View Full Version : Some event/gear questions

08-14-2017, 10:20 PM
As usual, I have some noob questions about events and gear in AL:
1. Are there any places to actually farm good low level pvp gear?
2. Is there a certain level that is good for running events? In PL you could farm l15 items which were often worth more than other level items during events.
3. What is the Ursoth event?
4. Will it be possible for me to earn a banner/vanity during the Ursoth event without spending loads of platinum?

Thanks in advance.

08-14-2017, 11:47 PM
1. There's some good pink item drop in certain map but not the best.
2. Playing event was easier at low level when 41 cap (IMO). Idk how do they scaled the boss recently.
3. Ursoth Asssault event or some peoples called it Elondrian event. Because the event placed in Elondria where elondrian having trouble.
4. It's possible

08-15-2017, 05:25 AM
1-theres decent pink items..but nothing to match the geard players
2-preety much all lvls? I solod easily at cap lvl..and low lvls
3-ursoth assualt takes place in elondria..just like other events you use energy to enter event map fight bosses,earn points to earn higher tiers which gives you rewards
4-i belive on bronze tier you get a banner, and plat tier reward is ussualy vanity wings..all you need to do is play tbh u dont need to spend plat in these events

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