View Full Version : Samsung Android virtual controller bugs

07-30-2017, 10:17 PM
Since the level 66 expansion, I noticed my virtual control pad would quite often glitch and my character stops alot and the charge buttons fire erratically when trying to charge skills. I messaged STS about the issue but I'm still experiencing these issues. Several members in the guild are experiencing this as well, and I've found dozens of players in the random zones that are experiencing it as well. The issue has cost me countless lives and lots of potion wasting due to the erratic skill misfires. Anyone else experiencing this?

07-30-2017, 10:21 PM
Also, before anyone mentions it, I have a brand new phone and take immaculate care of it, so greasy or dirty screen suggestions are out of the question. My guildmaster Jewelmaker can confirm that this is a legitimate issue that's plaguing other guild members and friends besides myself.

08-07-2017, 04:46 PM
This isn't really related to the specific problem of this thread, but when I did the missions for platinum, the kind where you download games and so on.... I didn't receive the 54 platinum from the lords mobile download, and I received only 132 platinum from the final fantasy download even though it was x2 plat which means I should have gotten 264.