View Full Version : New Shuyal Arena Gameplay:D

07-17-2017, 08:02 PM
Today I was thinking about arena and its boringness rn and how nothing and lootable and bosses are as easy as mobs and that is when the idea popped in my head! What if sts created a Elite boss madness and make as hard as they are in real maps to where it goes all the way up to rengol and making us fight all the bosses from each expansion at the same time individually for example: 1st Round we face Brackenridge expansion bosses, 2nd we face ydra forest expansion bosses, 3rd is Dead city bosses and so forth etc. and depending on which round u make it to u get a chest with better rewards!! I feel this can revive arena and bring the game entertainment! TY for reading this and pls consider this

07-17-2017, 08:27 PM
Idk but this expansion STS made many people crave for something new already.. I know I sound like such a hater but facts are facts and this expansion looks too much like shuyal.. Players want new content coming with expansion.

Your idea doesn't sound too bad but rn we need something new.. Lets hope Ursoth brings us some good content at least

07-17-2017, 09:22 PM
make some new ingredient in arena for upgrading the pp amulet.:applause:

07-18-2017, 02:50 PM
How does a Town fighting expansions sound? Especially with facing the mobs of past expansions and make a Arc wep with a shadow slasher aura but with a Greyish black blade or staff

07-29-2017, 05:48 AM
Good idea i think that should be added in to the game