View Full Version : Rare Hallows artifact to arcane suggestion

10-21-2017, 11:19 AM
There's been a lot of complaints about the rare lvl 2 Hallows artifacts. I honestly doubt that STS will consider compensating the people who lost millions who bought it the first day. Furthermore, as the event continues on, it's pretty obvious that the market is being flooded by these artifacts and thus ends up as almost useless. With this in mind, I suggest to make the arcane artifact craftable through the rare ones.

To avoid people from complaining about the arcane one losing value, make the crafting requirement a huge number of artifacts of the same type. I'm thinking about 50-100 of the same type, maybe even more. This way, the artifacts will actually be circulated and consumed on cafting instead of getting liquidated in inventory or sitting in your inventory with no use.

As to keep the arcane artifact price up, you could throw in a few magna and victus runes. This way, the arcane artifact is still limited by the number of halloween loots, and by the time and cost to gather the magna and victus fragments.

This is by no means a way of compensating those who lost millions but it's better than having to liquidate them to 8 gold each. It's just a way to make something off from these artifacts and maybe earn a bit of the gold people lost.

10-21-2017, 12:01 PM
We were talking about this yesterday. +1

10-22-2017, 12:04 AM
Still need to spend gold? OMG i lost 6m for artifacts and 2m for awaken..if this happen i need to spend gold again..OMG

Sent from my Lenovo S1a40 using Tapatalk

10-22-2017, 12:41 AM
Ou may gad, I hop dat.

10-22-2017, 03:57 AM
Still need to spend gold? OMG i lost 6m for artifacts and 2m for awaken..if this happen i need to spend gold again..OMG

Sent from my Lenovo S1a40 using Tapatalk

Exactly why I said this is not a way to compensate those who lost millions. It's just a way to make use of the ever growing number of rare artifacts that practically serves no use to the Arlor community at the moment.

As for compensation, this may be helpful. Quoted from the tweaks announcement.

Yes. Indeed. We will address the crafting slot issues and post details about compensation on Monday.

Very sorry for this, my friends :-/

10-22-2017, 04:40 AM
+1 for u that is a greay idea

Sent from my A11w using Tapatalk

10-22-2017, 06:44 AM
Did you already hoard few hundred artifacts?

10-22-2017, 11:27 AM
Did you already hoard few hundred artifacts?What I thought LMFAO

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

10-22-2017, 11:36 AM
While you are at it, please also add ability to craft all these ghost vanities dropped from boogie bag 2017 into Ice Golem and ghost medusa cuz let's be honest they drop even more regularly than rare artifact.


10-22-2017, 02:05 PM
Did you already hoard few hundred artifacts?Actually, nope. I do have around 20-30. And that is why I said the required number of rare artifacts have to be huge. They can even go as far as more than a hundred.

At the moment, those artifacts are listed at 1.1-2k each. Knowing that it doesn't have any use, even at that price I wouldn't bother buying them if I know I can't use them at all. I even liquidated a few coz honestly, right now, it's just a waste of space. I'm pretty sure a lot of hardcore PvE runners can agree to that.

And if they do implement it, boogie runs are easy enough that I can just run to get the amount of artifacts I need or just buy the arcane one straight up. It's getting pretty cheap anyway.

P.S. I do get your point but not everyone makes a play to get millions through conniving methods. I'm not exactly "super" rich in game, but I'm not that cheap to make such a move like that. Just saying.