View Full Version : Are we in the wrong?

10-23-2011, 12:17 AM
So my dad's cousins had a bit of a spat with me and my mom and i figured since the forums are neutral field i'd ask for an opinion from my fellow players.

The conflict happened about 2 months ago. We had to move to Las Vegas due to my dad getting transferred to a new afb and we are currently staying with his aunt until we move into our new house. When we moved here we had to take our pets with us (my cat and mom's great dane) so we have to coordinate our dog going out with my great-aunt's yorkie and my dad's cousin's dauchsans.

So on to the conflict. It was time for my dog to go outside to use the bathroom so i told everybody that i was taking her out, locked the back door, and took her out. I was watching her as she went potty and i hear someone messing with the door, then my dad's cousin's mom opened the door and one of their dauchsans ran out barking and snarling at my dog. My dog isn't vicious but when another dog comes to her acting aggresive she reacts in the obvious way, she grabbed the dauchsan in her mouth and held him, she did not bite down or harm him in any way other than scaring the crap out of him. I ran over, grabbed her collar, and called her name and she immediately released him. He ran away howling like he was hurt and my dad's cousin ran out worried that my "vicious mongrel" hurt her dog.

Her dog was perfectly fine, the skin wasn't broken, there was no fur missing, nothing, the only thing that was wrong was he was covered in a bit of my dane's slobber. To help out my mom offered to pay for a vet visit but the offer was turned down. We assumed the whole thing would blow over and we would all move on like adults, sadly that is not the case. They somehow convinced themselves that the whole thing was our fault and they deserved an apology for what happened and when we refused to apologize for it they commenced multiple acts you would expect from an insulted 9 year old. They came up with the great idea of labeling all our food so that we don't end up eating eachothers food, this didn't really bother us so much since they eat a lot of wierd food from the neighborhood foreign market. The big thing that upset us is when they started refusing to eat my mom's cooking, my mom is an excellent cook and takes it very personally when you so much as say her recipe needs something added to it so them refusing to eat her food really hurt her feelings and got me p-o'd cuz i dont like when people intentionally upset my mom.

I could go on for another page and a half about all the completely ignorant things they have done since the incident but i might end up saying a few choice words that could get me banned xD

Who do yall think is in the wrong here? Should we be the ones apolgizing?

10-23-2011, 12:32 AM
It doesn't matter who is wrong imo, that is what fuels family feuds. If just saying sorry is all that would have been necessary to move past the confrontation and following drama then saying sorry is what I would have done. Pride is a tough thing to swallow but you have to realize that you're in their home, you are sharing their things, if something goes missing or gets broken no matter what the evidence says you're going to be blamed with a simple explanation of "well nothing ever went missing/got broken before you came," and you really have no defense for it. If all it takes is words to make something better, just say them and be done with it. You can tell yourself what you want about the situation in the aftermath.

The reality is that you really couldn't have done much different to avoid the situation, aside from being the Flash and running faster than an attacking dog or rushing over and holding the door shut before the dog became unleashed. It also sounds like you did want anyone would do to make things right. Going over the facts isn't going to change a thing and placing blame won't make you feel better (well maybe a little, but do it in secret). You just have to do what needs to be done to get past it.

10-23-2011, 12:40 AM
It doesn't matter who is wrong imo, that is what fuels family feuds. If just saying sorry is all that would have been necessary to move past the confrontation and following drama then saying sorry is what I would have done. Pride is a tough thing to swallow but you have to realize that you're in their home, you are sharing their things, if something goes missing or gets broken no matter what the evidence says you're going to be blamed with a simple explanation of "well nothing ever went missing/got broken before you came," and you really have no defense for it. If all it takes is words to make something better, just say them and be done with it. You can tell yourself what you want about the situation in the aftermath.
Sorry, i made it half way through this post and had a huge issue with it, we are not in their home, they arent even in their home, both parties are in my great aunt's house becuase both parties are currently homeless due to moving. Nothing has been broken, we have attempted to move on multiple times but they keep acting like immature children, we said sorry even though there was no reason for us to do so and they continue to act a fool.

i may have forgotten to add the fact that both parites are staying in the same house currently (but thank god we are closing on our house before the end of october and getting out of this madhouse :p), sorry bout that lol

10-23-2011, 12:56 AM
Of course with these types of situations im looking for someone that agrees with me but even an opposite opinion can help. I should have mentioned housing situation and our apology in the OP. I did understand the analogy but it just doesnt relate to the situation and im still fuming a bit over their latest show so im sorry for coming off as rude in my reply.

10-23-2011, 01:01 AM
I dont properly understand

10-23-2011, 01:01 AM
Well hen try to ignore them the most unless your defiant as me and scream back that your innocent if not then just ignore them but i would go with a nice burn to quiet them :cool: prefrebly a your so.... Joke :cool: just saying

10-23-2011, 01:09 AM
Well hen try to ignore them the most unless your defiant as me and scream back that your innocent if not then just ignore them but i would go with a nice burn to quiet them :cool: prefrebly a your so.... Joke :cool: just saying
Lol, if only life had an ignore button, things would be so much simpler xD

10-23-2011, 01:16 AM
I'm a firm believer in karma. What goes around, comes around.

There's obviously two sides to every story, but it sounds like they need to grow up. Who's meant to be the adults in all this..lol

One question? How is their dog? If its absolutely fine, apart from being wary of your dog then what's the issue? Sounds like there's more things afoot to me.

If you were staying longer I'd have suggested talking and working out exactly what's really going on with the least confrontational member of their family. But, your moving soon, so it's probably not worth it...

Hang in there and be the better family. Oh, and don't forget to clean your toenails with all their toothbrushes the day you leave...... Did I just say that? Oops, don't forget karma....lol

10-23-2011, 01:47 AM
Lol red. Their dog is completely fine (aside from barking at the camper we're staying until my dog barks, then he shuts up and runs away with his tail between his legs xD), they were worried at first that our dog punctured a lung but considering the skin didn't even get broken i don't see how that is possible, like i said we offered to pay for a vet visit but they turned it down.

10-23-2011, 01:55 AM
Sharing a residence is hard. You just need to keep being the bigger better person and in the end do as mentioned above with toothbrushes lol kidding! In the end good will come of it.

10-23-2011, 02:40 AM
Your not at fault here, therefore shouldn't apologize. They should apologize to you guys for being so immature about a "hurt" dog. Don't sweat just ignore it, and don't fuel the flame further. Hope things work out!:)

10-23-2011, 02:55 AM
deleted upon request

06-07-2012, 01:25 PM
I do not have such experience of life to answer you but, in my opinion, your uncle treats his dog like it is his son. I also have a small dog ( the one from the movie "The Mask" ) and he always rages whenever he sees another dog. So one day he raged on a big dog, whose owner did not hold it, so the other dog bit mine. In that case you cant say anything rather than "Sorry" to the other person whose dog is being attacked and not ask for an apology cause your dog is stuborn to act like a hero when he is 1 metre shorter than the other dog. My personal experience tells me your uncle treats his dog like it is his son and he is overprotective. At a time he will overcome it and see it is his fault.... NUF said :)

06-07-2012, 01:31 PM
If you guys can afford a monthly rent house in Vegas get out. This will only escalate and apologizing for the sake of keeping the peace will not even work, obviously these folks have now labelled you as food thief as well and it's only going to get worst.

Bottom line 2 choices: Leave or bite the bullet and endure.

06-07-2012, 01:59 PM
Don't let this quarrel make you feel bad, they were in the wrong, your dog just acted in self-defence. Don't sweat it. And really, maybe this opened their eyes in life, stuff happens, they need to get over it.

06-07-2012, 03:07 PM
First of all, you live in Vegas?

Second, I totally take your side on the situation lol. That would get me pretttttty mad.

06-07-2012, 03:27 PM

06-07-2012, 03:28 PM

LOL Well how'd it end???

06-07-2012, 03:29 PM
OMG. I did this like five times already today. .
wtf are people reviving threads and making me think they are new for?

06-07-2012, 03:31 PM
What on earth prompted you to necro this thread from October, Floating? :p

06-07-2012, 04:58 PM
Its best if no one adds fuel to the fire and hope that with time this blemish is covered up.

06-07-2012, 05:36 PM
Tie your cousins upside down over a tree branch, and threaten to cut the rope if they don't apologize.

06-07-2012, 07:04 PM
God dang, why'd this get necro'd? Well we moved into our house (6 months ago). Never speak to them anymore so no trouble, good riddence to bad garbage.

Art I thought i told you that a few times already? Yea, I live down by Sam's town.

06-07-2012, 07:42 PM
God dang, why'd this get necro'd? Well we moved into our house (6 months ago). Never speak to them anymore so no trouble, good riddence to bad garbage.

Art I thought i told you that a few times already? Yea, I live down by Sam's town.

Apparently the folks here needed some closure. Lol

06-07-2012, 07:56 PM
Art I thought i told you that a few times already? Yea, I live down by Sam's town.

Lolol I'm sorry if you have, glad you guys moved.
I'm over on sunset and ft apache. >.<

06-07-2012, 08:06 PM
I doubt the dog situation was the real culprit of the situation, unless they have some sort of pet peeve concerning the dog. I think there is a larger problem which has caused other problems to blow out of porportion or go to exaggarated measures. No family is perfect, thats what makes it a family.

EDIT: oops, shouldve checked dates and read more of the thread before posting. Sorry!