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10-18-2011, 12:46 AM
Lol so every game for the Halloween quest/boss is occupied by some twinks trying to scale drops... The first few times I left because they asked nice and bought pots but after every game being like that I said no more so now every time the ask me to leave I just say no or boot if u can't boot then you leave lol cuz I'm staying! So all in all I'm not gonna help you scale pricy pinks man... And I'm not leaving anymore so if you see this ign codybearr don't bother asking

10-18-2011, 12:49 AM
Aww man, even if i ask you sooper dooper nice? :D

10-18-2011, 01:05 AM
Not in this case :-P
I'm am just sick of it, they are all mad because they want that high price scaled pink but they can't boot so they call me an idiot and noob lol!!

10-18-2011, 01:09 AM
Lol im always nice when i ask people to leave, unless you are mean to me first, then the gloves are off and i ruin your mind (im that good of a spy :p)

Im actually not farming to sell them lol, im collecting all the level ranges of them :)

10-18-2011, 01:11 AM
There's two sides to the story though...
We are unable to host Halloween themed games, hence we cannot boot and cannot put on a password. This makes it all the more harder to organize a team to farm scaled items.
On the other hand, players that are wishing to just do the quests or farm what ever level they are at, twink or not, will find it frustrating when more often than not they are asked to leave, such as yourself.
I think you should base your decision on whether to leave the game on how nicely they ask you. Often players are very rude in telling players to leave, if they do this then stay. But if they ask nicely I would leave. =]
I myself have a quick-chat saved which politely says: "Farming low level scaled items, level 20 max. Please leave? Thanks"
Seems to work most of the time.

10-18-2011, 01:14 AM
Yeah I get you and so far the ones I just say no to and fully potted and just say "Cody leave" then I say no, make me, then they say "get a twink" or "please"
I understand they can't host these games but I'm not gonna bother leaving because so far EVERY GAME has one or more of these twink people asking to leave

10-18-2011, 01:18 AM
Yeah I get you and so far the ones I just say no to and fully potted and just say "Cody leave" then I say no, make me, then they say "get a twink" or "please"
I understand they can't host these games but I'm not gonna bother leaving because so far EVERY GAME has one or more of these twink people asking to leave

Then filter on games of your own level, that would avoid that IMO :)

10-18-2011, 01:29 AM
To get scaled pinks, run through the first floor of the dungeon with whoever shows up until the level is cleared.

When level is finished, DO NOT cllick on "go to next level". Just wait. Let the people that are too high in level move on to the next level.

Then invite people who are your level to join the finished level you are waiting in. Or you can just wait for people of the correct level to join randomly and tell them to wait with you.

Once a full party of the correct level joins you, everyone can move on to the boss level together.

10-18-2011, 02:15 AM
To get scaled pinks, run through the first floor of the dungeon with whoever shows up until the level is cleared.

When level is finished, DO NOT cllick on "go to next level". Just wait. Let the people that are too high in level move on to the next level.

Then invite people who are your level to join the finished level you are waiting in. Or you can just wait for people of the correct level to join randomly and tell them to wait with you.

Once a full party of the correct level joins you, everyone can move on to the boss level together.

Good idea. I was wondering why people were doing this!

Thanks for the tip =D

10-18-2011, 02:21 AM
Lol so every game for the Halloween quest/boss is occupied by some twinks trying to scale drops... The first few times I left because they asked nice and bought pots but after every game being like that I said no more so now every time the ask me to leave I just say no or boot if u can't boot then you leave lol cuz I'm staying! So all in all I'm not gonna help you scale pricy pinks man... And I'm not leaving anymore so if you see this ign codybearr don't bother asking

A little courtesy goes a long way. You can filter for higher games so that you aren't crashing low level games.

10-18-2011, 02:43 AM
Ah, yeah like Trollee said, there's no way of creating a private game, so we have no power to boot others or who joins our games.
But every time I've been in a twink farm group, I've asked nicely if a higher level joins, I state we were doing a farming run, and if they leave, awesome, if they don't, meh, go find another game.
But I remember this one guy, who always seemed to join every run I would be in (obvious coincidence but still). He was pretty high leveled.
When I informed him we were doing farming runs, he proceeded to black mail our group. He was all 'trade me, one low pink and I'll leave'
Another time when someone asked him to leave, he ran up to us, started attacking the mobs, then left. All aggro on us, and you know how that ends. :|
When there's 3-4 level 10-20's in a run, they're most likely doing a farming run. It makes it harder for the whole group if a high level joins since the mobs become harder to beat and obviously the drop level increase lol

But there's an easy solution to this. Low level farmers, when you search for a game, change the Max level and min level.
I usually have mine as min:5 Max:20. Then I usually get a good farming group.
Higher levels, change yours to make it so that the min is 20, then you won't be asked to leave if someones doing farming runs.
(this probably benefits the farmers more than you though, but maybe you want quicker games with higher levels :))

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

10-18-2011, 03:56 AM
Happened to me too. Some farmergurl cursed at me the second I popped in. There was no way in hell I was leaving after that.

10-18-2011, 07:32 AM
I really don't understand this mentality but it is your call and it seems more like retaliation than anything else. Are they farming for low level gear to sale, yes. Are you going to stop them, no. What you're really doing is basically playing solo and allowing them to leech off your work. If a team of level 10s are in a map then the threat level is yellow, meaning the mobs/bosses are pretty easy in comparison, now if a level 61 jumps into the fray then all bets are off. The mobs immediately make a huge Superman type leap; you know the tall building in a single bound type, and suddenly the win isn't even possible for the team that you interrupted. They ask you to leave simply because not only do you scale the level of the drop up to something that the toon cannot use but you make the game unplayable. I cannot tell you how to spend your time in this campaign but keep in mind if you jump into my game I'm going to pull up a lounge chair, tasty beverage and suck all the good xp and drops you're willing to single-handedly supply.

10-18-2011, 07:54 AM
Not in this case :-P
I'm am just sick of it, they are all mad because they want that high price scaled pink but they can't boot so they call me an idiot and noob lol!!

If it's obvious someone is scale farming (i.e. a game has all level 20s in it) and you join anyway or if they tell you they are scale farming and ask you to leave and you don't then they have every right to call you an idiot and a noob because that's what you are. Like Jay said, it's not that hard to filter search the maps by level. I hope the people who's games you ruin remember your ign and start booting you when their on their mains once halloween is over and you start doing regular runs again. What goes around comes around.

10-18-2011, 07:59 AM
Speakin on behalf of a farmers guild, we worked our butts off trying to make games and join games. And when we succeed, 90% of the time there is some high level who ruins the threat lvl and drops. Thats just like a huge middle finger to the whole party. :sad:

10-18-2011, 09:06 AM
in a run i was in last night, i FINALLY got a pink doll, but it was ruined when a higher level guy hopped in last minute, rendering it useless.
i was extremely agitated. sometimes in the spur of the moment, theres no time to form a polite and courteous sentence; the most viable solution would be a simple "leave."

you should understand this and not be a meany by pretty much saying screw you, to the farmers. if they are incredibly rude, then by all means ruin their drops :)
when i was going through it for the first time, i explained to that team that i just wanted to do this for the pumpkin helm, 3:4 were fine with it, with one saying that we have a week or so to farm, so one less run wouldnt kill them. the one person went on rage lol, and told me to gtfo and stfu. he immediately PM spam apologized to me when he realized i was a guardian haha.

10-18-2011, 09:19 AM
I don't get wat ur trying to prove... peeps spent lots of money on twink items and plat packs..just don't join a game that clearly says the highest lvl there is 20..and if you somehow accidentally do, and someone politely asks you to leave..just leave..if you stay it makes you look like either a jerk or a noob.

10-18-2011, 09:39 AM
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, but on a twink. The reason they act like that is because basically you're farming junk. Twink stuff in the future is way more.

10-18-2011, 09:49 AM
my problem is that the easiest way to join a game is to hit back and then click continue and then it sends you off to the first available game - and sometimes it's a low lvl farming game - but it's also annoying for high levels tbh.

10-18-2011, 11:30 AM
So after reading all these posts fir people that scale farm or have a twink let me once again laugh out loud then say this, it's a Halloween event, I can't make the game I can only join, so every YES EVERY GANE at that moment for an hour or so that wasn't full was a farming team of 2-3 I would join even the ones that said 61 and it would be the same thing so yeah I'm not going to leave a event to help you at all or else I wouldn't get to play it... So keep calling me names you little kids or mad mad semi adults because I'm betting you are one of the many that tried to tell me to leave or cussed at me and I got to report and stay :) oh and as for one of the rude fool's up above my comment that stated I am a noob or whatever for not leaving, how does that make me a noob? I've been playing longer then most of the 61's and the twink guys I just don't care that they are farming AN EVENT why should I see there and be like "ok they can play the Halloween stuff because they have twinks and they want to scale and I don't want to scale" so boot my main cuz chances are you won't ever see me in your game... This is all funny to me honestly because it's not like farming sewers where I would happily leave, this is a event that i want to play :)

To the twink fool's; haha :)

To the many that told me they agree with me in game and are sick of the twinks; I know just refuse to leave...what are they gonna do? Boot? Lmao

10-18-2011, 11:34 AM
@woundedeagle haha I actually tried that after on my lv 32 & 20 just to see what the same people would say... Then they said "game is full leave now!" witch is funny because it never is and they just don't want me (an outsider they dont know" to get the good scaled drop lol guess what, I didn't leave any time and I got a lv20 pink doll :) in their face

10-18-2011, 11:47 AM
So after reading all these posts fir people that scale farm or have a twink let me once again laugh out loud then say this, it's a Halloween event, I can't make the game I can only join, so every YES EVERY GANE at that moment for an hour or so that wasn't full was a farming team of 2-3 I would join even the ones that said 61 and it would be the same thing so yeah I'm not going to leave a event to help you at all or else I wouldn't get to play it... So keep calling me names you little kids or mad mad semi adults because I'm betting you are one of the many that tried to tell me to leave or cussed at me and I got to report and stay :) oh and as for one of the rude fool's up above my comment that stated I am a noob or whatever for not leaving, how does that make me a noob? I've been playing longer then most of the 61's and the twink guys I just don't care that they are farming AN EVENT why should I see there and be like "ok they can play the Halloween stuff because they have twinks and they want to scale and I don't want to scale" so boot my main cuz chances are you won't ever see me in your game... This is all funny to me honestly because it's not like farming sewers where I would happily leave, this is a event that i want to play :)

To the twink fool's; haha :)

To the many that told me they agree with me in game and are sick of the twinks; I know just refuse to leave...what are they gonna do? Boot? Lmao

a lot of us have politely explained to you why we're twink farming. the event isnt forever, so we're allowed to scale farm if we please.
Now youre purposely ruining people's way of playing, when you can just go to the join screen and edit the options so you'd find games with players the level that you wish to farm.
youre just trying to flame everyone, and thats extremely immature.

10-18-2011, 11:59 AM
Well let's say this....they are letting u go until the boss is almost dead? Cus that what happens to me

10-18-2011, 12:04 PM
Well let's say this....they are letting u go until the boss is almost dead? Cus that what happens to me

Hey Linkery, thanks for booting my level 30 twink from boss brawl with the reason "why!" the other night. That was classy.

10-18-2011, 12:38 PM

To the twink fool's; haha :)

To the many that told me they agree with me in game and are sick of the twinks; I know just refuse to leave...what are they gonna do? Boot? Lmao

Don't forget that probably 90%+ of these twinks have one or maybe several level 61's...
many are probably in your friends list and you don't even know it...

It is frustrating for both sides, how about a little common sense mixed with a bit of politeness?
Filter the games for your level as described...
If you join a game that already has 2-3 under 20's, be courteous and leave if asked politely!
*Especially* if they are already at/near boss.
If you are trying to get a twink game going, if one high level joins ask *politely* if they will leave, but if a couple join at the same time just give up and try again!
Don't ask anyone to leave a game you just joined.

And yes, I realize there is plenty of unacceptable rudeness coming from both the twinks and the 61's.
But just because you have encountered some rude twinks, does not excuse your childish and immature behaviour and attitude quoted above. That rudeness may have substantial repercussions in November...
Don't forget you may want to run with the 61 alts of those twinks, and you won't be boot-immune forever.

I am reminded of a saying..."I'm too lazy for revenge...I'm gonna let karma mess you up."
(ok, ok, the word wasn't really "mess," use your imagination)

10-18-2011, 12:59 PM
So I read over all the posts again and didn't find one person call you any names..I'm sry if i offended you in any way.. Was not my intention whatsoever..you made a thread basically saying haha I'm staying no matter what, you can't kick me haha..and some of us were simply giving you the twinks side of the story...btw I've never had any trouble joining a high lvl game..actually a lot easier in my experiences so far..take care, and GL

10-18-2011, 01:41 PM
So I read over all the posts again and didn't find one person call you any names..I'm sry if i offended you in any way.. Was not my intention whatsoever..you made a thread basically saying haha I'm staying no matter what, you can't kick me haha..and some of us were simply giving you the twinks side of the story...btw I've never had any trouble joining a high lvl game..actually a lot easier in my experiences so far..take care, and GL

Dont even apologize bro, he's just a typical troll at this point

10-18-2011, 01:46 PM
I've been called noob about 50 times in the last 30 mns. very annoying. Now "noob" is when the guy is polite. I also get the occasional insults, etc seriously. People should chill. I also have the right to play and farm with my level 60. I use the "continue" button because it's faster and it is sending me at random in games, fair enough. I am not going to waste my time so that some random guys can sell their stuff higher. Particularly when they are not "polite" (I have loads of screenshots of insults, etc but I think I will refrain from posting on this one).

10-18-2011, 02:03 PM
I know just refuse to leave...what are they gonna do? Boot? Lmao

By your rational it's ok to boot you out of any other instance because the game let's you do it. What are you going to do about it? See the problem with that kind of reasoning is that it goes both ways.

10-18-2011, 02:13 PM
I avoid joining games that are populated with lower level players. I am at level 61, so I run with other level 50+ players.

However, sometimes when I join an empty game, (that is one with no participants), I arrive at the same time as a lower level player. If I am the only high level player, then I post a quick chat message that says "Okay, I will leave", then I leave. Sometimes the lower level player leaves before I get a chance to leave myself.

So, if you are a lower level farmer and we show up simultaneously at a new game, wait a couple seconds for me to post my quick chat message. Then I will leave. Just be patient and nice.


10-18-2011, 02:16 PM
I've been called noob about 50 times in the last 30 mns. very annoying. Now "noob" is when the guy is polite. I also get the occasional insults, etc seriously. People should chill. I also have the right to play and farm with my level 60. I use the "continue" button because it's faster and it is sending me at random in games, fair enough. I am not going to waste my time so that some random guys can sell their stuff higher. Particularly when they are not "polite" (I have loads of screenshots of insults, etc but I think I will refrain from posting on this one).

You also have the right to filter your game searches by level. No need to post screen shots because most people here will side with those doing the insulting if you're joining lower level games with your level 60.

10-18-2011, 02:21 PM
Revenge of the Booted lol :D
This is pretty much it for me. When I entered the FIRST dungeon I ever did, they askes me to leave! I was like "uhh srry. Thanks for asking." *exit* Here is how I do it. If they say "please" then I thank them for being nice and leave. If they are snotty and start cursing and being innappropriate I will stay until I bear it no longer, report for immaturity (haven't thank goodness people are nice), and leave. I do acknowledge people that are "twink" farming whatever that means so don't think I'm against that. Just be nice.
P.s. Everybody that asks me to leave has the word "twink" in their name lol.

10-18-2011, 03:20 PM
You also have the right to filter your game searches by level. No need to post screen shots because most people here will side with those doing the insulting if you're joining lower level games with your level 60.

How do you filter by level when you exit and press "continue"? You can't. That's my point. And once you've done the boss and you want to rerun the game, that's the fastest way, so that's what I am doing. I am not using the "join game" option, wait for a game that is available at my level, refresh 20 times, etc. No thank you. I just want to play and farm. I am not here for the big buck, just for fun. I drop a pink, cool. Next.

As for all the freaks that insult, I am sorry, but nothing warrant insults for me and saying that you'd be on the side of those who insult, is just... errr... great - good for you.

Enjoy the game (and please stop the insults and the noobs, if you're not happy, complain to the devs).

note: I am not trying to be annoying here btw, I am just trying to play the game without being insulted! Seriously!

10-18-2011, 03:23 PM
How do you filter by level when you exit and press "continue"? You can't. That's my point. And once you've done the boss and you want to rerun the game, that's the fastest way, so that's what I am doing. I am not using the "join game" option, wait for a game that is available at my level, refresh 20 times, etc. No thank you. I just want to play and farm. I am not here for the big buck, just for fun. I drop a pink, cool. Next.

As for all the freaks that insult, I am sorry, but nothing warrant insults for me and saying that you'd be on the side of those who insult, is just... errr... great - good for you.

Enjoy the game (and please stop the insults and the noobs, if you're not happy, complain to the devs).

note: I am not trying to be annoying here btw, I am just trying to play my game without being insulted! Seriously!

So, you're going to ruin 4 other players games because you're too busy to use the join button?

10-18-2011, 03:23 PM
How do you filter by level when you exit and press "continue"? You can't. That's my point. And once you've done the boss and you want to rerun the game, that's the fastest way, so that's what I am doing. I am not using the "join game" option, wait for a game that is available at my level, refresh 20 times, etc. No thank you. I just want to play and farm. I am not here for the big buck, just for fun. I drop a pink, cool. Next.

As for all the freaks that insult, I am sorry, but nothing warrant insults for me and saying that you'd be on the side of those who insult, is just... errr... great - good for you.

Enjoy the game (and please stop the insults and the noobs, if you're not happy, complain to the devs).

note: I am not trying to be annoying here btw, I am just trying to play the game without being insulted! Seriously!

True. I don't care what happens insults are uncalled for.

10-18-2011, 03:32 PM
So, you're going to ruin 4 other players games because you're too busy to use the join button?

Sarcasm, I like it. Thank you but you're seriously missing the point robert and for your information, most of the time (and if I don't get insulted and I see a please on my screen) I try and rejoin another game.
My point was, as I guess it is necessary to explain in further details:

1) nothing warrants insults.
2) the way this has been developed makes it utterly annoying for both low levels AND high levels.
and finally
3) yes, I am not going to spend 10 minutes waiting for another level 60 game to become available every time I want to play. I would assume people can understand that right? You can right?

10-18-2011, 03:39 PM
I was told to get the f... out this morning and that I was a stupid a....h.... and I'm like what's this about?
I'm lvl 61 I was there first and they (Lvl 10-15)came in like a house on fire.

10-18-2011, 03:41 PM
I was told to get the f... out this morning and that I was a stupid a....h.... and I'm like what's this about?
I'm lvl 61 I was there first and they (Lvl 10-15)came in like a house on fire.

If you are first there stay, first come first serve. If you get there later it would be the polite thing to do to get out and find another instance... Pretty simple really.

10-18-2011, 03:41 PM
I was told to get the f... out this morning and that I was a stupid a....h.... and I'm like what's this about?
I'm lvl 61 I was there first and they (Lvl 10-15)came in like a house on fire.

Lol Modredd, join the club :-)))

10-18-2011, 03:46 PM
Sarcasm, I like it. Thank you but you're seriously missing the point robert and for your information, most of the time (and if I don't get insulted and I see a please on my screen) I try and rejoin another game.
My point was, as I guess it is necessary to explain in further details:

1) nothing warrants insults.
2) the way this has been developed makes it utterly annoying for both low levels AND high levels.
and finally
3) yes, I am not going to spend 10 minutes waiting for another level 60 game to become available every time I want to play. I would assume people can understand that right? You can right?

I agree with no. 2 whole heartedly. Haha. I apologize if I read you wrong but when you said "People should chill. I also have the right to play and farm with my level 60. I use the "continue" button because it's faster and it is sending me at random in games, fair enough. I am not going to waste my time so that some random guys can sell their stuff higher." I just took that to mean you were joing people's games and weren't leaving regardless. I'm just really frustrated with the devs over this and some other stuff and maybe I let my frustration slip over to my postings. I apologize.

10-18-2011, 03:47 PM
OK, this is getting ridiculous, primarily because BOTH sides are right! High level players are ruining the enjoyment of the Halloween content for Twinks AND Twinks are ruining the enjoyment of the Halloween content for high level players. It boggles the mind that STS did not see this coming, so if there is someone that all players should be calling 'NOOB', it is them. This is only day two of the Halloween content, and these lines are already heating up. I can't possibly see anyway it is going to get better unless they make it host-able and lock-able.

10-18-2011, 03:51 PM
No worries, i think everyone is annoyed on this one tbh :-)
See u in game!

10-18-2011, 03:52 PM
OK, this is getting ridiculous, primarily because BOTH sides are right! High level players are ruining the enjoyment of the Halloween content for Twinks AND Twinks are ruining the enjoyment of the Halloween content for high level players. It boggles the mind that STS did not see this coming, so if there is someone that all players should be calling 'NOOB', it is them. This is only day two of the Halloween content, and these lines are already heating up. I can't possibly see anyway it is going to get better unless they make it host-able and lock-able.

+1 completely agree

10-18-2011, 04:04 PM
Lol so every game for the Halloween quest/boss is occupied by some twinks trying to scale drops... The first few times I left because they asked nice and bought pots but after every game being like that I said no more so now every time the ask me to leave I just say no or boot if u can't boot then you leave lol cuz I'm staying! So all in all I'm not gonna help you scale pricy pinks man... And I'm not leaving anymore so if you see this ign codybearr don't bother asking
Hells yea!!!

10-18-2011, 04:06 PM
OK, this is getting ridiculous, primarily because BOTH sides are right! High level players are ruining the enjoyment of the Halloween content for Twinks AND Twinks are ruining the enjoyment of the Halloween content for high level players. It boggles the mind that STS did not see this coming, so if there is someone that all players should be calling 'NOOB', it is them. This is only day two of the Halloween content, and these lines are already heating up. I can't possibly see anyway it is going to get better unless they make it host-able and lock-able.

I like this comment :) very true... Oh and my lv 10, 25, & 32 still get insulted if I get a good drop or join them at the right lv they say "leave now" "we don't know you" or my fav "we don't want you here noob!" lol

10-18-2011, 04:10 PM
@RedRyder easier said then done regarding joining a game not occupied by twinks ... It's fine man if you look at my other comment about joining their game with my multiple lv twinks/low lv char they get just as mad and say so many rude things... Dude that was the worst is prob the richest guy in game lol

10-18-2011, 04:18 PM
OK, this is getting ridiculous, primarily because BOTH sides are right! High level players are ruining the enjoyment of the Halloween content for Twinks AND Twinks are ruining the enjoyment of the Halloween content for high level players. It boggles the mind that STS did not see this coming, so if there is someone that all players should be calling 'NOOB', it is them. This is only day two of the Halloween content, and these lines are already heating up. I can't possibly see anyway it is going to get better unless they make it host-able and lock-able.

Could not agree more..if devs make the map hostable we can lock the game and this thread! :)

Epic Unicorns!
10-18-2011, 04:41 PM
I'm gonna have a game where I sit in a game for high levels to join. I actually had a lv 61 someone come in a game, not move, and yell "get out noob! im gonna stay just so you cant get a low level pink!" and he followed me! Some people need to grow up. At least my quick text says, "I respectfully request that you find a new game, because we are farming." then "Thank you :D". Thank you for all the people that leave!

10-18-2011, 04:49 PM
On a side note, I've been scaled farming for most of the day.

A lot of times, high levels entered. When I explained them, in a decent way, what we were doing, they ALL left (except for one... Was that you Cody? JkJk :p).

Some of them even helped us clearing the mobs and then just left, to let us get our scaled drop from the boss. These were people I never met before too.

After reading this topic and its comments on the forum, I just wanted to throw it out there, things aren't always as bad as 'rumored' to be :)

10-18-2011, 05:00 PM
I suggest making a level 20 character...
Really makes you mad when high levels dont leave. Please be considerate :)

10-18-2011, 05:20 PM
Whats all the huff about....im a lvl 60 mage and got a lvl 25 pink pumpkin chunker drop. As i recall, we had a couple of 50 peeps, one 35 peep, and one 20ish mage in the group. Lucky i guess.

Soon to b 61 full int mage :)

10-18-2011, 05:37 PM
I actually did start checking out this year's halloween on my high levels. I joined high levels games in the manor though. If I saw all low levels, I didn't join or I left, so I think it's possible to play together.

10-18-2011, 05:53 PM
Heres what to do: dont join the boss lvl game, join a complete lvl before then u can easily 'make' your own game

10-18-2011, 06:04 PM
Lol so every game for the Halloween quest/boss is occupied by some twinks trying to scale drops... The first few times I left because they asked nice and bought pots but after every game being like that I said no more so now every time the ask me to leave I just say no or boot if u can't boot then you leave lol cuz I'm staying! So all in all I'm not gonna help you scale pricy pinks man... And I'm not leaving anymore so if you see this ign codybearr don't bother asking

Two sides to this,
One sts did a good job with maps but lack of being able to make games makes life tough for all, if there is a map full of low lvls and ur a high lvl. Its polite to just join a game that is listed under high lvl makers..

It is just as ignorant to have a high lvl order low lvls to leave a map cause " they are farming" just had this happen, had another upper come in and begin with rude remarks, really? If i have the boss almost deadnin my 26 all it is is spite as far as i can see, not only that but the maps respind in strength according to lvl, a room of low twinks and a 50-60 joins and everyone dies because the map become high lvl.. If i can join my 10-20-26-31-47- and 61 friends why cant others?
Just saying no matter my lvl respect if a low is ignorant then stay! Lol if an upper is ignkrant i stay...

Pretty simp,e

10-18-2011, 06:05 PM
Heres what to do: dont join the boss lvl game, join a complete lvl before then u can easily 'make' your own game

Yes!!! :)

10-18-2011, 06:29 PM
I took the time to talk to a couple of people tonight that were higher levels. They dont understand what twink farming is. They did not know the zone drops were setup by level of players.

There was a couple that didnt understand how to use the search function.(I cryed a little when a 57 said they had no idea).

Some high levels are rude and wont leave. Some people just dont know wth were doing at low level's.
Most of the people that I asked nice to leave. They went on there way. ((You will always have that one guy.))
If they were there before me. I leave if I dont like the level of drops.

10-18-2011, 07:09 PM
well techinally they were their first and if u wanted to join a game u should join a high lvl game since not intfering them :)

10-18-2011, 07:30 PM
In the present condition of the Halloween maps, it's very difficult to make a game just for twinks. I've been asked to leave and cursed at to leave all the same. I followed their wishes, but it was only temporary. After several failed attempts at the join button (due to so many players joining all the time), I used the alternative random option. I get put into random instances with random players of random levels. I leave to respect the wishes of the lower level players. After many, many, many, times of joining games to find a bunch of low-level players, I just decided to play the level. Curses, name-calling, and the like fly at the high-leveled players, such as my main. I know it's not fun to have a high-level character "mess up" the drop rates, but HALLOWEEN IS FOR ALL!! Don't treat characters outside the wanted range like they have some disease. Time spent on a video game is only so long, so there's no point in ruining the good time of an average player to make a quick online dollar.

I respect the players whom will allow everyone to join in the Halloween spirit without any interference of level difference.

10-18-2011, 07:53 PM
Yup Halloween is for all to be a part in! I honestly thought there were going to be just a bit more in this event. Just 3 maps that lock to free access after quests are complete. Wasn't last year's event bigger than this? Too much anger and people twinking for me to enjoy a simple run. Mixed info. Different emotions. Random
-Santa Abe-

10-18-2011, 08:50 PM
Let me see.....PL is setup with the 1st char free. It's not in the Terms and Conditions that a second character (or twinks) is mandatory in order to enjoy the game. My main character paid 1k IG$ to have some fun in this holiday event, but I was told to leave....I told the twink to refund me the 1k, and it (since it's either a bear, bird or cat, lol!) wanted to give me a green lvl 20. What a dismay.

Let's get back to basic....only twinks (players with plats) get to celebrate Halloween or everyone get to celebrate Halloween?

I have but no choice to run this event with my low level and I never ask anyone to leave.

10-18-2011, 09:55 PM
Insults may be uncalled fir... Yet when i am in my 61 join a game with lows i leave... When im in my low and enter a high i leave.... When lows are at boss an upper joins and stays he/she kills EVERYONE the map is then a lvl 61 map... This makes many very upset especialy when boss is blacklined! Seriousley considerate!! I have taken 53 lvl 61 from my main for being very rude, and stating right off they wont leave... For killing a team.. For being self seeking.. For being ignorant calling lows noobs yay i have been around a long time two lvl 61 amont several other lvls... Whoot im a noob! But really true colors shine... I play pl by a standard.. I treat people well...i give away millions in gold, gear, pots.. Help people lvl.. Help peeps get the gear they work so hard to get and fail.. Take lowerers and show them the ropes.. Teach strat... Thus is what many elite players do... To find peeps you have been so kind to be so ignorant to a lower theur benifactors in hiding! Oh heck no! Ignore is a super feature!

I have deleted lowers from my friends list who play the same way...

Yes sts made an error no one shoukd be able to join a lvl 5up or lower in any map.. So now its up to players to grow up and respect on all sides....

10-18-2011, 09:58 PM
This entire thread makes my brain hurt.

If I could thumbs down this entire thread, I would.

10-18-2011, 10:10 PM
Thumbs down to the thread and thumbs down to the behavior of many in game.

I have never insulted anyone in this game and have received very, very little. Until now!

I enjoy the game too much to get involved in the drama. Nuri's awaits, goodbye pumpkin king!

10-19-2011, 04:58 AM
on the other hand this way low lv items become extremely rare lol

10-19-2011, 05:48 AM
I myself have a quick-chat saved which politely says: "Farming low level scaled items, level 20 max. Please leave? Thanks"
Seems to work most of the time.

That's a great message, beats a bear I noticed saying "56 out" followed by cussing if they didn't leave.

10-19-2011, 07:11 AM
Ok, yes I too wish that this thread could die. I was asked to leave ( and did leave) 3 times because of twinks farming. And this was just while trying to finish the quest on the first day. I finally finished the quest with a mixed group. The rudest request was just "level 60 leave". Thank heavens no one cussed at me. You know my character does have a name. I haven't been back. I'd like the chance to get something my Mage can actually use but I'm just too old to put up with the silliness.

Until STS makes the games lockable every one needs to remember that we all have the right to enjoy the Halloween event. And being rude to someone who is just trying to get something useful to them isn't helping.

Play nice children. The new playground won't be here long. Lol

10-24-2011, 09:55 PM
To get scaled pinks, run through the first floor of the dungeon with whoever shows up until the level is cleared.

When level is finished, DO NOT cllick on "go to next level". Just wait. Let the people that are too high in level move on to the next level.

Then invite people who are your level to join the finished level you are waiting in. Or you can just wait for people of the correct level to join randomly and tell them to wait with you.

Once a full party of the correct level joins you, everyone can move on to the boss level together.

Many players on this thread and on other threads have said that high-level players do not have to leave low-level alt groups in the Halloween map. I agree with them.

High-levels do not HAVE to leave. We can if we want. But, we don't have to. Either way is perfectly OK.

STS has choosen to make these games no host/no lock. Apparently, they did this last year also. Why, are games no-host/no-lock? As far as I know, no player knows for sure. We can guess. I have two guesses.

1. STS would like us to be nice and have fun. (Where on earth have I seen that?)

2. If hosting/locking is enabled it might make it easier for aggressive farmers to manipulate the market.

But, right now, STS wants random games. That's a fact. Samhayne has said that it is a complicated problem with no easy solution. So for now, at least, games are random.

There is a smaller grouping of people who want to narrow the difinition of Halloween grouping and basically do the opposite of what STS wants. They want to be able to farm in 20 and under groups to contrrol drop level.

Does STS care if people do this? NO, of course not. In fact, the quote that I put at the beginning of this post shows EXACTLY the way that low-level alts should set up their farming groups. If you go up in this thread where this quote first appears, you will see that Samhayne thanked it. Out of the thousands and thousands of posts on this forum he has thanked 17 of them. And this quote is one of them.

At least for now, we have random grouping. Because that is the way STS has set it up.

So................. if someone wants to play in such a way that narrows what makes up a group, THE BURDEN IS ON THEM. The burden is on the players who want to narrow the scope of Halloween grouping. Other players don't have to ruin their game play so that a few can try to make a killing in the market.

(Not that there is anything wrong with that. People who work hard should benefit from that hard work. But, when you cross the line between acceptable and non-acctable in-game behavior it starts being greed vs. just smart business.)

I am so surprised. I had no idea that these random grouops would be so FUN. Every, and I mean, every group is different. Such a great and refresshing change and sometimes quite a challenge. I had no idea I was gonna be even interested in Halloween on PL. But, I am having some of the funnest times of all on games. But, this bizarre in-game drama kinds of ruins it a bit. Which is too bad. Fortunatelly, it doesn't come up all that often. But when it does, it is usually pretty bad.

Quite frankly, we are wasting time with all this drama. Instead of being pro-active and doing what we should be doing to set up groups (as stated in the above quote), there is this strategy where some are saying, "well instead of taking responsibility for our own game, we gonna spend all this time bullying others into complying with our wishes. And, OH BOY, if they don't do as we demand, we gonna make threats, be vulgar, be insulting, and so on and so forth".

If we were proactive and took responsibility we would get way more drops because there would be less fighting with players and more fighting with mobs.

In addition to setting up groups as described in the above quote, low-level alts should add to their friends list. I see the same low levels rotate through groups for hours. As we see other low-levels active at the same time we are, add to friends list.

These two methods combined would make a fantastic way for low-level alts to group. If we were proactive and took responsibility we would be able to do 45 - 60 runs an hour. Low-level boss runs usually take about 30 seconds.

Doesn't that seem better than cussing, bullying, drama, threats, and griefing?