View Full Version : No plat for lvl 36? No problem!

10-24-2011, 04:34 PM
I just got my entire last draft deleted just as I was about to post (14 paragraphs) so I'm ticked off and I'm gonna be patient still as much as possible. Now...Hello! It's me again and with the the new lvl cap, I'm here to help people get to the lvl cap WITHOUT PLATINUM! Now I have nothing against the combo elixers, but this is to help people without platinum or scraping them off Tapjoy's chin.

First you need to plan an attack strategy! Make a group of willing people to help you do this, and figure out where to grind the 50k exp required for lvl 36! Don't forget that a full group gives an exp bonus! Now this is how I will do it along with pros and cons to help you decide. Here they are:

1. Do lvl's 1-3 in the SY
Why? Lvl's 1-3 are easy enough for anyone to do if you can't find a good group to run with. Here is the pros and cons:
Pros: Easy mobs and a chance of a purple in the end.
Cons: Due to the easy difficulty, the mobs give less exp.

2. Do lvl 5 in the SY
Why? Lvl 5 is a hard lvl to do unless you have an elite group with you! The harder mobs give more exp and can be faster grinding if done right with an effective strategy. Here are the pros and cons:
Pros: the harder mobs give more exp because of the difficulty increase.
Cons: because it is harder, you will need a good group to grind there. The boss can be skipped to grind faster, but it'll prevent any purple drops.

Ok time for the important part: exp gain. One run = around 100 exp per run
(lvl's 1-3 or lvl 5 = one run)

IF 10 runs per day... You will get 1k exp per day which = around 50 days of grinding to get lvl 36!
IF 15 runs per day... You will get 1.5k exp per day which = around 34 days to get lvl 36! That saves you two weeks of grinding!
IF 20 runs per day... You will get 2k exp per day which = around 25 days to get lvl 36! That saves you three weeks of grinding for lvl 36!
IF 25 runs per day... You will get 2.5k exp per day which = around Four weeks of grinding!

Now this is without using any elixers, so if you use the free ones it might boost the stats a little. I have made a small chart to keep track of my runs, but I'm still trying to find out how using photobucket so it'll be a while.

I hope this helps! Now... GO GET YOUR HELM!

10-24-2011, 04:53 PM
Look good but the 25 runs a day should be around three weeks not four weeks.

10-24-2011, 05:03 PM
Hmm it (calculater) says I can get to the cap in little under 20 days which is 30 days subtracted from the original, and since 28 days = 4 weeks, shouldn't it be four weeks saved?

10-24-2011, 05:05 PM
Awesome Guide Cah!

This will uplift some peoples thoughts on doing this without Plat.

Pros: Easy mobs and a chance of a pink in the end.

Purple? :p

10-24-2011, 05:05 PM
Excellent once again rasa, now i just gotta get to 35 xD

10-24-2011, 05:09 PM
Ergh me losing my original draft got my grammer off and I was spacing out occasionally lol :D

10-24-2011, 05:15 PM
Ergh me losing my original draft got my grammer off and I was spacing out occasionally lol :D

Totally understand, doubt I'd be able to re-post it taking that time to type it all out :p

Was the draft on the forums? (If so you can recover recent un-posted content)

10-24-2011, 05:20 PM
Ergh me losing my original draft got my grammer off and I was spacing out occasionally lol :D

Totally understand, doubt I'd be able to re-post it taking that time to type it all out :p

Was the draft on the forums? (If so you can recover recent un-posted content)
I was finished typing and I decided to move it to the player guide section using the change where to post button on the mobile app. It moved and then closed out saying I have no permission to be there. I think I stopped breathing x.x

10-24-2011, 05:22 PM
Hmm it (calculater) says I can get to the cap in little under 20 days which is 30 days subtracted from the original, and since 28 days = 4 weeks, shouldn't it be four weeks saved?

Currently though for the 20 runs a day you have it down as around 25 days to reach 36 but when doing 25 runs a day it takes around 4 weeks (28 days) which is more.

I would have thought that you'd do 50000/the amount per day which is 2500 which would work out to be 20ish days.

Unless I'm missing something in which case just ignore me.

Edit: O I see now it takes around 20 days to reach lvl 36 and saves you around 4 weeks in lvling time. My brain must not be functioning properly.

10-24-2011, 05:36 PM
I was finished typing and I decided to move it to the player guide section using the change where to post button on the mobile app. It moved and then closed out saying I have no permission to be there. I think I stopped breathing x.x

Arrrrghhh!!! Lol! I can imagine! Well great job re-typing the whole thing and on your mobile? you deserve a medal or something :p

10-25-2011, 07:01 AM
cool guide, exactly what I needed, wondering if there will be enough time to max cap two alts without elixrs

10-25-2011, 08:31 AM
Now this is without using any elixers, so if you use the free ones it might boost the stats a little. I have made a small chart to keep track of my runs, but I'm still trying to find out how using photobucket so it'll be a while.

Off topic, I know... But here's some help for this. Go to the forum on a normal web browser and click the image icon...


You can then upload an image to STS. This is better than Photobucket because the image will never expire.

(I used this method to upload my picture.)

10-25-2011, 09:54 PM
I'm going for 2.5 a day but I'm just using that as my daily quota and I still ussualy get around 4k a day.

11-08-2011, 07:08 AM
I was finished typing and I decided to move it to the player guide section using the change where to post button on the mobile app. It moved and then closed out saying I have no permission to be there. I think I stopped breathing x.x

Arrrrghhh!!! Lol! I can imagine! Well great job re-typing the whole thing and on your mobile? you deserve a medal or something :p
I hope I do! It took me over an hour lol. (Imagine using a phone keyboard X.X)

11-08-2011, 09:33 AM
on a side note, if you're running SY2 repeatedly with a good group, the free daily elixir will last you almost 3 passes and that's with the boss included, providing you can all gang up on him & kill him quickly. Just run around the mines at the end. Don't take the time to disarm them. That's a nice XP boost every day. If you're running SY5, the elixir won't last you til the end. With a decent group, it should last til just past the hostages, but no way will it last til the end of the boss.

I highly recommend not skipping the boss in SY2, as you'll get a lot of good weapon drops there, including the whistler, which is the best gun for the pistol/shield combo, and there's plenty of other weapons & shields that drop there, and the time spent to kill him is seconds if your whole group does it.

This has the added bonus of getting you the sleeves & boots for the lvl35 set as well, and plenty of extra drops to hand out to friends along the way. Not much worth in them to sell a lot of it, but giving them away to friends & guildies that need these items will always make you and them happy to game together! :-)

11-08-2011, 03:19 PM
Long paragraph with some good tips! Thanks for the new info. I also heard that opening the chest before entering Von Uber's empty and most boring to be in room increases the chance of a purple. I know because two purples dropped when I tried. I am going to edit this data when I have the time. (How am I typing in this paragraph now? I am such a hypocrite atm :p)

11-08-2011, 03:27 PM
The chest right before Von Uber (and all other chests I suspect) have nothing at ALL to do with drop rate/frequency/type.

I ran lvl2 literally hundreds of times, and I opened that end chest 99% of the time, and got everything from crap drops to nice purples.

I also usually open the one chest in the hallway near the greenhouse entrance that takes no extra time to get.

Both of those chests dropped varying loot from low level crud to rare materials, so if you're grinding to 36, they are well worth the effort to grab along the way.

11-08-2011, 04:55 PM
I guess it is just superstition then. :p

11-09-2011, 12:08 AM
Rofl I was booted from a game for opening a crate

11-09-2011, 12:32 AM
I have yet to see any HARD evidence proving one way or the other that opening chests at any point in any run affects drops by the boss.

I've heard people have "supposedly" playtested this, but could no provide any evidence one way or the other when I asked them. Typically people that into testing the limits of the game will post significant findings here on the forums eventually. I have seen none of it pertaining to this myth.

Personal experience has shown for me, that either opening chests or doors, or not, does not affect end drops in any way. It's all controlled by RNG, and maybe a tweak here & there by the devs at times, but nothing more.

If anyone has real evidence showing this or any other myths (i.e. waving at boss, using the word rmk/remake/again in chat during the battle, etc.) to be true or false, please share.

Until I see some actual crunched numbers on it, I regard anything along these lines as 100% pure faux gold plated hooey with a saccharine core...

Again, my personal opinion. Regard or disregard at your own choice, but please don't flame. Not my intent to cause consternation. Constructive discussion always welcome. :-)

11-09-2011, 06:36 AM
Constructive feedback always welcome! :)

11-09-2011, 07:03 AM
I concur with jazzblue on this one. Superstition. That's all. Just like saving them hostages in sy5 for better drops. Nonsense.

There's another aspect in it, too. Think of it from the software developer perspective. Choices:
A) when determining the drop, check the containers in the level and see if they were opened or not, then put a bonus to the rng result.
B) when determining the drop, just go with the rng result.

A cumbersome and stupid, B simpler and sensible. Gee, I wonder which would I go with...

11-09-2011, 09:54 AM
I concur with jazzblue on this one. Superstition. That's all. Just like saving them hostages in sy5 for better drops. Nonsense.

There's another aspect in it, too. Think of it from the software developer perspective. Choices:
A) when determining the drop, check the containers in the level and see if they were opened or not, then put a bonus to the rng result.
B) when determining the drop, just go with the rng result.

A cumbersome and stupid, B simpler and sensible. Gee, I wonder which would I go with...

Agreed! :)

One thing I will add is, when OP post was made no one was running the SY2 then when alot agreed that this was the simpler way to getting to 36 skipping SY1 due to all the timed spawns.

Since running these it is also rumoured/a belief that running SY5 without boss is still a contender when trying to hit 36. Unsure how this has come about but seems pretty doubtful though I have not tested this myself so couldn't say for sure.

Pro's - Simple(can be done with eyes close - TESTED)/less resources used/FAST/chances of two certain spots for Slouch-SY Vanity (start/end)

Con's - Can get boring due to repetition (Not with the groups I put together though, funny!)/Bugs with spawns/mediocre drops

Overall - Have Capped 2 char now on my 3rd and the only way to go for me is SY2 (with/without boss) ;)

sun light
11-09-2011, 10:02 AM
actualy, one hour farming lvl 1, gives u. 2000 xp.with daily ech
and 4 weeks ure done ;)
that lvl is soo easy that im playing a movie and play at the same time.
but... does lvl cap worth it? im pl there was actualy give u dmg,armor, and set but here is only a vanity. ;(

11-09-2011, 03:11 PM
SL so far only has one lvl cap vanity. It should start getting more like PL and become it's own set. (Should look awesome since they are all different based on class)

11-23-2011, 10:41 PM
Okay I'm testing out posting a picture. As a side note: It took me 29 non-plat grinding days to reach level 36.

Edit: Okay I copied the direct code from photobucket and tried to paste it in the url box in the picture option but it keeps saying invalid url. Anything I should do? :confused:

Iron Hand
11-24-2011, 12:25 AM
I have yet to see any HARD evidence proving one way or the other that opening chests at any point in any run affects drops by the boss.

I've heard people have "supposedly" playtested this, but could no provide any evidence one way or the other when I asked them. Typically people that into testing the limits of the game will post significant findings here on the forums eventually. I have seen none of it pertaining to this myth.

Personal experience has shown for me, that either opening chests or doors, or not, does not affect end drops in any way. It's all controlled by RNG, and maybe a tweak here & there by the devs at times, but nothing more.

If anyone has real evidence showing this or any other myths (i.e. waving at boss, using the word rmk/remake/again in chat during the battle, etc.) to be true or false, please share.

Until I see some actual crunched numbers on it, I regard anything along these lines as 100% pure faux gold plated hooey with a saccharine core...

Again, my personal opinion. Regard or disregard at your own choice, but please don't flame. Not my intent to cause consternation. Constructive discussion always welcome. :-)

yep could not agree more... everything is random chance and there is no specific thing or action that effects chance other than opening the chest or killing the boss. if you do not do either i can guarantee you get diddly squat nothing hehe... :)