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View Full Version : Dark Legends Ideas

10-28-2011, 05:29 AM
- Two Factions. - Werewolf Race, could have sprint, have a claw attack that could stun and or bleed its target. - Vampire Race, could run fast, bite the target which would do damage to the target and self heal the player. - Zombie Race, idk yet give me some ideas please. - Monster Hunter Race, basically a human which hunts vampires, werewolfs, zombies etc, could be melee or range dps. - Dark Enchantress Race, could be some type of dark warlock or witch, could curse the target, cast dark bolts, and revive or heal players. - Any other race ideas? - Scary or bloody zones or duengons. - Open Pvp zones only certain ones would be open pvp. These are some of many ideas I have for Dark Legends. Please post your ideas here. Please tell people to post there ideas here. Lets get this thread open and going! Slade431.

10-28-2011, 06:01 AM
Some great ideas here. I like the classes you have thought of. As for the zombie class, all I can think of is it does good melee damage, great at PVP, and is strong and agile.
Fantasic ideas love them

10-28-2011, 03:04 PM
Thank you. Now that I think about it yeah I like your idea for zombies, nice.

11-08-2011, 11:44 AM
I do like the idea of more that three classes in SL I have all three so more would be nice I also like the idea of pvp. An idea I have is like a daily reward do like 5 platinum every once and awhile or like some stims (or whatever they would be called in this game ;))

11-28-2011, 04:43 PM
To really differentiate it, how about random mob encounters in townes, zombies that wander in and threaten the unsuspecting so all toons gathered there must fight side by side to rid the towne of the menace. How you balance this with lvl 5s next to lvl 40s....well, that's not my problem.

Another thing I'd like to see is a greatly improved crafting side of things. Something you can more easily log in to check on even if you don't run through the maps. Maybe potions and elixirs you brew yourself. Items you can craft at any and all levels. The crafting in PL and SL has fallen way short of my expectations. So much that I don't much bother with it. I can probably think of a dozen other ideas but I think STS should pay me first. LOL

11-28-2011, 04:54 PM
I like all the ideas, but I don't think they should do zombies because they have those A's enemies in PL, I think as and alternate it could be a Morpher, it could disguise itself as the same thing as the enemy so the enemy wouldn't attack it, but once u use it, it takes 3 minutes to use it again! Just an idea though!