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View Full Version : Auto Crafting or More Filters

08-28-2017, 09:38 PM
We got lots and lots of crafting recipes and we do lots and lots of crafting and the more recipes we get, the more tedius it gets when you're looking through a bunch of your recipes to find and craft the item you want. To sort of solve this issue, auto crafting or more recipe filters would be nice.

How I think auto crafting would work is that you just mark only one item for auto crafting and when you get enough ingredients,that item will automatically be crafting (preferably a notification pops up). When all slots are full, a notification pops up saying that your slots are full and auto crafting will start again once a slot is available.

For recipe filters, I'm hoping filtering items by rarity, level, item type, or adding recipes to favorites/bookmarking them would make things easier.

09-06-2017, 07:46 AM
I'd also like more filters in the crafting menu :)! It'd be perfect if you could only view the items you already have all the ingredients for. What good can 3 arcane artifact recipes do for me when I can't even craft a rare one? Not to mention I haven't touched a cryostar lock in months!