View Full Version : What is good enough ping for pvp?

10-22-2011, 08:50 AM
Hey guys i'm getting really concerned that ping might be affecting my ctf performance. I live in Australia and i play on ipod touch 4g. My ping is usually 400-500 and frequently goes up to 600-1000, and i've never had green one in my life. So yeah, sometime i get blast through walls in rockwall and what not. So i've got a question, does ping really affect the gameplay? What about device? Will a guy with galaxy s and 80 ping beat a guy with ipod and 500 ping? Or is it all about skill and not internet/device? Thx.

10-22-2011, 08:52 AM
Ping has to do with just about everything. I dont have a link but theres multible ping threads just search for ping guides with the search fuction:)

10-22-2011, 08:59 AM
Ping affects how fast your attacks usually go into the system and register, so you might be a split second slower, which would give the opponent a small advantage. Sometimes, if you have low ping, go to menu, click pixel double, unclick high quality. It may look bad, but it usually helps ping go down about 100 with me

10-22-2011, 10:05 AM
Good ping = 100-350. Ping= milliseconds commands take to travel to server and back. (eg. 200 ping = 200 milliseconds time)

Hope this helps. :)

10-22-2011, 10:09 AM
With 500ping you can "predict" 500ms = 0.5s, and use skills half second earlier when you hit range of your skills. In real time(server time) it registers your skills usage half second later and your skills hit.
It needs a lot of training but im doing fine with 400 ping.

10-22-2011, 10:12 AM
Here's a good guide about ping :)

10-22-2011, 10:49 AM
ping is relative imo. its often so in pvp, that before fight i have a ping of 300. when my opponent and me starting run and launch skills, improvvisley he or me is freezing, and nothing happens for 0,5sec. after that i unfreeze half dead and hes somewhere else i expected... and ping "seemed" always ok.

10-22-2011, 10:53 AM
The best ping for PvP is by having the lowest. Good luck haha :D

10-22-2011, 03:32 PM
You guys just ruined my ctf career :'(. Oh well, gonna quit pl and start playing pve only in sl. Bah...thx anyway.

10-22-2011, 03:41 PM
Ah but i thought you hated pve :-/
Ping with me sometimes goes to 500 and is still pretty good.
Mostly my ping is around 200.
I think you should just try the best you can, if it still doesnt work out for you then go to pve in SL lmao

10-22-2011, 04:38 PM
You guys just ruined my ctf career :'(. Oh well, gonna quit pl and start playing pve only in sl. Bah...thx anyway.

Twinking doesn't require as good ping, but that's because the damage is lower, so your debuffs actually have an effect.

10-22-2011, 05:09 PM
Twinking doesn't require as good ping, but that's because the damage is lower, so your debuffs actually have an effect.

I'd say all levels need ping. Someone getting HS off half a second earlier will win the fight.

10-22-2011, 05:40 PM
I don't do twinking, end game only.

10-22-2011, 10:04 PM
ping affects ur game play, it freezes ur screen about 2 secs if ur ping has 1000 then u cant even use skills to dominate ur opponent :)

10-23-2011, 12:38 AM
Who the heck just gave me a thumb down with the reason "duh"? How did any of my 3 posts here offend u? Get a life you little rat.

10-23-2011, 01:06 AM
Any ping from 100 to 500 is fine.

10-23-2011, 06:20 AM
I built my pvp stats on "edge" service. 3g and below. It is very hard to play with high ping and up until a month ago thats how I played.
Got this verizon 4g lte thing, faster than wifi imo. Helped me out tremendously.
Blind, the good news about playing with such high ping is: it helps you train by always placing you at a disadvantage. Therefore, if you are able to beat people w moderatelty high pingm you will do even better the lower it gets.
Ping cripples you, especially in pvp/ctf, and even more so as a dex bird. But let that encourage you, you are pretty good despite.

10-23-2011, 07:02 AM
I built my pvp stats on "edge" service. 3g and below. It is very hard to play with high ping and up until a month ago thats how I played.
Got this verizon 4g lte thing, faster than wifi imo. Helped me out tremendously.
Blind, the good news about playing with such high ping is: it helps you train by always placing you at a disadvantage. Therefore, if you are able to beat people w moderatelty high pingm you will do even better the lower it gets.
Ping cripples you, especially in pvp/ctf, and even more so as a dex bird. But let that encourage you, you are pretty good despite.
Thx dtf, very inspirational hahah :D

10-23-2011, 07:26 AM
I don't see how even 1,000 ping is bad considiering when I had my Droid x 2.3 ping hit between 100,000 and 400,000. At that point I got disconnected. Now have a xperia play 2.3 and haven't seen as bad ping. Why didn't I just buy a 4g phone lol

10-23-2011, 08:43 AM
Ping, or latency, is the amount of time it takes one device to "ping" another device over a network, 1000 ping is equivalent to 1 second, so of you have a ping of 1000, that means it will take 1 second from the time you press an action button until you actually see that action on your screen.

I don't have a problem with a higher ping, i don't like inconsistent ping, that's a killer.

09-14-2012, 05:56 AM
Hey guys i'm getting really concerned that ping might be affecting my ctf performance. I live in Australia and i play on ipod touch 4g. My ping is usually 400-500 and frequently goes up to 600-1000, and i've never had green one in my life. So yeah, sometime i get blast through walls in rockwall and what not. So i've got a question, does ping really affect the gameplay? What about device? Will a guy with galaxy s and 80 ping beat a guy with ipod and 500 ping? Or is it all about skill and not internet/device? Thx.

For playing online games you should have less ping otherwise you can't play.So if you have more ping then you can reduce it by reset the modem and router and then you can connect it and do ping test using cmd prompt or using free online sites like Whoisxy.com (http://www.whoisxy.com/).Ping will reduce.If it's remain same then you can contact your service provider or else you can change your provider.....

09-14-2012, 08:04 AM
nice old thread haha, back then i had like 7k ctf kills aha, good times

Ping hasn't changed lol