View Full Version : suggestion - Make New Halloween Vanity Tradable....

10-23-2011, 11:23 AM
Looking around the forums and talking with people in game I have seen A LOT of Disgruntled players because of the Halloween vanities. Everything from the way they were released, to how random they are, and mostly to how so many feel ripped off because they spent so much plat trying to collect them all. I personally have never been one who was afraid to spend plat in this game, but after this fiasko with the Halloween vanitys I for one will be more weary in my spending. My suggestion is not to give everyone refunds or make it to where STS losses any of the money that they have made in the venture of capitol. I just want them to simply make it right with the people that pay their bills. With that said I as many players would just like you make the new vanities tradable. I have spent 600+ plat to own these things trying to collect them all so let me truly OWN them and do with them what I like? Some people like myself have purchased over 30 plat packs trying to get them all and still don't have the horns, while others have bought 10 plat packs and have 4 horns but no shield, ect ect .... Make these things tradable and we all get what we want? You get to keep your money and we get to finish our collections by selling and trading the pixel items we have spent so much money on.

any thoughts or feedback on this is appreciated.

10-23-2011, 11:27 AM
I am not a collector or a vanity kind of guy, but you have a good point. You paid for them with real $$$, you own them, so why shouldn't you be able to trade/sell them? I can understand it if it is a 'vanity' like the CoP or Shield of Hallows that is tied to a level, but just the general items? Agreed.

It's like spending money to buy a car, and then the manufacturer telling you that you can't sell it, trade it, or give to anyone else except to your alt/little bro or sis ;)

EDIT: The only reason I can think of that STS has them locked as non-tradeable....is the unfortunate possibility that you would see people selling them for gold in game and then you would have the whole possible fraud angle of people buying plat items for gold in game. Fake example: Guy A tells Guy B, "hey go buy ten plat vanity packs, I willz give you 100k goldz" and Guy B does because he/she has a lot of plat....then Guy B goes to find Guy A and says "Ok I bought you ten plat packs of stuff, where is my gold you promised?" and Guy A disappears, and then Guy B goes to STS saying he was scammed and then there is an issue. Or am I mis-thinking/over-analyzing this?

10-23-2011, 11:39 AM
I completely understand what you are saying about these and I think refunds should be given to people who have lost out from this system like you. I don't think STS will ever make them tradable however as people could then effectively but these packs for the sole purpose of selling the item they get for gold which would undermine system of buying gold for platinum in the store. For example in the store 250000 gold is 700 plat yet one of these items if made tradable could be worth more than that for 20 plat. I know hardly anyone buys gold for platinum in the store but I believe this would be the reason STS would give.

10-23-2011, 11:43 AM
I completely understand what you are saying about these and I think refunds should be given to people who have lost out from this system like you. I don't think STS will ever make them tradable however as people could then effectively but these packs for the sole purpose of selling the item they get for gold which would undermine system of buying gold for platinum in the store. For example in the store 250000 gold is 700 plat yet one of these items if made tradable could be worth more than that for 20 plat. I know hardly anyone buys gold for platinum in the store but I believe this would be the reason STS would give.

This is probably a better answer than what I gave as to why they are non-tradeable....but no one was forced to buy anything as far as vanity packs. STS doesn't have to and shouldn't give refunds to something that is completely optional to buy, unless they promised that every plat pack would have certain items in them....which they didn't.

10-23-2011, 12:12 PM
The only reason I can think of that STS has them locked as non-tradeable....is the unfortunate possibility that you would see people selling them for gold in game and then you would have the whole possible fraud angle of people buying plat items for gold in game. Fake example: Guy A tells Guy B, "hey go buy ten plat vanity packs, I willz give you 100k goldz" and Guy B does because he/she has a lot of plat....then Guy B goes to find Guy A and says "Ok I bought you ten plat packs of stuff, where is my gold you promised?" and Guy A disappears, and then Guy B goes to STS saying he was scammed and then there is an issue. Or am I mis-thinking/over-analyzing this?

My only argument to this would be that people are selling guilds and those are purchased with plat so why wouldn't STS be ok with people selling a few vanities...lol

I completely understand what you are saying about these and I think refunds should be given to people who have lost out from this system like you.

I even stated that I'm not suggesting a refund of plat.

10-23-2011, 12:18 PM
I am so crazy about vanities :D
But it just IS getting too expensive... PLS do not drain plat like that in the packs

And yes, i would very much like the tradeablility of those items. (Here i come trident!)

Miguel Herbert
10-23-2011, 12:22 PM
I agree u should be able to sell in cs, I am not ad fortunate to buy plats, but I am good at getting gold, and I would like to he able to buy them ad cs items

10-23-2011, 12:24 PM
Don't get me wrong I would love them to be tradable too but it's simply not going to happen as it could be abused so badly. IMO these should have been put as drops rather than plat items to freshen up the halloween event up but then STS wouldn't have made the profit they have made out of everyone.

10-23-2011, 12:30 PM
Don't get me wrong I would love them to be tradable too but it's simply not going to happen as it could be abused so badly. IMO these should have been put as drops rather than plat items to freshen up the halloween event up but then STS wouldn't have made the profit they have made out of everyone.

That's what I'm saying tho! Who cares if they are tradable once the event is over? STS gets their cake and can eat it too.... They don't lose out because they get to keep the $$$, their ever faithful customers that spend cash don't wall away from this while event with a bad taste in their mouth, and then those people who just play casually or don't spend plat can have a chance too.... Ultimately everyone is happy! And really isn't that what's it's about? Keeping all demographics happy while still being able to turn a profit... My solution does that to a "T"

10-23-2011, 12:44 PM
Im just bitter about the pinks that it gives, i mean it gave me a chunker almost exactly the same as the looted ones, >_<

10-23-2011, 12:45 PM
I really wish these items could be tradable... Its not fair to anyone... I think we should be able to put items on cs if nothing else... I just feel sick that I spent plat on this... They made it look really cool... Blah:ambivalence:

10-23-2011, 12:53 PM
I agree I think all vanity should be readable.

10-23-2011, 12:58 PM
How will they get ppl to buy the packs next year if they can be traded. Think, this gave them a lot of money so no i dont think they will

I dont rage
10-23-2011, 01:06 PM
I agree with this because i spent over 300 plat when the halloween sets just came out so there were no horns or sheild ect. I got the pumpkin launcher and a broom i could have bought those with money in game without buying with plat. Then a few days later u guys come out with new vant items..... I just think that is messed up because me and many other people bought the sets when they first came out and wasted all our plat. I just hope they can make up with the christmas event..... Cause right now i feel like i spend lots of real life money for nothing.

I dont rage
10-23-2011, 01:12 PM
Im just bitter about the pinks that it gives, i mean it gave me a chunker almost exactly the same as the looted ones, >_<

Yes that happened to me also its just unbeliviable. They are rushing this game with the events tgis is also another reason they need to stop with dark legands...... And btw where are the lvl 10 pinks! I have farming for hours me and my other lvl 10 friends but we only get lvl 20 pinks....

10-23-2011, 01:19 PM
Yes that happened to me also its just unbeliviable. They are rushing this game with the events tgis is also another reason they need to stop with dark legands...... And btw where are the lvl 10 pinks! I have farming for hours me and my other lvl 10 friends but we only get lvl 20 pinks....

Lvl 10 only drops during xmas event, the halloween event drops level 20 lowest.

10-23-2011, 01:25 PM
I think it'd be cool if plat vanities would be tradeable for plat vanities and if plat equips would be tradeable for plat equips.
Not sure if that means new categories for trade to divide these items groups up, but I think people would enjoy being able to trade for collections. You'd have to have an item to trade it.

10-23-2011, 01:38 PM
This is a great idea!

10-23-2011, 01:39 PM
Well I spent 120 plat and got everything but the horns

10-23-2011, 02:06 PM
Well I spent 120 plat and got everything but the horns

-_- No comment.....

10-23-2011, 02:14 PM
Well I spent 120 plat and got everything but the horns

-_- No comment.....


10-23-2011, 02:24 PM
That would be great!

10-23-2011, 02:33 PM
I see what you guys are saying, and have some valid points. But STS has never allowed plat-bought vanities to be traded....EVER, that I can recall. Even if every single point you guys made were 100% true, they make money off those plat sales. If they allowed them to be traded, then less people would buy them = less plat for STS. Yes, Tankkaar, they would get to keep their money, you are correct....but let's make something up. You spent 200 plat, have two tridents but no horns. I spend 200 plat and have two devil horns, but no trident. STS has sold 400 plat at this point. If they were to allow us to trade/sell for gold...which I repeat has never been done before....that would be it for them...400 plat. But since we can;t trade, you and I have to keep buying plat/vanity packs hoping to finish off our sets we want...say we each have to spend 150 each more for you to get a horn/me get a trident. Now STS has made 700 plat. Why in the name of ***** (insert your deity there) would they allow this and cut their own profits????

Like it or not, they are a business, and are becoming more plat-oriented for features/extras in game. I just don't see this changing.

And again, there is a large risk of scamming going on involving real money, if they allowed plat-items to be tradeable/sellable. Even GameLoft, perhaps the single worst current MMO company out there, doesn't allow it for that very reason, except in certain indirect cases where you have to pay $$$ to craft some base gear, and that gear is sell-able at that point.

It sucks for you collectors and I feel for you, but it is what it is, and I bet for a long time.

If it does change someday, I will rename one of my characters TankkaarRulez (for one week only, lol)

10-23-2011, 02:35 PM
lol i bought one pack and got the horns and i hate them! lol how ironic!

10-23-2011, 02:38 PM
I see what you guys are saying, and have some valid points. But STS has never allowed plat-bought vanities to be traded....EVER, that I can recall. Even if every single point you guys made were 100% true, they make money off those plat sales. If they allowed them to be traded, then less people would buy them = less plat for STS. Yes, Tankkaar, they would get to keep their money, you are correct....but let's make something up. You spent 200 plat, have two tridents but no horns. I spend 200 plat and have two devil horns, but no trident. STS has sold 400 plat at this point. If they were to allow us to trade/sell for gold...which I repeat has never been done before....that would be it for them...400 plat. But since we can;t trade, you and I have to keep buying plat/vanity packs hoping to finish off our sets we want...say we each have to spend 150 each more for you to get a horn/me get a trident. Now STS has made 700 plat. Why in the name of ***** (insert your deity there) would they allow this and cut their own profits????

Like it or not, they are a business, and are becoming more plat-oriented for features/extras in game. I just don't see this changing.

I feel you, and agree with you mostly, but it ain't gonna happen. And if it does, I will rename one of my characters TankkaarRulez (for one week only, lol)

to keep people from getting sick of this game and throwing up and quiting... thats what i would do if i spent that much plat and i got duplicate vannity items that could not be traded... it just makes the game kinda stupid...

10-23-2011, 02:52 PM
to keep people from getting sick of this game and throwing up and quiting... thats what i would do if i spent that much plat and i got duplicate vannity items that could not be traded... it just makes the game kinda stupid...

If people are going to quit over something small like a single vanity item, go for it. Plat items have never been tradeable....EVER. No one forced you to get them, and if I saw correctly on your other post, you did not even pay for your platinum, you got it for free. So you are raging and complaining about a vanity pack that you did not pay one cent for/support STS with. Awesome.

Positive/constructive feedback and suggestions, like Tankkaar's original post that had possible solutions, are always good if people aren't happy with something, but repeatedly just saying "this is stupid" or "is a stupid vanity" is not constructive or helping at all.

Toodles. This is turning into a thread of complainment. I hereby banish myself from it.

10-23-2011, 03:16 PM
I suppose I have only one arguement in support of Tankkaar. The Nuri crafting recipes can be bought with plat and you can craft a tradable item with it. It seems to me that selling/trading a plat item works this way, so why cannot a solution be found that allows us to do what we want with these Halloween items bought with plat?

10-23-2011, 03:30 PM
This actually is not a bad idea. Since I know alot of people bought many plat packs, selling these items in the CS would not screw up the economy because so many of these items are around.

Many people selling them would drive the price down. I think ill support this.

10-23-2011, 03:42 PM
This actually is not a bad idea. Since I know alot of people bought many plat packs, selling these items in the CS would not screw up the economy because so many of these items are around.

Many people selling them would drive the price down. I think ill support this.

Soon however people will no longer be able to buy the packs till the following year which will make prices escalate once the event finishes.

10-23-2011, 03:50 PM

I'd like to see them become tradable AFTER the event.

That being said, I'm not going to tell anyone how much I spent to get them all, but believe me when I say it was a fair amount. The thing is, I'm fine with that. I knew that while I was buying them. I had a clear number in mind that I was willing to spent on 'chance'. So I did. What if they'd come back in a 'deal of the day'? Then people will complain because they can't sell theirs.

What I'm trying to say is that although I'd like the items to become tradable, I'm fine if they don't.

10-23-2011, 09:28 PM
I'm just going to put it out there and say I hope the halloween items don't come back for deal of the day..... Then again nothing is sacred nowadays :-\

Edit: yay for being my 1000th post :banana:

10-23-2011, 09:37 PM
I'm just going to put it out there and say I hope the halloween items don't come back for deal of the day..... Then again nothing is sacred nowadays :-\

If its going to make them money then expect them back on deal of the day theres no such thing as Rare items anymore :/

10-23-2011, 10:47 PM
I support this thread. Should be for both games.

I for one have been wary of buying those packs for that exact reason. They're completely random and you get duplicates which are rendered worthless currently.

10-23-2011, 11:13 PM
Lol my only ever complaint bout PL is not evrything is tradeable.
Y not jst make evrything tradeable?

10-24-2011, 05:31 PM
I see what you guys are saying, and have some valid points. But STS has never allowed plat-bought vanities to be traded....EVER, that I can recall. Even if every single point you guys made were 100% true, they make money off those plat sales. If they allowed them to be traded, then less people would buy them = less plat for STS. Yes, Tankkaar, they would get to keep their money, you are correct....but let's make something up. You spent 200 plat, have two tridents but no horns. I spend 200 plat and have two devil horns, but no trident. STS has sold 400 plat at this point. If they were to allow us to trade/sell for gold...which I repeat has never been done before....that would be it for them...400 plat. But since we can;t trade, you and I have to keep buying plat/vanity packs hoping to finish off our sets we want...say we each have to spend 150 each more for you to get a horn/me get a trident. Now STS has made 700 plat. Why in the name of ***** (insert your deity there) would they allow this and cut their own profits????

Like it or not, they are a business, and are becoming more plat-oriented for features/extras in game. I just don't see this changing.

And again, there is a large risk of scamming going on involving real money, if they allowed plat-items to be tradeable/sellable. Even GameLoft, perhaps the single worst current MMO company out there, doesn't allow it for that very reason, except in certain indirect cases where you have to pay $$$ to craft some base gear, and that gear is sell-able at that point.

It sucks for you collectors and I feel for you, but it is what it is, and I bet for a long time.

If it does change someday, I will rename one of my characters TankkaarRulez (for one week only, lol)

What about the random pinks that you do get with each pack? :/, I don't mind the vanities being unreadable, but least the 'normal' items should be, imo.
I don't know how much I've spent trying to get the pitchfork in pl. Sometimes I take a minute and think back to how much plat I spent on the Halloween items, and its ridiculous, what am I going to do with 10+ costumes of each, and all the other 'normal' items that I can't/don't want to use?

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

10-25-2011, 01:42 AM
Most interesting debate in a while! There are so many good points either way! I'm confused over which way so I'm sitting on the fence with a big bag untradeable duplicate Halloween items hoping for a pitchfork to fall from the skies and land on my head.

10-25-2011, 01:57 AM
Making them tradable would also help the people who can't buy the packs to try to collect them all because they don't have plat like so many do... I myself try to get as many as I can but aren't able to spend much money on plat or my GF would kill me lol

10-26-2011, 10:53 AM
Ok, here's a suggestion.

Did we all know that there was a random chance of loot - yep.
Do we know that plat items are untradable - yep.
Do some people just not care and will spend until they have it all - yep.
Is there any good reason (on the customer side) for items that CAN be bought from CS or dropped from the halloween campaign to be included in those packs? - I say no.

Why not allow all the people who wish to, "re-roll" their plat halloween brooms, chunkers, and shields for an actual vanity (or yes, in my case, that elusive trident!). Personally, I was like Jay, I knew it was chance, I knew I might not be able to get everything I wanted, and I spent with my limit in mind. But the whole "plat items not sellable" argument has the glaring exception of the halloween loot, and IMO is really a raw deal.

11-02-2011, 02:31 AM
I got all the vanities I wanted the most in a good amount of plat with good luck, but in SL I had bad luck, I am still missing the witch holo hat, which I spent already 300 plats and still no hat so I stopped.

I feel that the packs are just like buying trading card packs, like magic or sports hobby cards, you pay and get a random insert or special card. But the worse thing is, the vanities IS NOT tradeable, it sticks with you forever.

But what are we going to do with the extra vanities/pinks we got from the packs? We can't sell it nor trade it nor give it nor do anything with it. It just sits in our inventory forever.

I can understand the benefit STS is making but I think they should think of a method for us to re-use these unwanted vanities

Okay lets keep that the plat vanities cannot be traded in trade window and sold in CS, so how about make it:

1) give-able, able to give to poor friends that can't buy plats as a gift

2) craftable, able to craft into another vanity, eg, 3 vanity converts into 1 random vanity from the same event

3) refundable, eg. 3 vanities into 5 plats

I hope STS would consider one of suggestions to make us heavy plat buyers happy, thanks a lot!