View Full Version : 0 death characters?

10-19-2011, 02:14 PM
i want to know how do yall make it to level 30 and not die once? any tips you can tell me post here or pm me wizardstarr thank you:anonymous:

10-19-2011, 02:19 PM
Personnaly i think they hack cause i try my very best and still die its impossible to not die

10-19-2011, 02:22 PM
Luck. Or, in some cases luck and elixirs. Or, in some other cases, hanging back and not putting themselves in harms way. And being willing and able to pound stims when needed helps. :) For luck, I give you NuclearOption--auto-level, experimental 'mando. I just hit 30 on it yesterday, heading for 5K kills, 1 death. Pure luck.

ETA: Oops! Forgot skill and knowing what to expect. It's easier to get 0 deaths on a subsequent char than on your first. You know what to expect and you have more knowledge of how to use your skills. In my case, though, it was still pure luck. :D

10-19-2011, 02:31 PM
Personnaly i think they hack cause i try my very best and still die its impossible to not die

Nope they do not hack. There is no way to hack PL that i know of. 0.0

10-19-2011, 02:32 PM
It is very possible and fairly easy if you take your time and the lag monster doesn't get you.

10-19-2011, 02:32 PM
Nope they do not hack. There is no way to hack PL that i know of. 0.0

Nope, nor SL neither. :)

10-19-2011, 02:36 PM
Luck. Or, in some cases luck and elixirs. Or, in some other cases, hanging back and not putting themselves in harms way. And being willing and able to pound stims when needed helps. :) For luck, I give you NuclearOption--auto-level, experimental 'mando. I just hit 30 on it yesterday, heading for 5K kills, 1 death. Pure luck.

ETA: Oops! Forgot skill and knowing what to expect. It's easier to get 0 deaths on a subsequent char than on your first. You know what to expect and you have more knowledge of how to use your skills. In my case, though, it was still pure luck. :D

Most lv 30 like myself got accounts reset from beta 0 deaths 0 kills. but some of my alts are for fun deaths like crazy....other alts are serious business....try to get as little deaths as possible

10-19-2011, 02:37 PM
They don't lead the group, that's for sure lol. Especially not the operatives. I don't die often, but I don't have a character over lvl 25 with less than 10 deaths now (25 op twink just hit 10 today). Even spamming stims wont help sometimes when you play aggressively and get crit combo slammed. And by aggressively I don't mean charging in and getting aggro from everything with a weapon.

10-19-2011, 02:55 PM
Ok this is what they do.. Ok and remeber some ppl were already lvl 26 when devs erased the leader boards so all they had 0 deaths and 0 kills while still 26.. Now ppl with 0 deaths usually dont have any missions completed you can check your self. Because missions are the number one reason ppl die. And dont you ever wonder why some one with 0 deaths leave out of the blue? Well thats bcuz they dont wanna die, so they leave before they do. And usually they have a whole bunch of kills right? Well thats bcuz they usually solo on the easy maps so the get alot of kills and wont die as easy. And NO they dont hack its not possible. Some ppl use elixers but i rarely see them.. And some ppl erase their char just bcuz of 1 death. Personally i think that stat is a waste of time. It shouldnt even be a stat ppl stress over it to much. Ok ty :)

10-19-2011, 02:56 PM
1) List of deathtraps
-Opening the doors in the Juicer level (Black Project), after activating both the power supplies, dont open the door immideately, as a bunch of creeps spawn from behind. Dispose of this bunch before opening the door and tackling the juicer, or you will be trapped between two groups of creeps.
-Shooting explosives (barrels) in close proximity
-Not taking anti-toxin on the red sun campaign
-Equipping a bomb and going through a laser at CyCorp
-Pools of electrified water at CyCorp
-Rock falls on the Delta 7 levels. If there is a stone on the tile, then there is going to be a rockfall.
-Final Boss in Honeycomb hideout, do not stand within the Vular Egg when it is about to get destroyed
-Big Bug Blast and Motherload are too agressive for zerodeaths, proceed with appropriate caution.
-The shooting flowers on the Numa levels are like cannons, if not taken out first they can be deadly.
-Avoid anything that splatters, whether it is green, purple or pink, they drain health like crazy
-Honeycomb hideout, first numa map and bunch of others, you can die as soon as you spawn if the general public pulls creeps to the spawn point, so its safer to always host your own games
-Sloucho has pools of electrified water too.
-Again, stand away from reinforced doors when they are about to be blasted.
-Watch out for turrets, they can steadily shoot you in the back while you are tackling other creeps.
If I have missed anything or got the wrong level, please add/ correct me for the benefit of all

2) How to support zerodeaths for maximising their kills
-Engie casts wither, decay or leech if available, while spamming empathy and protection
-Uh commando is easy, mostly use neutron stomp and singularity at 1, and gravity well at 5/6 this wakens the enemies on all levels up to numa just enough for zerodeaths to finish them off
-Operative can help by fast switching targets after damaging them, and is most likely to steal skills from zerodeaths, so do this if you want a zerokill or zomething

3) Which maps to run on till what levels
-Often those who want to level quickly go on to a higher level to get xp faster. This only works after the Delta 7 maps, the first three campaigns are full of xp, so dont go to a higher level till you are prepared for it
-The whole point of zerodeaths is to build the ratio, and the ratio is nada if the kill part is not high enough. This means that it is a good idea to want as little xp as possible, so that you can maximise the kills on the lower level.
-Anyway, Dynastar first level till level 8, skip boss
-Red Sun first two maps till 14 I think, max possible level anyway, rmk at bosses. This is an ugly and slow campaign, with loads of canon fire, get help or power level through these levels if you are not obsessed about the kills.
-Cycorp first map till level 18. This map is the best map you are ever going to get for your ratio. Collect kills on this map for as long as possible, dont head on to DMC till you can no longer level here. Even if you power level to level 14, its a good idea to put time into this particular map, as it does wonders to your ratio.
-ofc, DMC till 22, good for kills and xp, skip boss
-I confess I remade the first cycorp level after the explosives, because I didnt want to lug, and dmc after left side as right side is a little more difficult
-First few dogs on first map of Numa
-Stand back from cannons, avoid the sandbags when they fall (these are clever traps you have to watch out for a growing shadow)... and um... dont go to wasted ever
-Do all of this can be done solo, but a squad of 2 is not bad if you are willing to sacrifice that many skills. IF engie and op run together though, op will get most of the kills. Engies, you may need to compensate by saving up skills for a finishing move. This is generally a good idea for engies wanting more kills lol.

4) Misc precautions to take with zerodeaths
-Keep stims ready duh! you cannot use stash till level 5 so ask someone for help if you need it
-If the ping starts to rise, get out of the game, spam stims if you cant
-Watch out for other lagging players
-Minimise lag by turning off all notifications (rare items, guild invitations etc) and guild chat also off, when someone chats away your game lags a bit
-If you are doing it alone though, guild chat can be the only thing keeping you alive haha

hmmm anything else needs to be covered?

I know Harm and Heavensblade are much better at this, there may be others in the game, Im just posting what I know hope it helps

The one thing that can still kill you is a ping well. If you dc nothing happens to you in the game except run out of enhancer time and lose hp. You dont even get buffed if an engie is handy. Basically, dont take this up unless you are seriously aiming for the leaderboards, and you can only do it on a main not an alt.

10-19-2011, 03:02 PM
Could be that they leech or use 4x elixir or they could've stayed behind from the group

10-19-2011, 03:03 PM
I managed getting my first dexbear up to 34 with no deaths but one of those pesky lag spikes occured during a fight with Seth im AO1 and he took the advantage to clobber me, i still call HAX! After that the deaths seem to be piling on either due to inadequate PUG's or just not paying attention lol

Its relatively easy to do if you know what to expect.

10-19-2011, 03:05 PM
Don't let the lag spikes get you! Get them first! xD

10-19-2011, 03:14 PM
Why i see a man lvl 1 with 6000 kills 0 death he was call lvlonewarrior he is an hacker

10-19-2011, 03:17 PM
Personnaly i think they hack cause i try my very best and still die its impossible to not die ahahahhahahahahahahahaa hack? lmfao ive done it many times not hard

10-19-2011, 03:19 PM
Incredible hacker congratz !!!!!!!

10-19-2011, 03:19 PM
Why i see a man lvl 1 with 6000 kills 0 death he was call lvlonewarrior he is an hackerhahahaha havent u read there is no way to hack pl or sl and there nvr will b so stop googling ” pl hacks” lol

10-19-2011, 03:20 PM
Look that wonderful k/d

10-19-2011, 03:28 PM
Look that wonderful k/d You use to be able to turn off xp gain but still get kills but the devs removed it.

10-19-2011, 03:29 PM
They rage quit before they die

10-19-2011, 03:31 PM
I've died loads times, don't worry about it

10-19-2011, 03:38 PM
Why i see a man lvl 1 with 6000 kills 0 death he was call lvlonewarrior he is an hacker

I can assure you level one warrior is not a hacker. He is a testament to the good old days of low level kill farming.

10-19-2011, 04:12 PM
Hats off to all the 0 death folks out there, don't know how you all do it. I've lost count of how many times I've died to miner, ping spikes and my own stupidity (e.g., standing too close to an exploding door). :P

10-19-2011, 05:31 PM
1. Don't be in a hurry
2. Run with 2 engineers
3. Know your skills and use them accordingly
4. Run with a good group who know how to play their characters.
5. Don't take on quest's or farm area's where your chance of dying is greater (i.e. wait to do miner quest until you are higher level) Don't farm vanity's in Numa until you are lvl 25 or greater.
6. When necessary, mash stims!

I have a lvl 30 commando with 0 deaths and it's mainly due to running with good players who know how to play their characters (TEAMWORK). I always lead the group and prep the bad guys with aoe and group them for fast kills. I think I became aware of the 0 deaths around 1k kills and then started to worry about it to much (I started using stims to much). Bosses is generally the only time I use stims and at this point it's just the director (guardian when I was lower level). That said, I may use one or two stims the whole fight.

10-19-2011, 05:35 PM
This is what I do with my new alt(and what some of my friends have done). Make a new char(premium one would be good). Have enough stims. Go out and fight at the lvl 1 of each dungeon. Easy kills, although xp gain is very slow, that's what gives you your kills. No deaths: Spam stims at all time, and don't rush.

10-19-2011, 11:54 PM
Thanks for all the help add my work im progress 0 death character "masterofdeath"

10-20-2011, 12:07 AM
It might be called having some sort of skill. Everything that's seems impossible to some of you guys doesn't have to be a hack :) Just saying.

10-20-2011, 05:43 AM
easyer with an engineer.

10-20-2011, 05:46 AM
They rage quit before they die

nope. soloing all the way.

10-20-2011, 01:43 PM
Personnaly i think they hack cause i try my very best and still die its impossible to not die

a very profound statement....."..its impossible to not die.." lol seriously though, I bought slots hoping to achieve this goal of zero deaths, and failed by level 5 at the latest, i hated it cuz I didn't always pw protect my levels, so nbs were always joinin and dragin bad guys right to me! i don't care for gettin my butt kicked like that u know?

10-20-2011, 01:55 PM
1. Don't be in a hurry
2. Run with 2 engineers
3. Know your skills and use them accordingly
4. Run with a good group who know how to play their characters.
5. Don't take on quest's or farm area's where your chance of dying is greater (i.e. wait to do miner quest until you are higher level) Don't farm vanity's in Numa until you are lvl 25 or greater.
6. When necessary, mash stims!

I have a lvl 30 commando with 0 deaths and it's mainly due to running with good players who know how to play their characters (TEAMWORK). I always lead the group and prep the bad guys with aoe and group them for fast kills. I think I became aware of the 0 deaths around 1k kills and then started to worry about it to much (I started using stims to much). Bosses is generally the only time I use stims and at this point it's just the director (guardian when I was lower level). That said, I may use one or two stims the whole fight.

That's how I do it... with optional point #1. I just make sure I run with a full squad. Oh and I roll with 200 plus stems at all times...LOL