View Full Version : Help uh-oh you cant connect servers up chrome beta version

Iron Hand
10-29-2011, 11:14 AM
i am getting the uh-oh servers up but can not connect message... am i doing something wrong???

10-29-2011, 11:18 AM
i am getting the uh-oh servers up but can not connect message... am i doing something wrong???

It's likely your network and/or proxy are blocking traffic on nonstandard ports. You'll get this particular behavior if you can communicate over port 80 but not port 4060.

Iron Hand
10-29-2011, 11:26 AM
uhhh... okay any way for me to fix on computer???? not computer literate as most... but understand some stuff

10-29-2011, 11:31 AM
I have got this countless times, and has been so annoying. Isn't it because the server is full. Samhayne was online when I couldn't connect, so maybe that is why

10-29-2011, 01:03 PM
I have got this countless times, and has been so annoying. Isn't it because the server is full. Samhayne was online when I couldn't connect, so maybe that is why

The servers are never 'full' - we normally operate with far more capacity than we see at peak usage times.

10-29-2011, 03:35 PM
What he is saying is that you usually have something blocking the port, like a firewall or security program running.

You need to either close it down (I never run that virus junk on my pc) or find out how to enable port 4060 so SL can connect to the interwebs via chrome.

Iron Hand
10-29-2011, 06:57 PM
okay i shut down all firewalls virus programs and still it is being blocked... grrrr.. okay i have windows seven someone tell me in laymen's terms what i need to do... obviously i do not know what to look for.

10-29-2011, 08:44 PM
Windows 7 firewall has a sneaky habit of reasserting itself. Try this:

1. Click on Start
2. Click on Control Panel
3. Under the heading "Security" click on "Allow a program thru Windows Firewall" If it's not visible on the Control Panel window, click "Security" and you'll find it listed there
4. Click on the "Exceptions" tab
5. Click on "Change Settings"
6. Click on "Add a Port"
7. Type in a name that'll help you remember what the exception is for like, "SL Port"
8. Type 4060 into the box labeled "Port Number"
9. Make sure the "TCP" button is checked
10. Click "OK"

You may or may not have to restart after that. Windows is pretty weird about that sort of thing and I don't know off the top of my head.

Iron Hand
10-29-2011, 09:27 PM
nope that is for vista i have windows7 .... just turned off all firewalls and in allow program thru windows firewall section i do not have the option to add a port. ( the steps 4 thru 9 you listed canonicalkoi are not available to me even in admin mode so there has to be something else to add port) grrr... just totaly frustrated now... ready to give up as it still will not let me on and i have done all i can think of..... any other suggestions????? for now i guess i just have o play from my phone.

10-29-2011, 11:25 PM
My apologies for not clarifying which version of 7 you were running. I am a bonehead and apparently not all versions give access to "Add Ports". :( There is a work-around.

Do the Start-->Control Panel-->Sysetm and Security thing again.
Click on Windows Firewall.
Click on "Advanced Settings" (over on the left-side).
On the left side of the page in the frame, click on "Inbound Rules", then go over to the right-side of the page there under "Actions", click on "New Rule" in the right-hand frame.
Sadly, this will open a Windows Wizard, but there's no help for that. ;) There under "What type of rule would you like to create?", you want to click on "Port" and click next.
Make sure the radio button next to TCP is checked.
In the box marked "Specific Local Ports", type 4060 and hit next.
Choose "Allow Connection" and hit next.
Choose the network type(s) you want under "When does this profile apply" and hit next
Type in whatever you want to call the rule in the box marked "Name" and you can put a longer description if you like in the box cleverly marked "Description" and hit Finish.

As I fling myself on your mercy, my only defense is that I rarely touch the Windows 7 box. it mainly sits in the corner, surrounded by a long rope made of garlic. ;)

Iron Hand
10-29-2011, 11:50 PM
My apologies for not clarifying which version of 7 you were running. I am a bonehead and apparently not all versions give access to "Add Ports". :( There is a work-around.

Do the Start-->Control Panel-->Sysetm and Security thing again.
Click on Windows Firewall.
Click on "Advanced Settings" (over on the left-side).
On the left side of the page in the frame, click on "Inbound Rules", then go over to the right-side of the page there under "Actions", click on "New Rule" in the right-hand frame.
Sadly, this will open a Windows Wizard, but there's no help for that. ;) There under "What type of rule would you like to create?", you want to click on "Port" and click next.
Make sure the radio button next to TCP is checked.
In the box marked "Specific Local Ports", type 4060 and hit next.
Choose "Allow Connection" and hit next.
Choose the network type(s) you want under "When does this profile apply" and hit next
Type in whatever you want to call the rule in the box marked "Name" and you can put a longer description if you like in the box cleverly marked "Description" and hit Finish.

As I fling myself on your mercy, my only defense is that I rarely touch the Windows 7 box. it mainly sits in the corner, surrounded by a long rope made of garlic. ;)

yeeeaaa... okay all that is what i see but guess what i still get the uh-oh message... grrrr :beaten: just kill me now...

Iron Hand
10-30-2011, 12:00 AM
.... and yes i restarted computer and checked to see if rule still allowed and yes... so maybe i just will not be able to play from this computer. ... i am getting killed by a machine with an os written by idiots. :upset::cold:

10-30-2011, 12:33 AM
I don't know if I'll have time to get on it tonight, but I'll try playing around with the 7 box tomorrow and see if I can get it to work. Sorry that it's being a pain, Iron. :(

Iron Hand
10-30-2011, 12:51 AM
die,die,die .... can i just shoot it with my sergeant repulsor rifle and heavy thumper... pleeaase???? lol :smile:

10-30-2011, 01:26 AM
I had this problem too using window 7. Will try the methods and see if i play on it later. Thanks.

10-30-2011, 01:41 AM
I use windows 7 and it works fine. Do you have a router?

Iron Hand
10-30-2011, 11:56 AM
I use windows 7 and it works fine. Do you have a router?

yes have netgear ng+ router off satellite modem.... i set all to allow for star legends still will not connect loads up just will not connect to server. :frustrated:

10-30-2011, 07:09 PM
It will always load up fine (provided graphics card, updates and everything is in order)
This is becasue the game starts up and downloads on port 80. this port is your computers connection to the world on the internet, all web browsing, downloads etc go through port 80.

Other programs like messengers, games, torrent clients etc will use ports 1 - 55000.

Software you have to protect your PC will get in the way of those ports. The biggest and most annoying program in the world is Norton Anti Virus. If your new to computers and you have this on your computer you may as well kill yourself now.

For everyone else, its probably a firewall of some kind, or system manager like system mechanic or windows firewall that is "protecting" your computer by blocking Star Legends. And, even when you close it if you Ctrl-Alt+del or run task manager you will still see it there.... protecting you..

Step 1. If you have read everything else and got to hear and nothing works, is to find out what program is blocking your ports and Google search "How to stop ****** from running at start up." or if your a kid, just ask your dad to fix it and you'll get him a beer from the fridge! :)

Iron Hand
10-31-2011, 05:46 PM
Lol nope not kid... Hehe built computer myself this year.. just not good at networking with web. SL devs says it is probably vto do with proxy... Will find out how i am a quick learner... And no norton just win security firewalls and essentials. This is my play computer for games... :)

Iron Hand
11-02-2011, 12:32 AM

Iron Hand
11-03-2011, 09:56 PM
okay need help still how can i get windows to allow access to port 4060 have already created inbound and outbound rules for this, turned of allow anti spy, virus and firewall still no luck. not a proxy issue either already eliminated that.

11-03-2011, 10:41 PM
okay need help still how can i get windows to allow access to port 4060 have already created inbound and outbound rules for this, turned of allow anti spy, virus and firewall still no luck. not a proxy issue either already eliminated that.

Open a tab to chrome://net-internals
click on Events
Open another tab and load up Star Legends there.
once it gets to the 'uh oh' screen, switch back to the net-internals tab
change the filter to 'type:Socket'
Find the last 2 entries for account.spacetimestudios.com:80 and ws://204.236.*.*:4060/ and let us know what the logs for them say.

Iron Hand
11-04-2011, 11:15 AM
Kk... Will do tonight thnx :)

Iron Hand
11-06-2011, 10:37 PM
okay not sure what you want so i will put copy of logs on here.


Start Time: Sun Nov 06 2011 21:34:26 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

t=1320636866203 [st= 0] +SOCKET_ALIVE [dt=2994]
--> source_dependency = {"id":10589,"type":4}
t=1320636866203 [st= 0] +TCP_CONNECT [dt= 4]
--> address_list = [""]
t=1320636866203 [st= 0] TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT [dt= 4]
--> address = ""
t=1320636866207 [st= 4] -TCP_CONNECT
--> source address = ""
t=1320636866207 [st= 4] +SOCKET_IN_USE [dt=2990]
--> source_dependency = {"id":10588,"type":4}
t=1320636866207 [st= 4] +SOCKET_IN_USE [dt=2990]
--> source_dependency = {"id":10584,"type":11}
t=1320636866207 [st= 4] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 547
t=1320636869197 [st=2994] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 462
t=1320636869197 [st=2994] -SOCKET_IN_USE
t=1320636869197 [st=2994] -SOCKET_IN_USE
t=1320636869197 [st=2994] -SOCKET_ALIVE

Start Time: Sun Nov 06 2011 21:34:45 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

t=1320636885398 [st= 0] +SOCKET_ALIVE [dt=3458]
--> source_dependency = {"id":10593,"type":2}
t=1320636885398 [st= 0] +TCP_CONNECT [dt= 4]
--> address_list = [""]
t=1320636885398 [st= 0] TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT [dt= 4]
--> address = ""
t=1320636885402 [st= 4] -TCP_CONNECT
--> source address = ""
t=1320636885402 [st= 4] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 97
t=1320636886880 [st=1482] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 39
t=1320636886880 [st=1482] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 248
t=1320636888856 [st=3458] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 182
t=1320636888856 [st=3458] -SOCKET_ALIVE

hope this is what looking for. thnx for ur help... it is frustrating there should be no reason i get the uh-oh message.

11-06-2011, 11:13 PM
hope this is what looking for. thnx for ur help... it is frustrating there should be no reason i get the uh-oh message.

Based on those logs, your connections are being proxied through (both of the connections say they're connecting to that address, and that's not the real destination address of either one).

That appears to be a proxy for viasat / wildblue communications.

Iron Hand
11-07-2011, 01:03 PM
Yep ... Is there some way i can correct this as satilite is my only option on my home computer... :/

11-07-2011, 09:05 PM
Yep ... Is there some way i can correct this as satilite is my only option on my home computer... :/

You should be able to either disable the proxy in the control panel, or if you do want to use the proxy most of the time, you can make another shortcut to chrome, add '--proxy-server=' to the command line in the shortcut, then use that shortcut when you want to play SL in chrome.

Iron Hand
11-08-2011, 11:53 AM
Kk will try when i get a chance and let u know what happens

Iron Hand
11-13-2011, 12:50 PM
all fixed... yea!!!! thanx to all got it figured out.

11-28-2011, 01:50 PM
Same problem here :/ Windows 7 .


Start Time: Mon Nov 28 2011 22:20:23 GMT+0330 (Iran Standard Time)

t=1322506223178 [st= 0] +SOCKET_ALIVE [dt=19647]
--> source_dependency = {"id":2308,"type":4}
t=1322506223178 [st= 0] +TCP_CONNECT [dt= 95]
--> address_list = ["",""]
t=1322506223179 [st= 1] TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT [dt= 94]
--> address = ""
t=1322506223273 [st= 95] -TCP_CONNECT
--> source address = ""
t=1322506242825 [st=19647] -SOCKET_ALIVE


Start Time: Mon Nov 28 2011 22:20:31 GMT+0330 (Iran Standard Time)

t=1322506231321 [st= 0] +SOCKET_ALIVE [dt=120735]
--> source_dependency = {"id":2389,"type":2}
t=1322506231321 [st= 0] +TCP_CONNECT [dt= 325]
--> address_list = [""]
t=1322506231321 [st= 0] TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT [dt= 325]
--> address = ""
t=1322506231646 [st= 325] -TCP_CONNECT
--> source address = ""
t=1322506231646 [st= 325] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 249
t=1322506232042 [st= 721] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 129
t=1322506232056 [st= 735] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 22
t=1322506232057 [st= 736] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 54
t=1322506352055 [st=120734] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 18
t=1322506352056 [st=120735] -SOCKET_ALIVE

BTW my previous windows 7 run it smoothly !!

11-28-2011, 01:59 PM
If you're having trouble, you might also want to get in touch with Spacetime Studios Support via http://support.spacetimestudios.com

11-28-2011, 06:51 PM
Same problem here :/ Windows 7 .


Start Time: Mon Nov 28 2011 22:20:23 GMT+0330 (Iran Standard Time)

t=1322506223178 [st= 0] +SOCKET_ALIVE [dt=19647]
--> source_dependency = {"id":2308,"type":4}
t=1322506223178 [st= 0] +TCP_CONNECT [dt= 95]
--> address_list = ["",""]
t=1322506223179 [st= 1] TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT [dt= 94]
--> address = ""
t=1322506223273 [st= 95] -TCP_CONNECT
--> source address = ""
t=1322506242825 [st=19647] -SOCKET_ALIVE


Start Time: Mon Nov 28 2011 22:20:31 GMT+0330 (Iran Standard Time)

t=1322506231321 [st= 0] +SOCKET_ALIVE [dt=120735]
--> source_dependency = {"id":2389,"type":2}
t=1322506231321 [st= 0] +TCP_CONNECT [dt= 325]
--> address_list = [""]
t=1322506231321 [st= 0] TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT [dt= 325]
--> address = ""
t=1322506231646 [st= 325] -TCP_CONNECT
--> source address = ""
t=1322506231646 [st= 325] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 249
t=1322506232042 [st= 721] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 129
t=1322506232056 [st= 735] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 22
t=1322506232057 [st= 736] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 54
t=1322506352055 [st=120734] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 18
t=1322506352056 [st=120735] -SOCKET_ALIVE

BTW my previous windows 7 run it smoothly !!

What exactly are you seeing? That looks like a successful run up to that point.

11-29-2011, 05:00 AM
What exactly are you seeing? That looks like a successful run up to that point.

Sometimes i'm getting uh-oh sometimes getting stuck on updating content !

11-29-2011, 06:31 PM

Start Time: Wed Nov 30 2011 06:35:56 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

t=1322609756840 [st= 0] +SOCKET_ALIVE [dt=598]
--> source_dependency = {"id":343,"type":2}
t=1322609756840 [st= 0] +TCP_CONNECT [dt=291]
--> address_list = [""]
t=1322609756840 [st= 0] TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT [dt=291]
--> address = ""
t=1322609757131 [st=291] -TCP_CONNECT
--> source address = ""
t=1322609757132 [st=292] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 248
t=1322609757437 [st=597] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 129
t=1322609757437 [st=597] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 147
t=1322609757438 [st=598] -SOCKET_ALIVE

11-29-2011, 06:32 PM

Start Time: Wed Nov 30 2011 06:26:45 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

t=1322609205443 [st= 0] +SOCKET_ALIVE [dt=17563]
--> source_dependency = {"id":158,"type":4}
t=1322609205443 [st= 0] +TCP_CONNECT [dt= 293]
--> address_list = ["",""]
t=1322609205443 [st= 0] TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT [dt= 293]
--> address = ""
t=1322609205736 [st= 293] -TCP_CONNECT
--> source address = ""
t=1322609205736 [st= 293] +SOCKET_IN_USE [dt= 576]
--> source_dependency = {"id":169,"type":11}
t=1322609205736 [st= 293] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 667
t=1322609206311 [st= 868] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 236
t=1322609206312 [st= 869] -SOCKET_IN_USE
t=1322609219714 [st=14271] +SOCKET_IN_USE [dt= 584]
--> source_dependency = {"id":249,"type":11}
t=1322609219714 [st=14271] SOCKET_BYTES_SENT
--> byte_count = 499
t=1322609220295 [st=14852] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 363
t=1322609220298 [st=14855] SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED
--> byte_count = 123
t=1322609220298 [st=14855] -SOCKET_IN_USE
t=1322609223006 [st=17563] -SOCKET_ALIVE

Start Time: Wed Nov 30 2011 06:26:45 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

t=1322609205444 [st= 0] +SOCKET_ALIVE [dt=17562]
--> source_dependency = {"id":162,"type":4}
t=1322609205444 [st= 0] +TCP_CONNECT [dt= 294]
--> address_list = ["",""]
t=1322609205444 [st= 0] TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT [dt= 294]
--> address = ""
t=1322609205738 [st= 294] -TCP_CONNECT
--> source address = ""
t=1322609223006 [st=17562] -SOCKET_ALIVE
please help me figure out devs. thanks a lot
my problem is at http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?43824-hello-everybody.-greetings-and-questions

12-20-2011, 11:03 AM
i did anything, disable proxy or add '--proxy-server=' but my chrome still "uh oh!!" anyone help me how to set up it, step by step. thanks alot

Iron Hand
01-04-2012, 05:36 PM
If anyone having uh-oh issues feel free to pm devs or me (devs first please lol) i can try to help you thru issues i had :) by pm though please!

09-02-2012, 11:41 AM
I cant do any of this cus im on windows xp wat do i do???

09-02-2012, 12:13 PM
I have G5 mac and i cant play sl because google has no chrome version for G5 mac. so i have enough power and ram to run like 10 sl same time without problems, but google is too lazy to customize chrome to fit G5 :(

09-02-2012, 12:40 PM
did u see if ur flash player was uptodate?????

09-02-2012, 01:41 PM
Did you see that that was from Oct. 2011?


And xp?
I think released in 2001 and support stopped in 2009. That predates Star Legends lol

Can i get a DOS version please?

09-02-2012, 05:42 PM
Lol was this necroed?

09-03-2012, 12:21 PM
lool i just saw tht :sorrow:

09-03-2012, 02:35 PM
lool i just saw tht :sorrow:

XD Yeah I had saw that Iron made the thread.So I was like,wait is Iron coming back to STS?But then I saw the date....Pffffft