View Full Version : Plant the Freakin Explosive...!

Draco Mikato
10-19-2011, 09:45 AM
Just ran into an instance where someone in my party would not blow up the door, and he just kept running around with the bomb... is there anything I can do besides leave the game if I'm not the host? I did explain to him what to do but he wouldn't respond, so I assume he didn't speak English. Or knew how to chat. If not.. what van be done about this? Maybe there needs to be some improvement to the bomb functionality.

10-19-2011, 09:50 AM
STs should have bomb not follow, But like how the securtity cards for example, is given to all players, bomb shld be same.

10-19-2011, 09:56 AM
My vote would be to change the "bomb buff" into a fixed duration.

You have 30 seconds to plant it. If you don't plant the bomb, it blows up and kills just you.

10-19-2011, 10:01 AM
It does have a fixed duration, but it's pretty long (and, sadly, doesn't blow up the person being foolish). And fortunately, the bomb boxes will respawn a new explosive even if they've already been opened--very handy for those times when you try to say, "You can't move the explosives past...." BOOM! "Nvm".

10-19-2011, 10:02 AM
My vote would be to change the "bomb buff" into a fixed duration.

You have 30 seconds to plant it. If you don't plant the bomb, it blows up and kills just you.

Exactly, something like this was implemented when people were using the cheat to keep spawns running while getting the 1k kills, to counter this STS added a feature that after a certain amount of time, this would disappear and be back at the place it was first aquired.

Ouch! Drac, that must have been a pain in the... not come across that problem, had it when other take their time and someone usually prompts them to place it, but not refusing to or not knowing how to.. (Language barrier)

Nooooooooooooooo Ninja'd a second time by the one they call.... ummmmm.... I'l just go with the normal name.. Canon!!! :O

Draco Mikato
10-19-2011, 10:07 AM
It's weird that he knew how to get an explosive but didn't tap on the door to blow it up. Mind you, hhe was level 16 and we were in the first CyCorp map

10-19-2011, 10:18 AM
It might be people acquire the explosive just because they see a box marked, "Explosive". Like bees to honey, that. ;) Or, sadly, he might have been trolling. :( Like the people that would come into a Cockroach game and shoot the cans after they respawned. Just doing it for "fun". Grrrr....

(Hah! I have to get you now and again, Bod. :D I think the current Ninja score is like 29 to 3 with you leading. :) )

10-19-2011, 10:28 AM
Ive been the victim of this...lol

Pretty annoying might I add =D

10-19-2011, 10:30 AM
It might be people acquire the explosive just because they see a box marked, "Explosive". Like bees to honey, that. ;)

What percentage of people would press a strange button labeled only "No Not Press This Button"?? More than we would hope is my guess. Human nature is just *so* dawgonne fascinating!

10-19-2011, 10:33 AM
What percentage of people would press a strange button labeled only "No Not Press This Button"?? More than we would hope is my guess. Human nature is just *so* dawgonne fascinating!
There's a little comedy cartoon video about this sign that says "Do Not Read" and when this one guy does, 2 police officers come out and beat him with night sticks lol :)

EDIT: found it! http://www.explosm.net/comics/1701/
Part 2 lol - http://www.explosm.net/comics/1701/

WARNING - website is not suited for young children. I'll erase the link if I need to. It's a comic strip website called Cyanide and Happiness.

10-19-2011, 10:45 AM
Give em the hoof and do it your self!

10-19-2011, 11:16 AM
What percentage of people would press a strange button labeled only "No Not Press This Button"?? More than we would hope is my guess. Human nature is just *so* dawgonne fascinating!

C'mon, gamers? Something labeled "Explosive"? Pfft, it'd be like telling my Op, "Here's a couple pistols for ya. They do massive damage *plus* AOE, but they'll take points off your life every time you use them." What are the odds, do you think, of me not trying them. :D It's like playing Baldur's Gate, "Sure, the item is cursed, makes my face look like runny yoghurt, gives me furry hands and shoves my Charisma down into negative numbers, but didja see my DPS??!???