View Full Version : Grind to Level 36 Group

10-29-2011, 08:07 PM
Ive been playing pocket legends for a while now, played the star legends beta and liked it then stopped playing them both for a while. Now I want to make a new character in Star Legends and get a group going with a lot of people that would love to grind to 36 with me. Im going to make a new character because in beta I only played engie. Please add me in pocket legends my names are Coruck and Skurlorg for we can talk. Now what class should I bee in sl? Also why doesnt my platinum in pl go over to sl? I really want to get a bunch of people that would love to make a grind to 36 group.

10-29-2011, 08:14 PM
Here's a little about each Class :)

Same as PL,

Com Tank/Ursan

Pro's - Health (Survivability), Pest Control skills and DODGE!

Con's - Slower kills, can use quite alot of PPs (PowerPacks)

Op DPS/Avian

Pro's - Killer! (DPS), Fast kills.

Con's - Lower survivability, Reliant on Engi and can use heaps of Stim.

Engi Heals&Dgm Skills/Enchantress

Pro's - Only class that can use revive! Heal others with Empathy (3xTicks over a certain amount of time), also players use this as a DPS Engi, DODGE works well with this class also. Damage to your enemies while also taking that health and healing yourself.

Con's - Not many cons that I can think of for this class, only that its more of an overall type of player. (Not the best Tank or DPS)


Personally I level all 3 class and love to learn each and every skill also play types. But as most know here Com is my main! and will never change. Even if the Com gear falls through sometime in the future, I will always be a Com at heart. Though one more thing I would add is which ever you pick as your Main you always find you can always seem to find that play type and add it to any other alt you use, which can have quite alot of disadvantages.

Been around since closed Beta, so would be good to run with you plus tryna hit 36, add BodMasta :)

Your gona have to grind like crazy to start a new player and hit 36! (36 - 49,810 alone)

10-29-2011, 09:33 PM
Cool thanks for the info. Add me Coruck. I level pretty fast in pl I got 1 to 29 in less than 2 days only like a couple hours with no xp potions