View Full Version : PvE Warrior Level 66 skills and gear

07-14-2017, 09:17 PM
https://youtu.be/UV-d7zGfb6s My opinion on what the best skills/gear for a level 66 PvE warrior :)

07-17-2017, 08:14 PM
Glad u said ur "opinion", cause this is no where near best build. No offense but u dont need those dmg and crit passives...


07-21-2017, 10:33 AM
Thx for taking the time to make video.

07-26-2017, 08:49 AM
Glad u said ur "opinion", cause this is no where near best build. No offense but u dont need those dmg and crit passives...


Joebembo is right mate. Sorry but this build up is a little ....useless

08-05-2017, 10:48 AM
is skyward smash useful? It cant taunt the enemies. why not windmill

12-05-2017, 05:19 AM
What would be a better build?

12-06-2017, 12:07 PM
rather than saying a build is useless and then nothing ... how about sharing your opinion on a build rather than just bashing someone. Otherwise comments like "useless" or "no where near best build" are just a waste of negative uncontructive energy?!?!?!

I find builds are actually quite specific to which maps you are running, so its difficult to say which is the best build.
Im always up for a kind, constructive, discussion about it tho as i find it interesting how other spec themselves up.

I posted something about it somewhere .... ill see if i can find my build set up and edit this post ...

12-06-2017, 12:38 PM
Warriors damage sucks, (im warrior class) so solo warrior can be soooo slow in higher levels .... and i focus on protecting the team and creating/controlling pulls rather than damage ... my focus is to look after the team ..... i never use the heal horn of renew for my own health, im using it to protect the team, who's little health bars i am watching equally as my own.
If you got a team leader running ahead creating the pulls, then you shadow that player as close as you can and when they stop to set traps, charge proc, or whatever they plan to do, its at that precise moment you bubble em up and taunt mobs so they can do what the hell ever they are planning to do while protected.
If you are creating the pulls then use pots while gathering mobs, then bubble the team once they arrive at the scene of the battle trying to bubble as many of them as you can.

I use pots to heal myself, and pots for mana .... because i use pots for mana i put zero skill points in knowledge, and non of my gear has intelligence boosts ... every item of armour belts etc etc is strength and dexterity biased (unless you got the Nightmare set or Voice set armours). IMHO warriors have no need for intelligence points at all, all intelligence gives is a mana boost ... and i can pot that .... so why waste skill points and armour boosts on it?

Skills .. Taunt is important in order to keep the mobs attention off mages and rogues so they can do the damage while you take the mobs hits. Your armour and health is the highest, so you can take the heat.
So skills choice should be based on strength, health and taunt. So i use horn of renew with a taunt .. and Juggernaut for taunt and health armour boost. Remember you dont have to upgrade ALL 5 skills within each skill ... ie you could train Horn of review 1,3,4 and 5 only, and Juggernaut 1,2,4,5 etc etc until you have more skill points to allocate across different areas.

I use Skyward Smash (a must) as first aggressive skill .... but then it gets a bit cloudy. The other skills have booth positive and negative nuances:

Chest Splitter is a great second choice for all levels up to mausoleum, .. BUT in Mausloeum 5/6 that Chest Splitter skill is gonna push apart that carefully created mob pull ... (we all know how important it is to keep that mob close and tight together right?, and the last thing you wanna do is push em all apart?!?!?!) so its not so good in the Mausoleum or Somberholt. So until you hit the mossy graveyard thingy id second choice Chest Splitter.

Axe pull is fantastic for getting the Boss's where you want em ... and this is really important in m5/6, BUT then Axe is absolute rubbish skill for large mob kills ... and in my opinion its better to have another skill at mobs and control boss position in other ways .. of which there are many.

So my second choice of aggressive skill in mausoleum is Windmill ... which is ok other than its cooldown is kinda slow and interferes with the use of other skills, like horn, juggernaut etc ... it delays the use of the other skills, unlike the chest splitter which has a lot faster cooldown period and allows other skills to be used faster. So you can find yourself desperately trying to bubble your team, but unable to because the friggin windmill is still in cooldown blocking all other skill use?!?!?
Thus combination of skill use is important .... in mausoleum i will only use pots as i gather a nice big mob pull, then first charged horn of renew bubble the team when in position, then Juggernaut taunt, then finally use my aggressive skills as first point of mob contact.

So i run Skyward Smash, Windmill, Juggernaut, Horn of renew in Mausoleum.
And Skyward Smash, Chest Splitter, Juggernaut, Horn of renew all other maps

As far as passives are concerned, my order of priority for warrior is:
Critical Shot
then anything.
Theres been a fair amount of experimentation over these passive skills ... and for warrior critical shot, quickness and knowledge, are very low down on the list of necessity ... even the durable and damage skills seem to increase stats very minimally ...

So i fill Might 5 Agility 5 Durable 5 Damage 5 .. Critical Shot 5 and leave the rest empty

Masteries seem to baffle the hell out of me and i think they are pretty useless for a warrior but i have 10/10 Skyward Smash and 10/10 Windmill

So ... final recap of my point allocation priority for PVE warrior:

Might 5
Agility 5
Durable 5
Critical Shot 5
Skyward Smash 1,2,3,4,5
Horn of Renew 1,2,3,4,5
Windmill 1,2,3,4,5
Juggernaut 1,2,3,4,5
Mastery Skyeard Smash 10/10
Mastery Windmill 10/10

Of course if you are running the low level 1k elite boss kill aps mainly solo, you probably dont need Juggernaught, or Horn of renew for that matter, if you are high level and comfortable using pots for health .... so you could allocate all four aggressive skills to your thingy. And respec depending on what you are doing when ...

PVP build is not my bag ... i know nothing about it?!?!?

My low level pet knowledge is zero im afraid ... Nekro is king of pets for me (Banish aa) .... and Glowstik (Stun and shield aa) .... or Magma depending on which maps i am running. My overall pet knowledge is a little rubbish tho @_@

Bestest weapon for warrior is still Glint Aegis 46 as far as im concerned .. that proc chews huge mob pulls. Specifically when combined with Magma pets AA ... when you time it right, and pull all the mobs into a little group, set Magma aa off and BOOOM the mobs explode ... great fun to watch.

Though on a very important side line, Magma with Glint Aegis should NOT be used in the Mausoleum, as Magma aa gives you and your team damage from mobs. Even if you have carefully used a taunt skill combination, and have bubble heal charged to protect the team, then hit Magma aa ... if a little curse mage gets his chance to curse everyone its an instant whole team wipeout ... lol .... all dead @_@
In Mausoleum Magma pet is NOT you or your teams friend.

Gear is very much budget based ... so i wont discuss that here .. and gear changes from expansion to expansion where skills do not.
But im running Glint Aegis 46 (even though i have both Mythic Dream weapons 66, and have fiddled with Arcane 66 weapons and could buy them if i chose to)
Venom haste set (gotta love that speed for creating mob pulls)
Nightmare set Armour, Helm, and Belt for the 3 piece boost
Arcane Artifact of Unyielding level 60
Full Exquisite Fury Jewels
Stat based Awakenings over gold loot

12-06-2017, 12:43 PM
useful guide to the mastery boosts .... :


12-07-2017, 07:04 AM
Very nice explanation! I’m very similar, but I use dragon sword and a full compliment of noble order fury for Maus with arcane ring and amulet. My weapon of choice is the dragon sword for stun and lava dmg.

I just reached level 66 so we’ll see how much gold I can save up to buy some new gear maybe.

12-29-2017, 02:19 AM
About skills they don't matter that much just use whichever you like it won't make a huge difference.Ik that my build works well on every map.

My build is the one Ryvz gave me he's the best tank ingame :p

My old build i used wm instead of axe but some mages like to use knockback on shield and reset vory/lich also i use glint set on some bosses vory/and the purple boss forget the name xD so need axe.

You could also skill switch i used to do this too with ss/wm/heal/cs on mobs m1-5 then ss/wm/jugg/heal mobs m5-6 and axe/heal/jugg/ss on bosses this build works very very well but it became annoying switching alot :) my build is an all around build for maus.

And about my gear i'm thinking about switching out glint as much as i LOVE it for terror blade after watching my friend use it like this https://youtu.be/jk2JgkBZB44

In conclusion use what you like using :D