View Full Version : exp lowered in shipyard?

10-27-2011, 05:03 PM
Howcome the exp output has been lowered? It seems abit unfair that what was already a hard enough task getting to lvl 36 has been made even harder! So now everyone has to do s third more work and the people who got the helm already got an easy ride....

10-27-2011, 05:34 PM
Howcome the exp output has been lowered? It seems abit unfair that what was already a hard enough task getting to lvl 36 has been made even harder! So now everyone has to do s third more work and the people who got the helm already got an easy ride....

What is your source?

10-27-2011, 05:37 PM
The fact I'm running trip exp and getting 77 exp less per run.

10-27-2011, 05:44 PM
I noticed also enhancer only got me 200 more xp instead of 300 xp kinda made me a lil confused

10-27-2011, 05:44 PM
The fact I'm running trip exp and getting 77 exp less per run. Less xp=more plat spent. People say the devs are getting greedy, i guess they're right. Just saying

10-27-2011, 05:49 PM
It's crazy how they can drop exp without warning, it means that one of these helms will now cost around 800 plats to obtain! Which is $49! Just for a vanity helm! And please don't come back with, oh but you don't need to use enhancers, because its going to be impossible for anyone to get through 49000 kills+without enhancers. Feel cheated? Yes I do...

10-27-2011, 06:00 PM
It's crazy how they can drop exp without warning, it means that one of these helms will now cost around 800 plats to obtain! Which is $49! Just for a vanity helm! And please don't come back with, oh but you don't need to use enhancers, because its going to be impossible for anyone to get through 49000 kills+without enhancers. Feel cheated? Yes I do... If they feel like they need to get money from people that badly then let them. If you feel cheated you don't have to play. Pocket legends is pretty easy to afford. Imo

The Oncoming Storm
10-27-2011, 06:04 PM
Ok dude heres and easy plan how about do 5000 kills per day for 10 days that should be easy enough

10-27-2011, 06:07 PM
So approx 80 runs a day lol your mad. That would take over 7 hours of solid gameplay. For 10 straight days.

The Oncoming Storm
10-27-2011, 06:09 PM
yeah so i might be mad but its a simple way of doing it and spreading out the 50 hours

10-27-2011, 06:12 PM
Yeah I'm shocked

10-27-2011, 06:14 PM
yeah so i might be mad but its a simple way of doing it and spreading out the 50 hours

Or Sam and the team can put the exp up and give everyone a fair chance at obtaining these helms...as they already knew how hard this mission is, so why would they go and make it harder? Sam if you read can you answer...

The Oncoming Storm
10-27-2011, 06:16 PM
well its supposed to be a challenge so it makes sense for them to make it harder considering how fast some people already made it there

10-27-2011, 06:16 PM
Yeah I'm shocked

Im not shocked hun but it does suck.

10-27-2011, 06:19 PM
So because a few people grinded non stop the rest off us get punished? So we have to put in 33% more grind then them. And 33% more plats and money, its unfair...and regardless before the exp drop, it was still a huge amount of effort to get one.

10-27-2011, 06:21 PM
In effect its still a quest. With the jetpacks they didn't let 100 people get 1000 kills then suddenly up the quest to 1500 kills. Because it would be unfair to everyone else.

10-27-2011, 06:30 PM
IMHO STS are getting very greedy... They see try pro's using enhancers every time they play they say to themselves hmm let's make it harder more money, so they do.... I have almost had it with these greedy devs!!!

The Oncoming Storm
10-27-2011, 06:34 PM
well you put up a valid point i think that they made it harder mostly to have people play the shipyards longer with guildies or friends what else will u do after u reach 36

10-27-2011, 06:59 PM
is this even confirmed seems to be the same for me and no mention of reduced xp in the patch notes so maybe the buffs were not working for some other reason

10-27-2011, 07:03 PM
At this rate (and if the loss of exp is confirmed not to be a glitch)... I think StS will try to have us pay in plat to be on the "elite" levels or to be able to gain exp for those levels. With goodies players would go ga-ga over just so they can be lured into it like a trap. In which case I wouldn't even bother with it.

10-27-2011, 07:04 PM
pfft lame back to pl since sl is gonna take longger to lvl like in slouch-o gahh

10-27-2011, 07:08 PM
Ahh todays society, so lazy, so much for putting in a little hard work to actually obtain something. Everyone wants everything served to them on a silver platter now a days. Too bad thats not how things work. Maybe STS is doing us all a favor by secretly teaching us that if you work hard the rewards at the end of the day are always better.

10-27-2011, 07:15 PM
Before we all go out gathering up pitchforks and torches and whatnot, why not wait and see if there's a confirmation first. If there is, as someone else stated, it could also be a bug (Hellzangel, you might also want to toss this into Tech Issues & Bugs to bring it to Flip or Futumsh's attention). One question in the meantime--did you level up between the last time you checked your average XP gain and this time? The higher your level, the lower the XP gain, as I'm sure you know.

Instead of getting all cranky on partial info, let's wait and get all cranky (if necessary) with the full story. :)

10-28-2011, 12:14 AM
Oh exp lowered. Is that a challenge I here? Your on devs! xD

Lvl 2 runs is about 1:40-2:20, depending whos leading you. When i lead, it's about 1:56 or so. Do that for a full hour, and you got 30 runs. It would take 3 hours to do 90 runs, considering i play more than that, with the right team(or without my laziness :p) I can get 210 runs a day. That's 7hrs of hardcore play, as was said. Not counting the weekends when i wake up around 7a.m. and start playing till 9:30p.m. (of course i take breaks lol). If i do this,with the math that was given above, I can get to 36 by Halloween! Ha genius:cool:

10-28-2011, 03:41 AM
Ahh todays society, so lazy, so much for putting in a little hard work to actually obtain something. Everyone wants everything served to them on a silver platter now a days. Too bad thats not how things work. Maybe STS is doing us all a favor by secretly teaching us that if you work hard the rewards at the end of the day are always better.

This made me laugh, there's no such thing as hard work in a video game, just repetition and annoyance. Try lifting a 10 foot concrete post on your shoulder, or shifting a wheelbarrow full of concrete over and over again in the baking sun.

And the problem is that everyone who has the helm already got an easy ride, and now everyone else has to do a lot more runs and use a lot more plat.

10-28-2011, 04:07 AM
The xp I think is good in shipyard. You get about 500xp each time you complete all shipyard maps from 1 up.

10-28-2011, 05:03 AM
Guys were exactly did you get your info because at the moment I haven't noticed it. So don't go hating on the devs for if it has happened a bit less xp just do more runs there's your solution.

10-28-2011, 05:16 AM
Is it confirm yet? If it is, i hope the dev will give back the exp to the players who suffered and even up the exp for the next few days to compensate for them.

In order to earn more money, you have to have more players to play.

How to have more players to play? You have to let them enjoy the game.

Imagine only 500 platinum players playing and none joining due to the high amount of cash involved to play.

Or you have 10k players on and only 300 players actually buying platinum? But you might have more opportunity for players buying platinum if you make them like the game.

10-28-2011, 12:08 PM
Hey guys,

Thanks for taking the time to raise your concerns. Flip and I have now learned a whole lot about how experience is granted in the game. Our Lead Programmer and our Lead Designer have walked us through how experience works from end to end. We can both report that there have been no changes to the rate at which experience is granted.

The confusing part with experience gain is the fact that there are monsters (minions, for example) that are worth fractional experience. If you take the time to go into your avatar screen and look at how your experience is changing after every time you overcome a monster, you might find that your experience goes up 1 ever other or every 3 or 4 kills (depending on what monster you are fighting, it's level compared to you, your group (if you are in one) and what kind of monster it is (minion, boss, etc.)). Basically, these monsters are worth 1/3 or even 1/4 of an exp for you (again, depending on the factors). When you add in a 3x Enhancer, a monster that was worth 1/3rd of an exp (.333333) is now worth 1 xp point. If the monster was worth .5 then sometimes you'll see 1 point change and sometimes 2 point changes with a 3x Enhancer. It has always worked this way, in Pocket Legends and in Star Legends.

If you have further questions about experience gain, please post them and I'll be happy to answer them.

The bottom line is, experience gaining rates have not changed.

10-28-2011, 12:28 PM
Nice explanation, Sam, thanks! Is there any chance you could sticky that explanation somewhere? I know the "How does experience work?" question comes up pretty often and it'd be nice to have that to point to.

10-28-2011, 12:39 PM
Absolutely i don't find any difference in the experience gained one week ago or today.Its just rumor.

10-28-2011, 12:43 PM
Nice explanation, Sam, thanks! Is there any chance you could sticky that explanation somewhere? I know the "How does experience work?" question comes up pretty often and it'd be nice to have that to point to.

Yup, I'll endeavor to spread the word :)

10-28-2011, 12:55 PM
So it was a rumor :S

I never noticed a changed and already knew about the experience gaining.

Don't go blindly believing rumors. Try to find out if it's true or not.

10-28-2011, 01:25 PM

Would it be overly difficult to have an option to see XP on the HUD as xx.xx/xx overlayed on the xp meter?
I honestly wouldn't mind bigger HP/Mana/XP meters so that they can all have optional numbers in there.

There's a lot of numbeer cruncher folk around, and seeing this info on HUD would be a lot better than monitoring the avatar screen.


10-28-2011, 08:25 PM
Hi Sam,
Just want to confirm was a full groups of team(5) gain more exp than single player?
Here what I found, with 3x enhancer. I solo shipyard's map1 only gave me 133exp. Same map With a full group I gained 169exp.

10-28-2011, 08:55 PM
Yup, I'll endeavor to spread the word :)

I posted that on my thread...so you wanna be lv 36? here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?40709-(ELIX-USER)-so-you-wanna-be-lv-36....heres-some-math.)

10-28-2011, 09:10 PM
Ahh todays society, so lazy, so much for putting in a little hard work to actually obtain something. Everyone wants everything served to them on a silver platter now a days. Too bad thats not how things work. Maybe STS is doing us all a favor by secretly teaching us that if you work hard the rewards at the end of the day are always better.

10-30-2011, 12:44 AM
Just for the record, CONSTANT WORK IS NOT HARD WORK. You say it's hard to level, no its just time consuming. Hard would be if it actually took team comp and real stat placement to succeed. But i agree it should be less time consuming to level.

10-30-2011, 08:00 AM
hey remaking the same map and rushing through it for about 6 hours is hard work man