View Full Version : The High Flyers Tournament (Caw Caw)

10-26-2011, 01:15 PM
Gauging Interest in a BIRD ONLY 60+ 1/1 Tournament.

There are quite a few very good birds out there. I am sure we could get 32 birds in this one and let em beak it out.

What do you guys think? Something similiar to Elyidols Sewer Bear tournie. 1/1 bracket style single elimination.
If not for Dev sponsored goodies how about for good old fashion bragging rights??? ;)

10-26-2011, 01:39 PM
I would suggest the Devs honor the winner with a custom forum title, similar to "Da Bear", maybe "Da Bird"? And then after a future Mage contest in a similar style the top 3 of all these tourneys could duke it out for true King/Queen of end game PvP.

Just an added suggestion.

10-26-2011, 05:20 PM
Nice, thinking ahead. ;)
Gotta finish ctf tournie first huh.

Cmon birds! Where you at.

10-26-2011, 06:37 PM
So no winnings/fees ? im in

10-27-2011, 12:17 AM
You know I'm down ;)

10-27-2011, 02:15 AM
You know I'm down ;)
OH yeah let's get it on!!!!!!!!!!

10-27-2011, 06:53 AM
I'm wit it

10-27-2011, 10:34 AM
Gauging Interest in a BIRD ONLY 60+ 1/1 Tournament.

There are quite a few very good birds out there. I am sure we could get 32 birds in this one and let em beak it out.

What do you guys think? Something similiar to Elyidols Sewer Bear tournie. 1/1 bracket style single elimination.
If not for Dev sponsored goodies how about for good old fashion bragging rights??? ;)
Why birds? Your a mage... I rather had an 60+ 1/1 mage tournement xD.

10-27-2011, 10:49 AM
Im in with my lvl 61 Bird: "Daantjeh" :)

10-27-2011, 10:53 AM
If you build it, they will come :-)

Im in!

10-27-2011, 10:54 AM
Cool idea DTF! Don't know if I will enter or not but I will be more than happy to spread the word for ya.

10-27-2011, 10:57 AM
Why birds? Your a mage... I rather had an 60+ 1/1 mage tournement xD.

Lil known fact! I have all three classes 60/61 ;)
Remember the bear tournie? Mine was in final four ! Hehe
Just need demo dex helm for xbow set.

10-27-2011, 10:58 AM
Im in

10-27-2011, 06:02 PM
You cant participate if youre a penguin. Because penguins arent High Flyers and they dont Caw Caw.

10-27-2011, 06:12 PM
Who said Penguins can't fly?
/throws Madagascar Penguins at Smilingbird

10-27-2011, 08:41 PM
hmmmmmm, im gonna rep the glyph set if i do this haha. will give this a thought dtf.

10-28-2011, 08:00 AM
Im in

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

10-28-2011, 08:20 AM
@Brod Sry no Warbirds.

Ha jk

10-31-2011, 12:41 PM
Pm'd Sam about this tournament getting underway, waiting on a response.
This one will most likely be a 1/1 bracket style single elimination one, with a slight twist. It will require best of 3 to advance. With dodge and crits playing such a huge roll in bird fights, making it best of three may reduce playing advancing purely on luck. Thoughts?
I am looking to get a full 32 bird squad entered. It should be considerably easier to manage and execute than 5/5 ctf.
Will not be entering my bird in this one, also in need of a cohost to this event if anyone is interested.

"I BEST BIRD" Tournament. (BIRDS ONLY)

No of Participants: 32
Type: 1/1 Single Elimination Best of Three
Description: Level 56-61 Pocket Legends 1/1 Bird PvP Tournament
Forest Fight

How to Join:
--Register your bird on forums by entering yourself in the list of tournaments under competition section here:


--Write in this post your Level, Forum name, and In Game Name.

When to play:

--Tournament will begin when 32 birds have officially registered. You will have several days to find your match with the opponent the bracket generator randomly matches you up against.
Matches need to be completed and a screen capture posted on the forums within 7 days of the previous; You need 2 winning screen shots per match to advance, they must be uploaded here.


--We'll keep track of the tournament via the Competition tracker.
--First Avian to successfully win 2 rounds vs. the opponent wins. To win a match you must defeat your opponent 10 times, the player that wins twice advances to the next round.


1) Keep it clean.
2) Beginning the match before both sides are accounted for and agree to go will void the match.
3) Games must be passworded and agreed to be official by both parties.
4) There will be no rushing, both players must wait for the other to be ready and say go after each fight including the first.
5) The match must go to ten regardless of the opponents score, quitting an official match once started will result in a forfeit, thus a loss for that match.
6) All matches must be played on the same map which is Forest Fight.
7) Birds only, Int, Str, and Dex classes are allowed but must be avian.

TBH Announced.