View Full Version : guild invite bug

10-20-2011, 10:56 PM
I can't invite ppl to the guild and im a gm....and my officers to. Is this happening to others too?

10-21-2011, 12:00 AM
I read a post about that yesterday. Happens only in SL, devs were aware. A fix would come soon. Don't know more though.

10-21-2011, 10:42 AM
Guild Management was turned back on yesterday afternoon. I took a look at guild invites and they seem to be working correctly; I was able to invite using a Recruiter, Officer, and GM.

Some important notes regarding guild invite changes:

Guild invites are no longer displayed on the guild screen. Instead, you receive a guild invite as a notification. The Join button is on the notification itself.
The invite notification will be removed if the invited player zones.
If the invited player cancels the invite instead of accepting it then they will not be able to receive another invite from you until they zone. This was done for spam prevention purposes.
Guild invite notifications can be disabled in the options menu.
Ghost, send me a PM here on the boards if you're available in-game for a few minutes. I'd like you to try inviting me to your guild if you are amenable.