View Full Version : Enhanced Items

07-05-2010, 01:14 AM
Currently items are all pretty similar. Each new expansions just added a little more H/s or M/s, a little extra DPS etc. It would be great if items had a big overhaul and some cool new features were added to them. Some ideas are as follows:

1. More damage procs.
2. Non damage spells procs. Rage, Evade, Haste, Stone Skin etc
3. Heal or Mana procs. Like drinking a pot.
4. Spell effects you can't get from skills

All these would have low chances of firing, with the chance directly related to the rarity.

Added to this it would be good if when you clicked on an item you got a new window pop up over the right side of the inventory window so more detailed information could be shown. There are already a number of items that have more features than can be shown in the current interface.


07-05-2010, 01:24 AM
I like it but I think the Devs would have a hard time balancing the game even more :) But I still like it, hehe, more procs is always good even if it's only 1% chance of it happening.

Just expanding on your idea and just thought of something crazy to give more usage to Gold besides buying Pots in the Game. What if we can ADD enhancements to our current Gear? BUT, at a crazy high price, like 1 mil Gold for +1 m/s, or 500k for +1% crit, etc. But must have a Limit CAP on it of course, maybe max of 1 enhancement per item, else we'll all end up with super toons! :)

07-05-2010, 10:14 AM
I think more procs on weapons is a great idea and I hope it'll come at a later date (I can't really see the devs focussing on this too soon, I'd ratherthey turned their attention to balancing and gameplay mechanics now).

As for buyable gear enchantments, I like the idea, probably more as lootable enchantments though, that way everyone has an equal chance as opposed to just those with stockpiled gold having the best atuff