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View Full Version : A few things about the expansion

07-13-2017, 12:49 PM
Arcane weapons
- Could the effects show through equipped vanity weapons (purple light and smoke or just the smoke alone) the way the level 60 mythic balanced weapons did?

*Frightful shiv of celerity
- Instead proc the shield on auto attack without the need to hit a target?
- Instead proc the shield when taking damage? (the weapon does seem like a defensive type)

*Terror blade of coruscation
- The legendary sword ‘planar club’ has a greater pulling power and range than this weapon

Nightmare set
- Could the yellow fx be changed to purple or blue so it matches the armour and expansion theme? (i think blue would be awesome) :)
- Could the fx show in all maps but only have the effect activated in the designated maps?

Crate keys
- Thanks a lot for the update :)

Feel free to add anything else in your comments below guys and ill update this.
