View Full Version : Is it too late to start Arcane Legends

09-30-2017, 04:52 PM
Hello and warm greetings to all of you

Before i get to the main point, i would like to add a little backstory that should help shed some light on this dilemma i am facing.
I started my sts venture with pocket legends, had a good 3 year run, i still think cinco loco is keeping it running somehow (mad love to you buddy) During my 3 year stay i also played Dark legends/ Star Legends.

I really loved pl but when i got into AL, i played al i decided it wasn't for me, maybe ill give it a shot in future when i have a couple of bucks to spare.

That being said, i'm finally at that point where i don't mind spending a moderate amount on games, however thats really not the point. The main thing that concerns me here is that perhaps now its too late to be competitive in this game.

Now my real question is, can i be competitive at this game if i start now?

1. Spending a moderate amount of money on plat, would that give me enough to be a competitive end game player?
2. How tough is the climb to cap 61?
3. Will this game stay popular enough in the near future?
4. How is life as an f2p?
5. how expensive is it to be competitive in this game?
6. Is it too late to start now? should i wait for another sts mmorpg?

I've tried alot other mmorpgs, even eso but i didn't really enjoy them as much. I've always admired sts art and playstyle that it has tempted me to give this game another shot.
I would really appreciate all comments regarding my queries.

Thank you!

10-03-2017, 01:36 PM
Hey there and welcome :)

1. It depends on what you spend it on game and how you want to spend it.
2. Not so hard if you focus on one char only. You can get easily from 1 to 59 in 3 days.
3. No idea. But i hope so lol
4. Really cool! I love farming!! (its not for everyone haha)
5. If you want pvp it will cost u a lot i think.. for pve its not so expensive.. you just need to farm and merch (optional).
6. Up to you honestly... idk what else to say

Hope this helps :)

11-01-2017, 03:58 AM
its never to late for any game. just coming back myself from long break away

11-03-2017, 06:18 PM
never too late to start!! some newer players are richer than some of the oldest players. It depends how much you play, how many offers you can do, or the fastest would be spending real cash. In some videos, $200 package looted a bunch of nightmare items along with some arcane items :) If you play for free that's okay too, just can't expect the rarest items to be easily obtained without a lot of time investment.

11-05-2017, 10:26 AM
Yes. It's too late.

11-06-2017, 07:33 AM
Yes. It's too late.

Well that's.... Ok then XD Nah it's never too late to start! Friend me and I can help you lvl up a bit(Ign: Shocann) F2P has gotten me to a very small fortune so far but I haven't worked my hardest and I think f2p players can make it through the game just fine!