View Full Version : No damage, but they look cool.

07-03-2010, 04:52 PM
Hey Devs could you please make these weapons stronger? For two handers they are quite weak.


07-03-2010, 04:56 PM
I agree completely. If they are going to be in the game there might as well be some reason to use them.

07-03-2010, 05:47 PM
I think they gave it the damage of a staff...

07-03-2010, 05:51 PM
Yeah cuz its called "staff" but it does have a blade on it that could slice you up pretty bad.

07-04-2010, 12:02 AM
Devs. Hook staffs are the only 2 hand from oasis ans they are the worse 2 hands ive ever seen. They are supposed to be striner than lvl 35 -.-'

So please. Make them stronger...... And with beter stats
Or add GOOD two hands.

A suggestion: make the drop rate for pink talons, daggers, wands bigger please.

07-04-2010, 12:15 AM
Devs. Hook staffs are the only 2 hand from oasis ans they are the worse 2 hands ive ever seen. They are supposed to be striner than lvl 35 -.-'

So please. Make them stronger...... And with beter stats
Or add GOOD two hands.

A suggestion: make the drop rate for pink talons, daggers, wands bigger please.

Do pink daggers and wands even drop? I still haven't seen any...

07-04-2010, 01:14 AM
I am almost positive that pink daggers or wands don't drop.

07-04-2010, 07:18 AM
If they do drop by far lowest drop rate wait till we are 50 then maybe we will get what we are asking for.

07-04-2010, 12:01 PM
Another thing about the hook staves, is it just me or does everyone get lower level ones? I have found 4 or 5 since I reached level 45 and all but one of them have been level 41.