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View Full Version : 3g users being forgotten?

10-18-2011, 10:09 AM
This is more of a rant than a technical issue or bug.

I use an Iphone 3g. And SL is virtually unplayable on this device. This combined with the tab to second skill list equals some major issues.

If I could record video of my in game experience I am sure it would make most gamers cry.

I hope you guys will release this to play on Chrome soon. Because that will be the only way I will be able to enjoy this game again. I am kicked and asked to leave from most groups I join due to my lag. It literally takes me twice as long to move across a map than anyone else. I am almost embarrassed to join groups with my guild mates.

Does STS still play test on 3g devices? If so, can you post your settings so I can try to make it more playable.

I've done everything I can to make it run better. From resetting my phone to factory settings and re-installing all apps and changing settings. I've removed all push notifications. I have removed all the settings for home button. I have removed all gps trackers on all apps. I have 4 gigs of space left on my phone.

I have played the game on a 4g phone and it's a night and day difference between the two devices. No lag on 4g, smooth frame rate, better resolution(obviously).

I know I have written about this issue before. But this is more of a release Google Chrome app than a fix my Iphone rant.

10-18-2011, 10:13 AM
Yup I have 3g and reduced data speed cux I play pl and sl to much, but reduced or not I am fine. I rarely have lag issues.

10-18-2011, 10:26 AM
Yup I have 3g and reduced data speed cux I play pl and sl to much, but reduced or not I am fine. I rarely have lag issues.

Can you explain what settings you have? It may be due to the fact that I am on the eastern seaboard. But like I said above I played on a 4g and there was no lag. The game looked 100x better.

Could it be a wireless carrier issue? I'm thinking not. Since I use wifi. Could it be my device itself? Maybe. I have had a few issue with my phone. It can't be my wireless, I play on Xbox live with no issues and my PC runs wifi also and never had any problems.

10-18-2011, 10:32 AM
I play on 2g! My phone is only 2g and 4G capable. It stutters sometimes on 2g and can be lagy, but this is only at some points. Generally when I go out to do serious playing I don't get major lag, or when I do it passes soon. My ping is almost always yellow, which is so so. Game is generally playable on 2g, so I dunno why you are having trouble with a faster connection.

So if 3g players are being forgotten, then what about 2g? 2g is also known as Edge.

10-18-2011, 10:40 AM
Sounds like you are having some slow-downs with your phone, It is most likely caused by having a lot of "Garbage" on your phone.
Especially if you have had the phone for a while.. 3g has been out for 300 years now or something? That's a lot of accumulated debris!

I would recommend downloading a "cleaner" from the app market.. There are a tonne of them for android, what they do is close down all the apps you don't need running/using up your internet so SL can use all of the power your ancient phone possess to run an optimal efficiency.

I can't search the app market from here but if you just type "cleaner" you should get hits like 1-click cleaner, optimize tool box, etc.

10-18-2011, 11:18 AM
So if 3g players are being forgotten, then what about 2g? 2g is also known as Edge.


I can't search the app market from here but if you just type "cleaner" you should get hits like 1-click cleaner, optimize tool box, etc.

I'll check the apple app store. Thanks for the info.

10-18-2011, 11:28 AM
There really isn't any way to clean up an iDevice. Apple stuff doesn't really make a mess in the first place i.e. fragment your HD, suffer ferocious memory leaks etc. so there aren't any apps for that. Even if you've jailbroken your iPhone there's nothing on Cydia either. Respringing/rebooting helps to clear RAM though so try that. The 3G was the last of the 128 RAM models so you'll be more prone to low RAM issues. To give you some perspective: 3Gs has 256 and runs MUCH smoother with apps crashing back to the home screen far less often. Not to sound jerky or anything, but why still use a 3G? Surely you're due for an upgrade as AT&T does 2 year contracts and upgrade incentives. All the major carriers have a new every two deal where you can get a discount on new phones. Just something you might wanna look into.

10-18-2011, 12:54 PM
There really isn't any way to clean up an iDevice. Apple stuff doesn't really make a mess in the first place i.e. fragment your HD, suffer ferocious memory leaks etc. so there aren't any apps for that. Even if you've jailbroken your iPhone there's nothing on Cydia either. Respringing/rebooting helps to clear RAM though so try that. The 3G was the last of the 128 RAM models so you'll be more prone to low RAM issues. To give you some perspective: 3Gs has 256 and runs MUCH smoother with apps crashing back to the home screen far less often. Not to sound jerky or anything, but why still use a 3G? Surely you're due for an upgrade as AT&T does 2 year contracts and upgrade incentives. All the major carriers have a new every two deal where you can get a discount on new phones. Just something you might wanna look into.

I bought my Iphone online for 100$ two years ago. Not long after that Apple introduced the Iphone 3gs. At that point I was not into mobile gaming. Then Pocket Legends came out. Got into that pretty good. Now Start Legends.

My upgrade is due at the end of November. At which point I will upgrade to the 4s more than likely. I'm just hoping that they release the Google Chrome version for me to use until then. I'm trying to figure out why my phone is using 87% of its ram when the only app I have open is the one to show me how much memory I am using.

I wish there was a better way to remove processes on I devices. I know there are a bunch that are pretty much useless to me. And I'm not one for jailbroken devices. I like to keep my warranties valid.

P.S I live in Canada. We don't have AT&T here. We have Rogers, Bell, Telus and I think another company in Quebec.

10-18-2011, 03:29 PM
Face, do you have notifications turned off on your phone? I was getting some serious lag on my iPad until I shut notifications down. The only pain will be if you like having Twitter/FB/whatever pushed to your phone, you'll have to turn notifications back on when you're done playing, but if it helps until Chrome or a new phone....

10-18-2011, 03:40 PM
Yeah I have Push notifications off. I tried playing PL today. It's been about 4 months. I'm lost now. Although the new features and UI looks nice. I think I am done with that. Which is a shame since I was playing it from its beginning.

10-18-2011, 04:23 PM
The iPhone 3G is not packing a lot of horsepower (not to be confused with transmitting on a 3G network connection). There is a pretty big difference between the 3G and the 3GS, not to mention a 4 or 4GS iPhone.

3G http://www.gsmarena.com/apple_iphone_3g-2424.php CPU ARM 11 412 MHz, PowerVR MBX-Lite graphics
3GS http://www.gsmarena.com/apple_iphone_3gs-2826.php CPU 600 MHz ARM Cortex A8 processor, PowerVR SGX535 GPU

Just between those two revisions of hardware there is a pretty big difference in capabilities. We do what we can to keep our games running as best as we can on lower end devices, but there is only so much we can do. At the end of the day, if you want to play a game made in 2011 on a phone made in 2008 that's just how it is. New phones keep getting more and more powerful.

Have you tried pixel double? It doesn't look that great, but makes a big difference in framerate.

10-18-2011, 04:27 PM
3G is so easy to jailbreak and u can always go back to stock since apple dosnt care about 3G anymore. Then you can use backgrounder and sbsettings to kill any apps all the way.
Btw I use a pwned 3G and plays fine a lil laggu at times but still a great phone imo

10-18-2011, 07:09 PM
I think I will just tough it out for now. In a bit more than a month I should have the newer Iphone. I appreciate all the info you guys have given me. Good to know there are some people who post with out the need for sarcasm. Which would have been easily dispersed considering my out dated technology.

Thanks everyone, likes all around.