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View Full Version : Ive discovered the reasoning behind 300g for manor!

10-18-2011, 01:28 AM
To put it simply, its a form of gold sink. I think the devs are using this to try and deflate the value of gold, personally after i thought about it for a while i found that i completely agree with this. Yes it is kind of dumb to have to pay gold to enter a dungeon but considering its such an insignificant amount it isnt too much of a problem, especially when if u just have one of your guildies make a manor map then join you can get in for free.

So no more complaining about having to pay!

10-18-2011, 02:57 AM
Your a genius!!!!

10-18-2011, 03:53 AM
it was last year also so.. they copied those event 1:1
those 300g wont hurt anyone...

10-18-2011, 03:57 AM
it was last year also so.. they copied those event 1:1
those 300g wont hurt anyone...

Except the person with 299g