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View Full Version : halloween help!

10-18-2011, 08:55 AM
im new to this event so i kinda need help all info would be great!

how do u get pumpkin vanity?
do u have to pay for halloween dugeon? thanks :)

10-18-2011, 09:53 AM
1. speak to Halloween Hal in forest haven; accept his quest
2. go to balefort castle towne, take the first right after entering the castle, and follow the signs to the pumpkin patch
3. accept the npc in front of the tent
4. enter the pumpkin patch
5. at the end theres a fallen farmer that gives you the quest reward, and another quest will be given for the helmet
6. the quest directs you to the pumpkin boss after clearing the previous level
7. turn it in for the reward!

10-18-2011, 02:01 PM
I don't know whether you have to buy the pumpkin area separately. I thought that last year you did, but maybe it was just for the costume rental. Anyways, you need the costume rental (I hear it's 5 plat? Use the Free Platinum options if you have to) and access to the Halloween area. The actual Pumpkin Head quest is given by Farmer MacDuffy (it's his 2nd quest) and you have to defeat Smash-O-Lantern to complete the quest. Then the Farmer will give you the new pumpkin head.

10-18-2011, 02:11 PM
Get on and I can walk you through the quests. Add kingofthefunk. You don't have to buy a dungeon, however, you do have to buy a costume (Price ranging from 5-15 platinum) to get past the second quest.