View Full Version : Suggestion for Arcane Armor (61)

07-11-2017, 04:05 PM
Hey STS, i want to suggest to don't let Arcane Armor die in 66, you introduced it last season, arcane ring was still useful in 61, don't let Arcane Armor die in 66. much of us supported you devs buying plat and opening chests, we deserve more value, older itens its OK, but not Arcane Armor.

Option one - You could create a recipe to upgrade Arcane Armor to be useful in 66, but this way you need to decide if Nightmare set will continue work in PVP. to this option works Nightmare set should not work in PVPs Zones.

Option two - You could remove the ORB health regem limitation to don't heal in 61+ levels, you decide to let a lv 7 use orb and be immortal on Twink... why it should not work in 66? this way we would still be able to use it. And the regem will be more useful cuz of higher health.

If anyone have ideas please comment bellow. Thx