View Full Version : I'm new here. some questions about mages

10-18-2011, 09:36 AM
Hi all, i've just started playing pocket legends a week ago and made a mage as my main character. I'm now level 23 and i was wondering what's the best build for a mage. I saw some mages with bows and i want to know why those mages uses bow instead of a staff or a wand, is a bow much ok to use than a staff or a wand?

thanks for the replies. :)

:angel: :angel: :angel:

10-18-2011, 12:18 PM
If it's your first character I wouldn't go with a bow mage. I'd put all ur attribute points into int. The main advantage of a staff is it usually does more damage then a wand. A wand does less damage but allows you to equip a bracer/eye which increases your armor and survivability. I usually recommend going with a staff but since you're new you may want to go with a wand/bracer and switch over to a staff once you learn how to play/survive.

Add my mage, Imfrank, in game and I'll give you some gear you can use. Just let me know your name because I don't usually accept friend requests from strangers. Lol.

10-18-2011, 01:14 PM
Feel free to add me as well ign is walkhardd..I would be happy your questions! Also check the section player guides.. lots of good stuff there.

10-22-2011, 09:09 PM
Pure int mage ftw!!

11-03-2011, 02:43 AM
No dex mages for lvl 50 and below, Korea. Why? Cuz the bows there are pretty useless and instead of focusing on dps, focus on skill builds and overall stats. (Other than dps, of course :) ) Mana regen should be ur top priority here.

11-03-2011, 10:39 PM
Bows are for dex mages mainly for pvp..or to kill mobs faster for a good xp run ..staff higher damage..wand is for higher def since u will be carrying a shield^^

12-05-2011, 02:04 AM
The only lvl i can think of atm that is great for dexmages is lvl 55...100crit when buffed in custom gear...

Anyways id go pally or pure int for starters. Robert pretty much covered it. ;)

U can add me and i can especially help u in pvp if u decided to try it out sometime. Good luck.