View Full Version : Why is it ...?

10-27-2011, 11:18 AM
That finding players who are willing to play a game start to finish, let alone an entire campaign, are impossible to find? I've been playing pl for about a year and I started playing sl while in beta and while both have levels and campaigns and what not I have never had this issue in pl. It seems that sl players are out for themselves and everyone else is there to assist them. When they get what they want they leave, end of story.

This is one of my biggest issues with sl, I don't always have friends online to run with but I dread having to join random games or make my own. Why is this? Where has the aspect of teamwork gone?


(I am in no way saying that this is true for everyone who plays the game, this has just been my experience)

10-27-2011, 11:25 AM
Xp runs? Just for xp. If they are end lvl then iono

10-27-2011, 11:26 AM
90 percent of the pub games I join the very same thing happens to me more people leave in the middle of levels than actually finish. Esspecially on shipyard runs. I have started hosting my own waiting for others to join and saying at the beginning please leave if you don't plan on finishing this tends to atleast keep half the people from leaving early.

10-27-2011, 11:28 AM
Actually this happened in PL also. There are periodic threads about people leaving when they finished their quests versus finishing a level or campaign.

Do in SL as in PL: Just keep going or join a PUG at or close to where you currently are. A lot of times though, if just one other person is around, that's enough and we can get through.

I personally like at least completing a level.

10-27-2011, 01:03 PM
Me too. Sauce, I know this is mainly a rhetorical question - and rhetorical questions aren't necessarily supposed to be answered, but I gather it is Instant Gratification Syndrome that causes it. To me, the teamwork aspect of the game is absolutely the best part of it! I'd love to see even more situations where a full squad would be necessary to complete a quest or beat a certain boss.

I'm at the other end of the level-hopper spectrum. Sometimes I'll have someone invite me into a level, and then bail out. That's like inviting a friend over to watch the game and when they get there saying "The game's on channel 5, I'll be at the stadium" lol! In those cases, I will finish at least the level - as many times the person has left me there as the only Engineer or whatever and I feel bad to run away with my services if the squad has been relying on me.

I quite like the variety and flow of a whole campaign. When you get to the boss with the same group in place, it feels like you've accomplished something as a team. That's my typically very-long-winded way of saying I don't know either. lol!! Don't be afraid to invite or join me on a run btw - I won't leave you hanging. (IGN names in sig)

10-27-2011, 03:12 PM
This isn't a rhetorical question :) I want answers! It's nice to hear that other people have experienced this. I also often make my own games and ask people to leave if they don't plan on finishing the level, people swear they will stay and 1/3 of the way in they're gone. I am not exempt I have done it before myself, but takes more than some people doing this once in a while to create an epidemic.

10-27-2011, 03:31 PM
Hmmm...I'm thinking a public stocks in Blackstar.... ;)

I've run into it, too, WS, and it is frustrating. And I'm with Higgins, you do feel like you've accomplished something by getting through the whole thing as a group. Keep an eye on those of us who post in-favor of doing full runs, and you might find some names to add to your friends list for future adventures.... :)