 11:05 AM
PL is dieing slowly, focus went to SL, nuri not fun, potions all over add that up and ppl dissapear like myself.

Yes they are and moving a big update back didnt help. The three people i play with the most quit after finding out mt fang is going to be pushed back till prolly next year
Agreed, That's why we call it Mt. Fang :), but ppl wanted to push it back. therefore ppl lost money from selling their most prized gears/demonic etc. aka quitting time.

10-17-2011, 11:31 AM
Most of my friends dropped SL and returned to PL. I think it's just different cliques.

Glad Mt Fang got pushed back, lots were threatening to quit with early release.