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View Full Version : Anyone still crafting Demonic gear?

10-25-2011, 01:59 PM
I am just curious to see if anyone is still working on crafting a Demonic set. I see that the Glyphic Blade Steel is dropping in price, but it still costs a fortune to craft Demonic items.

Hopefully the Demonic sets will still be valuable when Mt Fang comes out. It would be a shame to see the Demonic sets depreciate too much after all of the hard work and expense required to create them.

Also, I wonder if any of the crafting components required to craft Demonic items will be usable in the future to craft other items? If not, will the glyphic and para aramid crafting components continue to depreciate? I suppose that time will tell.


Suentous PO
10-25-2011, 02:15 PM
I'm still workin on it, and sitting on a lot of components. I can't imagine it won't be useful for fang.

10-25-2011, 03:59 PM
I guess they're still being made. Now that they cost so much cheaper, the semi-hardcore gamers can buy them. When they were first released, only the supremely rich could buy them.

10-25-2011, 04:05 PM
If the price of glyphic blade steel plunges, then I will consider crafting a Demonic set. Until then, I am just waiting to see how quickly and how low the steel price falls.


10-26-2011, 04:57 AM
Just completed my set on Monday and have a friend who is working on his last 10 steels...

I hope prices fall low enough for you to craft. I think you'll be pleased with look, stat bonuses, etc... GOOD LUCK!

10-26-2011, 05:20 AM
If the price of glyphic blade steel plunges, then I will consider crafting a Demonic set. Until then, I am just waiting to see how quickly and how low the steel price falls.

Yea exacly

10-26-2011, 06:01 AM
Just like MOST mmo's though, when new content with new cap is released, your gear will not be worth it anymore. There will either be dropped items in mt fang or new crafted items that take demo's place. Now time will tell if they will make you have demo to upgrade (if crafted). But I have a feeling you won't have too. The whole point of working on something like demo is because its the best, now personally I'm not quite sure if I would go hardcore working on a set at this point with mt fang so close, but personally I'll be saving everything I can to get my fang gear quicker.

10-26-2011, 06:45 AM
It's not about how much it's worth or how much it'll drop after (possibly/probably better) Mt Fang gear comes out, it is about how it is still the best gear in game for now and to tackle Mt Fang until any/all new drops are found. Whether or not it is worth the money at this point is a personal choice.

People are still crafting them, because whenever I get a crafting component drop, it sells in under 30 minutes usually.

10-26-2011, 03:23 PM
History will likely repeat itself where we should find many Mt. Fang gear (including many non-pinks) that will out-spec Demonic gear. We saw it with crafted Sewer gear and it should be no different with Demonic. The reality is that as of this moment there's still plenty of room for the price to fall.

Will Nuri crafting components be usable in Mt. Fang? While only the devs currently know, the rest of us can only speculate and seeing how it wasn't the case with Sewers to Nuri, it's reasonable to assume the same with Nuri to Mt. Fang.

As Mooger pointed out, whether Demonic gear and their crafting components are worth today's price is a personal question. Everyone's buy in price will vary.

10-26-2011, 05:43 PM
I understand that the supply and demand of the Demonic gear crafting components dictates their fluctuatung prices. We are now all witnessing the daily reduction in prices of the required crafting components and L60 Glyphic pieces.

Considering the extraordinary cost and effort to craft Demonic gear, if I had a Demonic set and common non-pink drops from Mt Fang outclassed the Demonic gear, I would not be pleased.


10-26-2011, 09:59 PM
I understand that the supply and demand of the Demonic gear crafting components dictates their fluctuatung prices. We are now all witnessing the daily reduction in prices of the required crafting components and L60 Glyphic pieces.

Considering the extraordinary cost and effort to craft Demonic gear, if I had a Demonic set and common non-pink drops from Mt Fang outclassed the Demonic gear, I would not be pleased.


Yes, crafting component prices are directly related to Demonic equipment prices. If people aren't as willing to buy Demonic gear because their decisions are being influenced by impending Mt. Fang gear releases, then we see a tendency for their prices to fall. And since there are fewer buyers of Demonic gear, there's more supply of crafting components to flood the market putting further pressure on their prices. Simple economics.

It's happened before and it'll happen again.

10-27-2011, 05:43 AM
Just a few thoughts:

1) Actually the Custom Hand Grip from the daily Dr. Noxious quest in the Sewers can be used for crafting Demonic gear. As a Mage, using the Custom Hand Grip from the sewers saved me a total of 12 Glyphic Steels and 12 Glyphic Woods (4 Glyphic Steels & 4 Glyphic Woods on my Staff, 4 Glyphic Steels & 4 Glyphic Woods on my Wand and 4 Glyphic Steels and 4 Glyphic Woods on my Bracer). Given that you can pick up one a day and buy them for 4K-8K on most days in CS, it was a great value play to assist in crafting Demonic gear. By no means does that guarantee that Glyphic craft items will be usable for Mt. Fang but there is a precedent set which gives me some hope.

2) On the climb from 55-60, I wasn't blown away by any of the "junk pinks" offered at 56 & 58 and with the exception of the TROUBADOUR UNBLINKING EYE was truly disappointed in the majority of the 56 & 58 non-pink gear in comparison to my Mega Mage and Enchanted gear. (Note that due to how hard the mobs hit in Nuri's I was focused mostly on Armor which I found lacking compared to MM and Enchanted gear) Given that advancement curve from 61-65 is going to be somewhere North of 50,000 xp, I'm going to take a gamble that I can make the climb in my Demonic gear and then begin to swap out to whatever premium gear is offered at 65. For me, using Demonic gear for 50K+ of xp is worth the investment. (Not to mention I get to use it while waiting for Mt Fang to be released) Obviously your mileage my vary which is what makes this game so great!

3) I've seen lots of comments in the forum (including this thread) and in game about Mt Fang being released "soon". I've looked all over for an official release date but can't find one. Has an official date been released or are alot of players making an assumption that "soon" is Nov?

Looking forward to seeing all of you at the Circus and Mt Fang whenever its released!

10-27-2011, 06:59 AM
3) I've seen lots of comments in the forum (including this thread) and in game about Mt Fang being released "soon". I've looked all over for an official release date but can't find one. Has an official date been released or are alot of players making an assumption that "soon" is Nov?

Looking forward to seeing all of you at the Circus and Mt Fang whenever its released!

I'm sure you've already read through this thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?39720-Regarding-Mount-Fang-and-the-Level-Cap-Raise), so as usual, unless it's been announced by a dev, it's purely rumours and speculation.

10-27-2011, 07:23 AM
@ neko, thanks, been there, done that, I'm actually the next to the last post in that thread asking about the Fallen Prince and his lack of shields. :smile: Jazzed to hear its just a bug.

Anyhow, since there is no published release date for Mt Fang, it appears we're all playing some high stakes poker on whether or not to go Demonic. Luckily, we all pretty much "win" regardless if you craft or not, as you either get some great gear now or you mainatin a large war chest for future gear when Mt Fang eventually comes out...

Kindof interesting how this game mirrors real life where we all have limited resources and have to chose how we want to expend them. Good luck to all who face the decision of crafting Demonic gear now or waive off in hopes of an "early" release for Mt Fang!

10-27-2011, 01:07 PM
I think demonic sets are the best available & with all the trouble I went thru to craft it...I will be using it in Mt Fang till I can get something better. I still like my Shadow set & that cost me a lot too...even tho I've kinda retired it. Both sets look sharp because they're all black. I also held onto my MM & Enchanted sets in my collection even though their value has dropped. Can't sell them even if I need gold.

10-27-2011, 07:09 PM
Kindof interesting how this game mirrors real life where we all have limited resources and have to chose how we want to expend them. Good luck to all who face the decision of crafting Demonic gear now or waive off in hopes of an "early" release for Mt Fang!

It's what makes this game fun and frustrating at the same time. In the end it's just a game so I don't get too miffed if I've lost a few hard earned millions on devalued equipment. I'll try to make it back elsewhere and have fun doing it.

See you out there!

10-27-2011, 07:36 PM
To me, I just try to get the best possible gear for the lvl I'm at..I have fun figuring out ways to obtain it..I think back on how happy I was to get voodoo at 35, or crystalline at 25 lol..I got demonic as soon as I could and plan on keeping it till the next elite set comes out..then going for that one..