View Full Version : Scammers! rather annoying.

10-20-2011, 12:41 PM
Just like to point this out before some poor bugger thinks they are getting the deal of the century. I happen to sell my zany glasses to someone called Demoknight who then sticks them in auction for a higher price. I then notice someone from the same guild abakeiehaz running around with xray glasses on saying trade two zannys for xray.

Now I've had this happen to a friend, they know u will panic to get the vanity and buy the one in auction then withdraw the xray for the two zannys. So someone is left with two zannys and no xray.

Just thought id tell everyone to save this happening to you, cause its not very nice, shame on you Demoknight and abakeiehaz...

10-20-2011, 01:01 PM
People used to do this a lot in another game I used to play. They'd have 1 person walk around yelling that they were buying an item for a very high price...like waaaaay over the actual price. This person who never actually buy it though...just keep advertising that they wanted it. They'd leave and another person would come in instantly saying that they were selling that exact same item. They'd say they were selling it for a little above what it's worth, hoping to trick some poor kid into seeing the huge price difference between the seller and the "buyer" so they'd buy it in hopes of profiting big. Of course, they never did, and now they're stuck with some item they don't need.

10-20-2011, 01:03 PM
This will be locked. Please do not call out a scammer email support and they will take the necessary actions they deem fit for the offence.

Support(at)spacetimestudios.com (at) replaced with @.

10-20-2011, 01:05 PM
Now, how do you know for a fact that was what they were doing? Also, if you really have issue with it, contact their GM.

10-20-2011, 01:10 PM
Use the in game report functionality to let our support guys know and we'll dig into it. If they're scamming, they'll be banned.

Thread closed.