View Full Version : Hey SL! Which character should I level

10-25-2011, 04:40 AM
Operative, Commando or Engineer?

I have one of each I just don't know what to go with.... :emptiness::concern::confused::worked_till_5am:

-FPW :pig:

10-25-2011, 04:56 AM
I like engineer the best commanod is 2 best and operative is my least favorite so id go with engineer

10-25-2011, 04:57 AM
Another question 2 questions, when PvP comes out what do you think will be best?

And what class is there least of?

10-25-2011, 05:00 AM
whichever vanity helm you like the best for lvl 36!!! But if your levels in your sig are correct, you might not make it in time :(
In that case...everyone seems to like commandos. You don't die easy and you can solo well with the AOE. I see a lot of commandos these days. Everyone likes being able to heal...but people are impatient waiting for runs and the engineer is the slowest solo character out of the 3, so if you like to save money on stims and are patient enough to play a slower but safer path, go with the engineer. If you want to risk dying alot but like to just slice and dice enemies...go with the operative. At the max level right now ops are pushing like 170 dps with a variety of crit boosting and single combat skills.

10-25-2011, 05:02 AM
whichever vanity helm you like the best for lvl 36!!! But if your levels in your sig are correct, you might not make it in time :(
In that case...everyone seems to like commandos. You don't die easy and you can solo well with the AOE. I see a lot of commandos these days. Everyone likes being able to heal...but people are impatient waiting for runs and the engineer is the slowest solo character out of the 3, so if you like to save money on stims and are patient enough to play a slower but safer path, go with the engineer. If you want to risk dying alot but like to just slice and dice enemies...go with the operative. At the max level right now ops are pushing like 170 dps with a variety of crit boosting and single combat skills.

I won't make it in time :( but I think I'm going for operative because it seems to be my style, kill fast die lots have fun :)

Thx kahlua!

10-25-2011, 05:03 AM
Second question requires a second post:

Ops will dominate the low levels I think. Mind wrack and amp pain combo when it crits will just be devastating, especially at low levels when other classes don't have nearly as good skill sets. Upper levels...might be the same but with all the added variables like implants, new skills, and the classes beginning to separate more into actual class divisions (tank, support, damage), we'll have to wait and see.

I see a lot of commandos now. It's the safe bet. I saw a lot of operatives at lower levels, but once the content started getting hard, I see a lot of people ditched the operative for survivability. They'll probably level the character last. Truth is a lot of people have all 3, if not a few of all 3. But at high levels...much less ops and engineers.

10-25-2011, 05:09 AM
Kahuka i dont agree at high lvls more engineers are coming. i do agree op is uncommon at slouch or shipyard but, engineers are pretty common commandos and engineers are usualy make a good team commando does big damge and engineer heals its how u win.

10-25-2011, 05:13 AM
I'm very aware of "how you win." Every party I've been in has had an abundance of commandos. I've never had a part of 4 engineers and myself in shipyards. I have had a lot of parties of 3, 4, or even all 5 commandos. Under those circumstances, one would assume their are more commandos in circulation in shipyards.

EDIT: I can now add "Kahuka" to the list of names I've been called :p

10-25-2011, 05:19 AM
Sorry bout the name typed to fast lol. Yes theyre r a lot more commandos but its not like engineers dont play (btw 5 engineers is very fun u varley die:) operatives just abondon their own character it seems i have commando account that i barely play cause engineers are not super common and of course they r a healer engineer is like a tank in an army engineer is the medic who still can fight

10-25-2011, 05:57 AM
Sorry bout the name typed to fast lol. Yes theyre r a lot more commandos but its not like engineers dont play (btw 5 engineers is very fun u varley die:) operatives just abondon their own character it seems i have commando account that i barely play cause engineers are not super common and of course they r a healer engineer is like a tank in an army engineer is the medic who still can fight

The term you're looking for is "Combat Medic." The commandos are the tanks :p

10-25-2011, 09:06 AM
I see a lot of commandos now. It's the safe bet. I saw a lot of operatives at lower levels, but once the content started getting hard, I see a lot of people ditched the operative for survivability.

I prefer operatives for survivability, because a dead mob can't hurt you ;)

In seriousness, Ops are really fast killers, but they do require a mechanic for regular oil changes and emergency maintenance.

10-25-2011, 09:16 AM
I prefer operatives for survivability, because a dead mob can't hurt you ;)

In seriousness, Ops are really fast killers, but they do require a mechanic for regular oil changes and emergency maintenance.

Or a lot of stims. :D Lamborghinis need oil, don'tcha know. ;) Like birds in PL, your damage as an Op is like bonus armor--they can't hurt you if they're already dead.

In answer to your question, FPW, what class do you like best? Playing the char you enjoy the most will make it easier to level and not seem so grind-y. Op for me, then 'mando, then Engie.

10-25-2011, 10:12 AM
FPW in no way are you new to this kind of system lol, you must have some idea what class you want to be? :p

Same as PL,

Com Tank/Ursan

Pro's - Health (Survivability), Pest Control skills and DODGE!

Con's - Slower kills, can use quite alot of PPs (PowerPacks)

Op DPS/Avian

Pro's - Killer! (DPS), Fast kills.

Con's - Lower survivability, Reliant on Engi and can use heaps of Stim.

Engi Heals&Dgm Skills/Enchantress

Pro's - Only class that can use revive! Heal others with Empathy (3xTicks over a certain amount of time), also players use this as a DPS Engi, DODGE works well with this class also. Damage to your enemies while also taking that health and healing yourself.

Con's - Not many cons that I can think of for this class, only that its more of an overall type of player. (Not the best Tank or DPS)

As your PL toon was an Avian, im guessing that you prefer the fast killing type! Therefore Op would be your first choice.


Personally I level all 3 class and love to learn each and every skill also play types. But as most know here Com is my main! and will never change. Even if the Com gear falls through sometime in the future, I will always be a Com at heart. Though one more thing I would add is which ever you pick as your Main you always find you can always seem to find that play type and add it to any other alt you use, which can have quite alot of disadvantages.

P.S. I typed this up on my phone, though it died on the way to work. So if this has already been covered, apologies :)

10-26-2011, 01:13 PM
Who knowe though in pvp it could be a team of the three against the other so you cant really say much about pvp. Its all up to u to decide your class