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View Full Version : X2 odd on locks event after ursoth

08-29-2017, 10:24 PM
This is the last thing that the community needs to keep us in the right track

Solve end game gear and prices issues...and put up a bountiful supply of them

It would be lovely popping some nightmare locks and looting some gears for endgame.

Negative and hater comments are welcome its a free bump

08-30-2017, 10:29 AM
er.. no even though i dont own any nightmare gear except a gun which is literally gifted to me by a friend and a belt, both arcanes. cost me like 6-7m for both these items. I think it's a bad idea to have this update one month after expansion, tbh I think it's a bad idea unless its more than a few (say 3~) months since release of expansion.

Honestly there's going to be some kind of update to the current raid gameplay, nott to mention the halloween event and winter in the next four months, pretty sure lock prices will be only going up from now

edit: P.S.: the only way you are going to get free bumps is negative thoughts on this. most people who own this gear wudnt care if they dropped 2-5m each a piece, but only people who would buy it after that, 5m loss on a 10m item seems a lot less to me than 4m on a 5m item(taking bank values into account of when player bought item).
Dont mind this guy he owned nightmare set and lvl 66 arcanes he just dont want to lose half of what he paid for...cause he loves his gold and not the game...he dont care about the others who cant afford exxpensive gears.
Considered as free bump

08-30-2017, 06:43 PM
They just should release separate pve and pvp gear instead so we will have actual gear progress+adequate prices. Pvp plat whales will always keep the demand for current top items high unless drop rates in locks increase x100 times like when price for arcane ring droped from 80m to 6m in 1 day of rengol expansion