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View Full Version : Email problems

10-22-2011, 06:26 PM
One of my accounts has been hacked, on friday to make matters worse. Space time studio help desk is not active on the weekends so im screwed till monday. I mean what the heck? I specifically ask to not have my email changed and they didn't even send an email notification that it has been changed. You change my email over to someone that bought some plat on my account? That's not right and shouldn't be legal. Im seriously not happy with this at all...

10-22-2011, 06:36 PM
Shouldn't give your info out to ANYONE.
Every time you log on or change zones there is a message telling you, "do not give your email/password to anyone".
It's against tos I believe and there are numerous threads on forums from others foolish enough to give their info to others having their account hijacked. You made the problem now you want STS to fix it? lol.
PS. Everyone please stop crying hack when you do this...it's not a hack, it was your foolishness. A hack implies they cracked your account, not that you gave them your info.

10-22-2011, 07:04 PM
Well first off they shouldn't change my email without my email's consent. So That closes your dumb arugument