View Full Version : Request for an Android tablet optimized verison of PL

10-18-2011, 11:28 AM
I personally do not own one, but there appears to be a growing population of Android tablet users playing PL (this should probably be true for SL as well).

Anyways, the iPad (and iPad 2) have a version of PL optimized for larger screens. I would like to know if it would be possible for STS to put together a tablet-optimized (for Ice Cream and future releases) version of PL on Android?

10-18-2011, 01:04 PM
It is possible. We have certainly talked about it. We have a number of Android powered tablets here in house that we test on.

Are there particular issues or problems that you have playing on an Android Tablet with the current configuration?

10-18-2011, 01:28 PM
It is possible. We have certainly talked about it. We have a number of Android powered tablets here in house that we test on.

Are there particular issues or problems that you have playing on an Android Tablet with the current configuration?
It looks really great on my Android HTC Flyer, just a bigger version of my DroidX! This Flyer has 2.3.3 android with 2.1 Sense, Wifi only, 1 gig memory, 1.5 GHz proc, with a 7" display. Only regret...they dropped the $580 price tag in July (tab and pen seperate) to $299 for tab and pen now.

10-21-2011, 01:35 PM
It is possible. We have certainly talked about it. We have a number of Android powered tablets here in house that we test on.

Are there particular issues or problems that you have playing on an Android Tablet with the current configuration?

At the present, I have tested several of the 10" tablets - I have played with the Transformer the most. I am not sure how to describe it, but the overall experience is not as good as say, the iPad. I think that a tablet optimized version will be able to close the gap.

Also, what is happening once higher resolution Android phones start coming? The new Nexus has a 1280x720 resolution - almost tablet level. I imagine that there will be a flood of high resolution Android phones throughout 2012 and I wouldn't be surprised to learn if higher resolution tablets start coming out.

10-21-2011, 01:36 PM
It looks really great on my Android HTC Flyer, just a bigger version of my DroidX! This Flyer has 2.3.3 android with 2.1 Sense, Wifi only, 1 gig memory, 1.5 GHz proc, with a 7" display. Only regret...they dropped the $580 price tag in July (tab and pen seperate) to $299 for tab and pen now.

The Flyer probably won't be getting official Ice Cream (although it may through Cyanogenmod) and the hardware is outdated. Electronics depreciate fast these days.

10-21-2011, 01:51 PM
It is possible. We have certainly talked about it. We have a number of Android powered tablets here in house that we test on.

Are there particular issues or problems that you have playing on an Android Tablet with the current configuration?

I think that a first step towards optimization would be relatively simple. Make the buttons half the size and allow the users to zoom out twice as much. :D

10-21-2011, 07:30 PM
I bought a samsung galaxy 7" tablet just for this game. It looks perfect on it. Maybe the graphics could be a little crisper but please o please do not change the button layout.

@stomp - making a table be able to zoom out more would give a huge advantage in ctf/pvp matches and I would not like to see that even if I'm a tablet user.

10-21-2011, 07:40 PM
I bought a samsung galaxy 7" tablet just for this game. It looks perfect on it. Maybe the graphics could be a little crisper but please o please do not change the button layout.

@stomp - making a table be able to zoom out more would give a huge advantage in ctf/pvp matches and I would not like to see that even if I'm a tablet user.

I'm debating whether to get a tablet or a phone (yes PL is significant enough to influence this) for my next purchase.

Nexus Prime versus maybe that Samsung Galaxy 7.7.

10-21-2011, 07:57 PM
I'm debating whether to get a tablet or a phone (yes PL is significant enough to influence this) for my next purchase.

Nexus Prime versus maybe that Samsung Galaxy 7.7.

Get your hands on a 7" galaxy tablet and you won't think of anything else. It's like having a controller in your hands. I find the 10" tablets cumbersome for game-play

10-21-2011, 08:03 PM
Perhaps ... need to test out a 7.0 tablet in greater depth. I'd say that the optimal screen size is much bigger than 4.0" which I currently use.

Probably between 6-9" is optimal. The reason why I want the 7.7 tab is the Super Amoled Plus display.

This just came out:
http://www.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-tab-70-plus-available-nov-13-499-preorders-start-oct-23?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+androidcentral+%28Android+Cen tral%29

10-21-2011, 09:43 PM
Looks ok on my samsung 10.1 galaxy.. But my evo3D is sharper... Would welcome a tablet android version

10-22-2011, 09:43 AM
Looks ok on my samsung 10.1 galaxy.. But my evo3D is sharper... Would welcome a tablet android version

Pixel density is higher on phones. It should look better on a 7" tablet, so maybe for future purposes, a 7" would be best.

Actually that raises an issue - is a 10" optimized interface necessarily the best? Android tablets will likely come in all sizes from 7" to perhaps 13".