View Full Version : Tips to make gold .. ( End Gamers) Fast Gold

11-07-2017, 08:28 PM
Hi my IGN is Groogili... today i will help u how to earn millions ...

did you ever felt like you need to buy something but you can't because its so expensive?

ever felt like you want to try those cool vanities

did you feel like you want to buy those op arc set or speed set but you just dont have gold ?

worry no more my friend .. i will show you a tip on how to buy those fast..

if you need to buy speed set or something and yoy only have few golds .. the trick is to Sell everything you got (weapons, vanities,jewels, gears, eggs etc.)

note : you will lose your precious items but atleast .. you have alreadyy bought what you want ...

-if this is helpfull thumbsupp

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11-07-2017, 11:52 PM
what if he got no good items and isn't worth millions? This thread doesnt give any tips to make gold. I was expecting that I'll be reading, "If you sell your items, you can merch and that makes a lot of gold" even if u dont sell ur items tho. Just hardwork and perseverance is enough.

11-08-2017, 12:32 AM
I sold all my junk and got 500g :(

11-08-2017, 02:12 AM
Every endgamer know, how to earn gold. First of all you need buy items with gl awaken (your tip should work here if he/she has expensive items). Well, if you want earn gold slowly, play with your current no gl items.
1 Play m6 (iam playing maus for 3 months and have everything i ever wanted). 3 months ago i had junk items. Fast gold? Oh yeah.
2. Play elite sg (bad version of mausoleum, slow progress). -fast gold? Play m6 .
3. Merch (i must mention it.) -fast gold ? Depends on your merching skill
4. Support game and buy plat (spent on awa gems maybe?). -fast gold? YES

11-08-2017, 03:10 AM
Every endgamer know, how to earn gold. First of all you need buy items with gl awaken (your tip should work here if he/she has expensive items). Well, if you want earn gold slowly, play with your current no gl items.
1 Play m6 (iam playing maus for 3 months and have everything i ever wanted). 3 months ago i had junk items. Fast gold? Oh yeah.
2. Play elite sg (bad version of mausoleum, slow progress). -fast gold? Play m6 .
3. Merch (i must mention it.) -fast gold ? Depends on your merching skill
4. Support game and buy plat (spent on awa gems maybe?). -fast gold? YES

When a post is more relevant than the thread itself, you know the thread is trash..
Anyways for those who are actually looking to earn gold, go with what Marosok has told. I still havent unlocked m5 but once you unlock it, you will never go back. All the points will be worth it which you farmed for day and night.

11-10-2017, 07:32 PM
If I sell all of those junks I would only get like 15g