View Full Version : Build for when using flame staff

11-16-2017, 11:41 AM

Was wondering if anybody got a special build for when you're using a flameforged staff. Do you put all points in STR etc? any help appreciated.

11-16-2017, 11:55 PM

Was wondering if anybody got a special build for when you're using a flameforged staff. Do you put all points in STR etc? any help appreciated.

It depends on your level and the map you are going to play. As well as what role you chose to play? Offence? or Support?

11-17-2017, 07:06 AM
Most likely to play graveyard/maus as an offensive player relying on the proc to dmg.

edit: lvl 60 soon 61

Suentous PO
11-17-2017, 09:57 AM
There isn't one build just for hex, you can go for any build that works for your gear and skill.

When summerholt expansion came out the mobs were way op, so people started trying str/int builds to compensate, that seems to be when most went to str builds (often 50/50). It's not that the staff will be better due to your build but it will shine against certain mobs (like giant skeletons), or in certain maps like higher level maus maps.
The staff is popular because it works well against mobs with high hit points, it reacts to some pets aa really well (like magma), and complements any damage over time effects, which the Mage has a lot of (fire, clock, ice).

It's fun to use in gy just for the hell of it, but honestly a dusk staff works just as well if not better because the mobs don't have high hp. I only break mine out in maus 4+, otherwise it's just for jewel farming.

Personally I'm no fan of str build smurfs, I'd rather them stop being wimps who slow down my runs XD

11-17-2017, 10:33 AM
There isn't one build just for hex, you can go for any build that works for your gear and skill.

When summerholt expansion came out the mobs were way op, so people started trying str/int builds to compensate, that seems to be when most went to str builds (often 50/50). It's not that the staff will be better due to your build but it will shine against certain mobs (like giant skeletons), or in certain maps like higher level maus maps.
The staff is popular because it works well against mobs with high hit points, it reacts to some pets aa really well (like magma), and complements any damage over time effects, which the Mage has a lot of (fire, clock, ice).

It's fun to use in gy just for the hell of it, but honestly a dusk staff works just as well if not better because the mobs don't have high hp. I only break mine out in maus 4+, otherwise it's just for jewel farming.

Personally I'm no fan of str build smurfs, I'd rather them stop being wimps who slow down my runs XD

Thanks for the detailed answer! I might just swap my staff out for a dusk staff then. A lot cheaper as well.

11-18-2017, 11:06 PM
Thanks for the detailed answer! I might just swap my staff out for a dusk staff then. A lot cheaper as well.
I ll suggest you to keep the flame staff for maus 3/4+, as well as buy a dusk staff once you reach level 61. Both the staffs compliment offensive play style, though flame staff will give you an edge with parties where other mage use flame staff/immortal staff, things die quickly with its proc. You will mostly be going str/int 50/50 or full int build for offence, but you will have to choose and tweak the build yourself depending on the gear you choose.

I will suggest full int build if you are going to use Voice or Nightmare set. Mix str/int 50/50 or full str built if you are using Legendary (Brutality/Assault) set.
A damage dealer who can stay alive and can do sustained damage is anytime better than one who does burst damage but dies quickly.

11-20-2017, 03:56 PM
Thanks for the detailed answers guys! really appreciate it :D

06-12-2018, 08:39 AM
Sorry this is an old thread, but I found it useful and have some input on the subject.

I've found Wildfire to be great all around for GY/Maus, and useful for any map that you can stack, clock (freeze), and burn. A Dusk Brutality staff is good for more spread out maps (and much cheaper).

After tinkering with a few builds, I've found some success with a 2:1 INT/STR builds, giving enough HP for GY/Maus and enough damage to keep pace.

- Shield (all except kickback)
- Clock all
- Heal all
- Gale all

All passives except crit (I have heroic Littlebear for that ;P )

Shield Mastery (10/10) for 15% bonus [seems like a lot - 10 skill points - for only 15% bonus, but I feel it's worth it]
Gale 2/10 for removing debuffs
Clock 2/10 for freezing

I have found that when I remove heal, the party starts complaining nonstop for mana, but I do have firebolt as well for solo'ing.

- Helm: since DMG doesn't matter as much as proc, Go for Brutality, (Int / Str/ DMG) or Security (swaps armor for dmg). The Mythic helm is more expensive and I haven't found it to be worth it to buy(haven't tried)

- Armor: Mythic (Undying Husk int/str) armor is a nice upgrade (extra gem/awake slots are underrated) and not too expensive (15k+). If you can afford it, get the Iron lung armor (Slightly better but in the 200-300k range vs 15k+ for undying husk)

- Belt: (DMG Build) Int/Str/DMG (Mind order gems for dmg), OR (Durability Build) Build - Str/Int/Armor with fury/hp gems

- Ring: Int/Str/DMG or Str/Int/Armor

- Necklace: I like to use the wild talisman of will (Str primary, Int 2nd, armor, dmg, 1 h/s) with HP or fury gems for durability , or the Int/Str/Dmg build with mind order gems for dmg.

- Artifact: 5STR/5INT alacrity (cheap and good)

- Pet: Heroic Littlebear (Durability!!), Heroic Cottonkill (best value IMO), or Nightshade (with Nilbog AA for Curse in GY/Maus)

Conclusion: Having a few options for durability vs damage doesn't have to be expensive. Dusk/Light gear is often under 10k. Having STR as primary stat on Belt/jewelry (even above INT) is good, and can make you much less squishy, while also having the ability to swap for straight damage.

Question: Did Order gem damage get fixed (it was working everywhere before, now is it only Somberholt)? Thanks. I haven't really noticed a difference and I use straight Order Mind Gems for my DMG build

06-29-2018, 09:04 AM
Sorry this is an old thread, but I found it useful and have some input on the subject.

I've found Wildfire to be great all around for GY/Maus, and useful for any map that you can stack, clock (freeze), and burn. A Dusk Brutality staff is good for more spread out maps (and much cheaper).

After tinkering with a few builds, I've found some success with a 2:1 INT/STR builds, giving enough HP for GY/Maus and enough damage to keep pace.

- Shield (all except kickback)
- Clock all
- Heal all
- Gale all

All passives except crit (I have heroic Littlebear for that ;P )

Shield Mastery (10/10) for 15% bonus [seems like a lot - 10 skill points - for only 15% bonus, but I feel it's worth it]
Gale 2/10 for removing debuffs
Clock 2/10 for freezing

I have found that when I remove heal, the party starts complaining nonstop for mana, but I do have firebolt as well for solo'ing.

- Helm: since DMG doesn't matter as much as proc, Go for Brutality, (Int / Str/ DMG) or Security (swaps armor for dmg). The Mythic helm is more expensive and I haven't found it to be worth it to buy(haven't tried)

- Armor: Mythic (Undying Husk int/str) armor is a nice upgrade (extra gem/awake slots are underrated) and not too expensive (15k+). If you can afford it, get the Iron lung armor (Slightly better but in the 200-300k range vs 15k+ for undying husk)

- Belt: (DMG Build) Int/Str/DMG (Mind order gems for dmg), OR (Durability Build) Build - Str/Int/Armor with fury/hp gems

- Ring: Int/Str/DMG or Str/Int/Armor

- Necklace: I like to use the wild talisman of will (Str primary, Int 2nd, armor, dmg, 1 h/s) with HP or fury gems for durability , or the Int/Str/Dmg build with mind order gems for dmg.

- Artifact: 5STR/5INT alacrity (cheap and good)

- Pet: Heroic Littlebear (Durability!!), Heroic Cottonkill (best value IMO), or Nightshade (with Nilbog AA for Curse in GY/Maus)

Conclusion: Having a few options for durability vs damage doesn't have to be expensive. Dusk/Light gear is often under 10k. Having STR as primary stat on Belt/jewelry (even above INT) is good, and can make you much less squishy, while also having the ability to swap for straight damage.

Question: Did Order gem damage get fixed (it was working everywhere before, now is it only Somberholt)? Thanks. I haven't really noticed a difference and I use straight Order Mind Gems for my DMG build

what do you mean by 2:1 INT/STR

07-02-2018, 01:40 PM
what do you mean by 2:1 INT/STR

Each 2 points you put on int, you put 1 in strenght