View Full Version : What's your funniest moment in AL?

09-18-2017, 08:32 AM
Share them moments ( I need a laugh )


Player X: sell Drag staff 4m clean 100% GL
Me: I buy, can I see please?

~trades me~

Me: I don't like the other awaking sorry I am not going to buy it.

~I cancel trade~

Player X: * spams town chat* HANDSUMLEGEND SCAMMER REPORT!!

Me: Lmfao wtf

I pm him:

Me: Why you call me scammer lol?

Player X: You say you buy then you not buy, scammer noob

Me: Are you serious?

Player X: ( with pride) this is probably going to be my last message to you because I am blocking you. I will unblocked you again when I reach my list of 300 people again.

Me: lmfao
Me: ( to myself ) If he has to be block 300 people twice he has some issues.

Sorry I couldn't think of another funnier moment if I do, I will post


09-18-2017, 09:36 AM
It was a couple of years back. A friend of mine had got new gear for his warrior twink and had respec his skills. He partied me and asked me to come and look at how powerful his toon was, so I went along and met him in dead city. He then proceeded to demonstrate his skills and moves...swirling around etc. Banging his sword ferociously and making the ground shake. Unfortunately, he was standing in a poisonous pool..I did try to tell him. I felt bad when his toon died..the awful warrior noise at it's demise. The thing is...it looked so funny. Am I bad for laughing?

09-18-2017, 09:39 AM
I don't know where you want em but I'll put it on both! Lmfao something similar happened to me. Here's mine:

Player A: Selling lepre 5% luck

Me: I'll buy: How much?

Player A: Offer

Me: Please tell me your auto

Player A: Offer!

Me: 400k?

Player A: Ha ha ha noob!

Me: -_- (Leaves trade window)

Player A: (30 minutes later) Ok I'll sell for 400k

Me: No thx not interested bought one already

Player A: But you said you'd buy mine!

Me: And you asked me to offer...

Player A: Ok I'm gonna report you and STS will ban you!

Me: Sounds good...

Player A: I'm not kidding! I'm doing it right now! You'll get banned!

Me: Ok....

Player A: Seriously I am doing it!!!

Me: (Mutes player A) (To myself) Darn I've been reported!

Player AA: (On alt) I did it now I'm going to do it on all my alts

Me: (Mutes player AA)

Player AAA: I've done it on 5!

Me: (Logs off)

Moral of the story... Don't get lepre not worth it.

09-18-2017, 09:41 AM
It was a couple of years back. A friend of mine had got new gear for his warrior twink and had respec his skills. He partied me and asked me to come and look at how powerful his toon was, so I went along and met him in dead city. He then proceeded to demonstrate his skills and moves...swirling around etc. Banging his sword ferociously and making the ground shake. Unfortunately, he was standing in a poisonous pool..I did try to tell him. I felt bad when his toon died..the awful warrior noise at it's demise. The thing is...it looked so funny. Am I bad for laughing?

No. That's hilarious!! "I'm so strong, I'm so strong!" "Dude you're in a poison pool -_-" *War dies*

09-18-2017, 12:17 PM
Player B: It's my birthday and no one wish me happy birthday :(

Me: Happy Birthday!! :)

Player B: My life is so sad, I don't even have any friends.

Me: No , you have me now, we can be friends.

Player B: I did not even get a birthday present :(

*trying to make me feel sorry and give him something*

Me: That sucks dude

* I gift him spectral wings * Worth 20k

Player B: WTF, you poor nab. I want Immortal Staff.

Me: -_-

09-18-2017, 12:30 PM
Player B: It's my birthday and no one wish me happy birthday :(

Me: Happy Birthday!! :)

Player B: My life is so sad, I don't even have any friends.

Me: No , you have me now, we can be friends.

Player B: I did not even get a birthday present :(

*trying to make me feel sorry and give him something*

Me: That sucks dude

* I gift him spectral wings * Worth 20k

Player B: WTF, you poor nab. I want Immortal Staff.

Me: -_-

LMAO. I don't care who u are I'm not giving you 3 million gold.

09-18-2017, 03:49 PM
A couple years ago, i was grinding xp in watchers tombs, i was leveling my rogue named Zylx, and in the lobby, i get a pm.

"Nice name"


"Copy noob"


"Why you cant think of your own name noob"

What do you mean?

"You copy my twink, Zyvx(?)" (cant remember actual ign, but there was only one letter difference)

I dont know who that is. (I really didnt know who he was)

"I playing long time like 1 year"

I've had the same name for 2 years

"I will farm u on my twink"

Ok, cool.

"Maybe you should make ur own name not copy" (goes offline)