View Full Version : Biosphere Boxes glitch when rewarding items

10-29-2011, 03:32 AM
The Biosphere boxes at the far end of the two rooms on the left side behave strangely when opened donno if this is one glitch or several
1> if people are standing in the room at the same distance from the box, one gets the item one does not. We remade the maps a few times, and one or two of us were getting skipped when the box was opened. We thought this was to do with where we were standing, or how close we were to the box, but it isnt, as two people standing side by side, and the box skips one rewards the other.
2> sometimes the person who opens the box only gets the items and credits, even if there are people in the room
3> The box rewards items even when a person has left the room

Donno how to cap the first two, but I got the third:

http://i.minus.com/khMTfAdS8SWjr.jpg (http://min.us/lhMTfAdS8SWjr)