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View Full Version : Mausoleum secret entrance

09-01-2017, 12:27 PM
Can you make an alternative way to enter directly to maus 5? I'm not a plat buyer and yes I can't even get 5 platinum from offers, they mostly don't pay out, and I get 1-3 platinum offers.

09-01-2017, 01:19 PM
If you don't buy an entrance with 5 plats for M5 , then you can only be invited by a friend or guildmate to enter m5, m6 directly . There is no other way than joining a map where a free spot exists . You can also ask your friends to duplicate for you. I hope I helped a little.

09-01-2017, 05:45 PM
you can just join ur friends.... dont need to get plat.

09-02-2017, 01:03 PM
I hate the platinum offers also...