View Full Version : Is STS going to do something about the skill layout flaw?

10-21-2011, 08:28 PM
Its now coming to that time where we will have enough points to max out 8 skills.
After this happens will we be forced to manually change our skill layout everytime we want to use one of our new skills?
Seems there is a problem in that the points added to skills are going to be useless after we max out our chosen 8 skills.
We either need to raise the skill caps, or make more room on the screen for extra skills.

Just wondering if STS has any thoughts on this? Or is it designed this way. Only good i can see it doing is saving us money on respecs, since we will have extra points to waste away in skills we may want to try out for a few hours..



I know this has been brought up before , but i have never seen a sts view on it, and its actually going to start effecting us.


10-21-2011, 09:18 PM
The devs will probably increase the skill cap within the next two level caps or add more skills. They want each build to be different, unlike PL where everyone used the same exact skills.

10-21-2011, 09:53 PM
The devs will probably increase the skill cap within the next two level caps or add more skills. They want each build to be different, unlike PL where everyone used the same exact skills.

Possibly. But as it is you have to toggle between two sets of four skills. This needs to be changed six or eight visible simultaneously. I think players should be able to have a few points in all the skills if they want or go specialist and max out only some of the skills. I am someplace in between personally. Again, I strongly believe a six by two layout or something similar will be the most effective solution.

Just my two Plat.

10-21-2011, 09:58 PM
I'm fine with 8 skills if they increase the skill cap and update the output of skills that give + bonuses, such as +300 armor. Soon 300 armor won't be much to shake a stick at.

10-22-2011, 07:15 AM
I'm fine with 8 skills if they increase the skill cap and update the output of skills that give + bonuses, such as +300 armor. Soon 300 armor won't be much to shake a stick at.

See your point tho I would still pick 300 armour (constant) over 300+ buff (when used).

Think they need to take a good look at this.. same happened in PL and STS raised the skill cap, maybe they will the same here or add more slots.. only thing that I wont like to happen is another skill slot to be added.. will be a pain to map out skills and scroll back and forth through them. Still they could add arrows on each side.. so main in middle and then slots for left and right of the main.. still wouldn't like this to happen but prefer it from scrolling through 3 slots each time.

10-22-2011, 08:35 AM
See your point tho I would still pick 300 armour (constant) over 300+ buff (when used).

Think they need to take a good look at this.. same happened in PL and STS raised the skill cap, maybe they will the same here or add more slots.. only thing that I wont like to happen is another skill slot to be added.. will be a pain to map out skills and scroll back and forth through them. Still they could add arrows on each side.. so main in middle and then slots for left and right of the main.. still wouldn't like this to happen but prefer it from scrolling through 3 slots each time.
Thats what I meant, the +300 armor buff. It lasts like 5 seconds. But right now I think commados are maxing out over 800 armor with implant? Maybe even without O_O. Come like...lvl 50 when we're over 1000 armor, a 5 second 300 armor buff won't be as huge as it is now.