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View Full Version : Next expansion or possible event!

08-18-2017, 04:08 PM
Hello everyone, recently I heard talk of an old school mode and I just thought of the idea for an expansion or event! the Storyline: In the old school age of AL what we had thought had been finished is still lurking in the minds of arlorians lately awakening ppl from their enchanted sleep and bringing back memories of their lost friends and mobs they didn't kill recently Travelogs outpost was attacked by a group called the Black Bandits, and ppl from the outpost have had trouble with them for a while and that's when they needed most help!! That is where we come in, we r able to go back to the good old days and restore arlors towns and destroy the mobs of old days! We end up starting at lvl 1 with the gears of the 2 first expansions and do it all over again and especially be able to keep the gears and treasures of Ydra outskirts! What do yall think of this idea for another mode in AL for all ppl to be able to go back and run those expansions with same the lvl cap of that time and items/pets, it would teach the new players the history of AL and restore those that want to bring the old school days back! Of course we would not be able to bring those items of that mode back to the new mode! ty

08-19-2017, 02:03 AM
What if STS will create just new server like test server were you will be able to go throw all AL expansion and old events and all what you would have from original AL will be just your golds : 5 or 6 so for example I have 20m gold so in test server I will have 20:5 =4m and like this....

08-20-2017, 06:07 AM
Gd idea! This is named in other games REBORN so we will get another world map(ancient arlor) with new towns and maps! Also we get new items and pets amd we have acces to new arlor(the normal one) only for 12hours daily by drinking an elexir wow this would be COOL!!! +99999999999999
EDIT:oh i think u ment another thing O-O
But u still deserve the +99999999999!
Sent from a weird cool computer stolen from an alien base.

08-21-2017, 07:23 PM
I really hope sts would see this tons of ppl would like this!! they could do a 3 week celebration for anniversary of AL by expressing this event!!:D This could be called "Back To The Past"

08-22-2017, 10:38 AM
I really hope sts would see this tons of ppl would like this!! they could do a 3 week celebration for anniversary of AL by expressing this event!!:D This could be called "Back To The Past"

Sent from a weird cool computer stolen from an alien base.

08-22-2017, 12:57 PM
Dont really know what you mean...