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View Full Version : Where are them all ?

Captain critic
11-09-2017, 05:31 AM
Where are all taverns in auc ? Trying to get one for cheapest price (specifically up to 1m or lower) also justg can you give us a hint to when the new expansion is ? You said it was happening early next year but some more hints pls ? if you can

11-09-2017, 05:44 AM
well to be honest a tavern can be purchased with 1000 platinum .... anyone selling a tavern below 4 million must be desperate for gold and needs to merch fast. Its easy to turn 1000 plat into at the very least 5 million gold.

Captain critic
11-09-2017, 05:55 AM
Im not plat user and 4m or 5m is way too expensive for me and im trying to stay close to where im at with gold

Captain critic
11-09-2017, 06:04 AM
How can we enjoy current expansion when there isnt much to enjoy XD

11-09-2017, 11:40 AM
tavern hasn't been 1m since the week of Occupation of Windmoore Event.

I wish people would just enjoy and play the current expansion instead of constantly asking for the next expansion.

Do they nott realise the higher the frequency of the expansions the faster we are heading to a standstill when it comes to content.

Lol.... Yeah........ Still trying to complete this somberholt, which is taking forever.

Captain critic
11-09-2017, 01:08 PM
Thats right motherless child, things that take forever like that isnt enjoyable much

11-09-2017, 02:32 PM
Thats right motherless child, things that take forever like that isnt enjoyable much

Yeah but, new expansion would mean more grueling goals and will constantly leave you stuck working towards the previous..............

11-09-2017, 03:51 PM
I actually enjoy Somberholt. It's been how long and still people are working through it. Combine that w/ daily raid (though of shorter interest), ap's and various farming goals, etc, and there seems to be plenty to do. I finally got a 2nd toon into maus 5/6 though not lightbearer elite yet.

Random dungeons and ranked gating work really well!

11-09-2017, 04:08 PM
Although the nightmare was a total flop with a one map no good loot, mauso is still a blast as more players have it opened now. Also people are getting more efficient at farming it as well.

As for the taverns, I don't think 1m will cut it in today's economy. You might be better off buying a cottage or a lodge if gold is an issue. Know your limit, spend within it!

11-10-2017, 03:26 AM
to have tavern at 1M there must be an event that throw a lot of them around, like graveyard location now.

I would like that things are in the way you look at it “I have 1M, I want Tavern, must find a tavern at 1M”, but market is .......(guess what xD) ......market! :) and prices float delending on rarity/availability.