View Full Version : Update is looking to Add to the Ranks

10-31-2011, 03:43 AM
I ran through a lot of plat leveling Downloads & Http to 36, a lot of the time being careless & buying Elixers in Ship Yard runs to save time going back & forth to the Guild Hall.
(THAT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE!) 4 plat doesn't seem like that much when you have over 2000 Plat but it does add up. I am usually the host of the run so leaving real quick sort of breaks group moral depending on who you are with. Some of the younger generation can be very inpatient at times. That 4 Plat you save by going to the Guild Hall is really worth making the trip. I would be half way to 36 if on Url all ready if I hadn't have been so careless.

SO PLEASE. Learn from my mistakes & use your Discounted Elixers from the Guild Hall. If you are really in need of a Guild for these Discounts. I am the leader of Update and anyone is welcome! Currently looking for 28+ members to keep SY runs up & running. Still very behind on this goal. All though the guild is still small in numbers we Have a Tier 3 Guild Hall for discounted Stim Packs & Elixers. I am a strong believer of Quality of Quantity when it comes to Guild Numbers. It has been frustrating starting Update due to most the Quality players that are active are happy with the Guild they are in. That is fine. Alts are welcome as well. I also stared the guild a week before the level 36 cap raised, so timing wasn't perfect. On top of running Update with Downloads I am also a loyal member of Knights of Cydonia. I am happy with KOC and I feel right at home with them. I started (Update) to help out people in need & help guide newer players on the right path in between Big Updates. I needed something to keep me Busy & Interested in between these Upadtes & this level cap raise has really slowed down how active I normally am with my guild ( I am sorry about that all, you all are loyal & great guildies! ) I am getting closer to Achieving my goals for this Content! Try my best keep my Guild informed which toon I will be playing on if they need to contact me for any reason. Currently I will be on URL most of the time until she reaches 36.

So if you have a Character that is in need of a Guild for the sole purpose of these Discounts or you are just looking for a good Guild Atmosphere, Send me a tell on 1 of the 3 toons in my signature. Friendly, knowledgeable & I try to be as helpful as possible. ( This does not mean Power Leveling every toon that joins ) lol.
You would be surprised how many players in SL & PL demand things or help. That is something I do not tolerate at all. Asking in a positive way works much better. I always give fair warning in a curtious way, but have had to remove players for simply being selfish & not fitting in with the culture of the Guild.

All members try to practice best manners when interacting with others or within the guild. So if you are a hot head, tend to cause arguments or just have trouble getting along with people this Guild may not be for you. Your more than welcome to try us out but were not a big fan of attitude.

We try to help each other out as much as possible. ( In between updates I will randomly join guild mates games that are working hard at leveling and help them out with a few zones, its always appreciated )

We keep guild chat Clean, I am a jokster myself & have no problems with laughs or fun. But there is a fine line & it will be brought to your attention privately if you cross that line.

Officer is achieved by Standing out as an Outstanding Guild mate.. It is not just handed out to anyone. There is no 1 way to reach officer in Update. I will promote as I see fit from all aspect of your character, How you handle yourself & interact with others Etc. One of my pet peeves is being begged for anything, especially begging to be promoted. I have Lead a few guilds in a few differnt games (Eq2, Wow a couple others) to great hights before I finally retired from them. Always left them in good hands Leadership wise and a couple are still thriving to day.I have learned from past experience that choosing Officers is always a make or break decision for any Guild Leader . It is always up to the Guild Leader & talked about with Officers who seems deserving.

So if you are looking for a home or just plain need Discounted Stim Packs or Elixers, come join the ranks! Anyone is welcome to Update and that will never change!